TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?
276 answers:
2016-12-03 14:04:18 UTC
Chicago has been run by Democrats for a long time, as has Detroit. If the liberals want these problems fixed, they need to realize and accept the fact that their own party is at fault and change it. Violence actually escalated during Obama's presidency in cities like Chicago; and the same local people keep getting elected. And now these same hypocrites will criticize Trump? You need a REALITY CHECK!!
2016-12-03 12:31:31 UTC
Chicago's strict gun laws play a factor in this. I was born and raised here, when citizens don't have the ability to protect themselves from crime, crime goes up. It's the same idiocy with gun free zones. I'm a gun owner and I vote Democratically, although I consider myself a classical liberal, odd how shootings in the past couple years have occurred in "gun free zones". That being said chances are Donald Trump probably won't do anything about Chicago's high violence except for maybe what Obama has done and give a few speeches about it.
jeffrey f
2016-12-03 20:04:32 UTC
That is something for the city of Chicago to deal with, not Donald Trump.
2016-12-03 16:20:21 UTC
Donald Trump cant really do anything to help Chicago. The state and local government need to help Chicago. That city has a lot of the wrong government in power. They need to create more programs to help the city of Chicago.
I said doctormrmd
2016-12-03 10:56:27 UTC
The mayor of Chicago is an Obama clone so you know he will do nothing. Trump will do nothing until he is inaugurated if he does anything at all. He is into states rights and feels that the states should take care of their own. It is very apparent that groups like Black lives Matter don't exactly think that Black lives matter because they do nothing to protest against the mayor and all of his stooges for enacting ordinances that prevent law abiding citizens from carrying guns to defend themselves and their neighborhoods against tyrannical law breakers. Oh I'm sorry the group Black Lives Matter only serves the interests of George Soros their benefactor. ......and the Hypocrisy lives on. Let the State of Illinois deal with the city of Chicago for once.
2016-12-03 09:37:50 UTC
And what did Obama do about it during his 8 years? Nothing. Maybe Black Lives Matter should start protesting THOSE killings since more Black lives are taken by other Black lives everyday then they are by police officers, Black or White.
2016-12-03 09:59:41 UTC
No. That falls under the US Attorney General, Hopefully we will have a real one when Trump takes office.
2016-12-03 09:28:50 UTC
TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?

LOL. uhh that's been common problem in big cites , especially Chicago, for along time > it's not for Trump to fix > it's up to Chicago people & politicians > whiner !

** LIFE cannot be GREAT till whining, stupid, lying, hating, greedy ... BAD HUMANS are GONE !**
2016-12-03 21:19:32 UTC
Obama is still in office so it's actually his problem to deal with not trumps but if trump wants to help then good for him! But till obama leaves he should be the one doing something about it and get off his butt and not be playing golf all the time instead. He is the worst president we have ever had I can't believe people actually elected him let alone a second time. Sorry not sorry!
2016-12-03 12:19:16 UTC
No. That is the jobs for the Chicago mayor and the Illinois governor.

And it seems it is time to replace Both of them since they can't do their jobs properly.
2016-12-03 09:18:05 UTC
nope. CHICAGO POVERTY AND DRUGS is indeed the cause of the problem. its not going to go away fast
Enter Name
2016-12-05 04:36:57 UTC
Chicago's shootings and its other problems are the result of decades of Democrats running the city. Chicago is a great example of how not to run a city. It's a cesspool of crime and despair. Chicago voters have always chosen the candidate who promises the most freebies. Thus, the slickest candidate wins. Mayor Rahm Emanuel is a despot who cares nothing about anythng except enriching himself at other peoples' expense. Trump can hopefully improve the economy at the national level, but as long as Chicago is a crime hole, not too many businesses are going to want to stay there. And it would be absurd to think that any business would willingly relocate there. When voters vote for freebies for themselves, they are actually disincentivizing commerce. Businesses leave because of high taxation. With no commerce, there is no revenue for the local governments, and thus no money for freebies. Eventually, nothing is left but lawlessness. Cities like Chicago need to learn this lesson or perish.
2016-12-04 00:39:23 UTC
The next month will see, he will hire a new police force which will study more as the Germans and will send those who were used to Obama's turmoil to their homes. If you mean right now, he could denounce publicly Obama's mismanagment, so this duplicitous ruler would do at least something to avoid the public condemnation.

While policies to prevent and punish felonies would keep dangerous persons in jail, it could not stop the evil, for that other measures should be taken, like forcing TV channels to avoid certain kind of practices with regard the violent scenes or forbid all the violence at all on TV, remember the shooting at Aurora? It was because violence in the media as a role model.

The country needs the day of resting as Spain and Germany have it and look how peaceful are those countries.

He must declare Curfew, he has to invest more in education and clean the schools of gangs like he has promised and introduce courses in prison so the people really regenerate there and when they get out they'd be useful people in society. Trump could also ask the Pope to exorcise the country as he did in Mexico the last year.

You'll see how his measures take effect immediately as when one has the real intention to rule like who serves and not like the one who wants to be served.
Luke Fort
2016-12-03 14:34:08 UTC
A shocking percentage of Chicagoans live DEEP poverty. Deep poverty is defined as living halfway below the Federal poverty line (This means a family of 4 living in deep poverty would have an annual income of around 12,000 or less). So Chicago is very poor and has been for quite some time. Deep poverty affects all aspects of life, one of the most important being education. The schools are poor, the books are outdated, and the teachers don't care. People with poor education and very little money who have family members tend to get desperate and turn to crime. In order to make quick money, many turn to selling drugs in order to just survive and live. At the same time the drug war has created so much pressure on these communities that many people who are doing what they can will go to prison, tension rise and the police force stops caring. So Trump can either admit that the drug war is a direct cause or he can add to the problem by enacting stricter drug and crime law
2016-12-05 05:56:51 UTC
Trump claimed that he would retract all guns from gangs, but there's no way he could do that. It's breaking the second amendment. I'm aware that if someone misuses their firearms, they are deprived of the second amendment, but just because someone is in a gang doesn't mean that they've committed a crime with a gun yet, it's just that the probability of it happening increases. So, trump really can't do anything about the shootings in Chicago. It's almost like trying to stop cyber bullying online, it's impossible.
2016-12-05 07:18:32 UTC
I live in Chicago and love President Donald Trump. But even President Trump can not stop us Chicagoans from taking care of business.
2016-12-05 05:36:01 UTC
When the major of Chicago has announced he will harbor illegal aliens who commit crimes, things will not get better.

The city of Chicago has consistently been crime and gang infested. Until the citizen of Chicago make a decision they want a better life and live in harmony, they would have to make a decision to change the political leadership in that city.

A president might have a wide range of powers given under the constitution. A president is not able to do anything with or to a city or state unless a request from the major or governor request help or aid.

I don't expect the major or the governor to request any assistance from the federal government. The president would not be able to do anything about a local problem.

I hope this has been of benefit to you, good luck.

2016-12-06 14:26:37 UTC
The thing is that Chicago, along with a number of other cities, has seen a spike in shootings during the past year when compared to the past 20 years. In fact in Chicago to August there were almost 80 homicides, the highest since the late 90's. Normally, and this is based on facts, not fancy, the homicide rate in Chicago is lower than many other cities with lower populations. What is interesting is the increase in shootings has followed Trump's entrance into the Republican race and continued to grow once he became the candidate. Just an interesting coincidence I guess you could say.
2016-12-05 01:30:42 UTC
President Trump should call out the National Guard and post a curfew in Chicago. Then go after the gang leaders under the RICO act and lock them up. After this he should do what can be done to train the people in these so called ghetto's so that they can better themselves and most importantly something needs to be done about fathers that abandon their kids which seems to be the root cause of so many problems.
2016-12-04 23:00:30 UTC
illinois has a governor and chicago has a mayor...oh, and they have a police department.

the president cant do much.

just fyi, as a chicago resident i can tell you that the shootings are in 2 places; the west side and the south side...and it is 99% all gang bangers...occasionally someone gets shot by a stray bullet but it is almost all gang bangers and i honestly dont think the police care too much to prevent these shootings because they see it as a good thing that so many criminals are being killed by other criminals. i know that sounds harsh but i have 3 friends who are Chicago cops and i know a whole bunch more and they dont seem too concerned about these shootings.
2016-12-06 02:33:29 UTC
There are too many gangs in Chicago, responsible for the vast majority of the shootings. Trump cannot do anything about the gangs. No president can. Get a clue.
2016-12-03 16:57:32 UTC
He is going to talk to Durtere about it. Offer him the job for 100 days. At the end of that. Drugs will be down by 90%. Many important people will be out of office, jobs, or dead. Including many cops. mayors & such. Shootings will sky rocket for 100 days. Then become rare. As only a few shooters will be left the cops do not want to speak to. At the end of 200 days drugs will be down by 98% only a few will use them in there own homes hiding out. Not a street problem. As appointe He will also round up all illegals & put them on a boat in lake Michigan for transport home. Or break down on the Canadian shore. Chicago will be known as the calm & peaceful town. Americans may not like. But in Davao when he became Mayor. It was known as a H@ll Hole town. When he stepped down not lost a election & said I have done my job here. It was the 3rd. Safest major city in the world. He was forced to become President. He has 90% public support in the job he is doing. Some don't like him. Last week his car blew up with his body guards in it.
2016-12-04 05:05:25 UTC
What does Trump have to do with the shootings in Chicago?

The damn Blacks that are killing each other every day in the "Windy City" are the ones who need to do something about it -- like...ohhh...stop shooting each other? Shocking concept, I know, but it's the truth.

Yeah, and stop using violence for the solution to everything. It's hard to imagine a Black doing anything peaceful -- that's being too White -- but, still...
2016-12-04 08:36:55 UTC
The situation in Chicago is a local issue. The federal government INCLUDING Donald Trump can do NOTHING until Rahm Emanual gets off his a$$ and asks for federal help.
2016-12-05 00:50:10 UTC
Chicago is a black city with a lot of crime, he is already doing something by making it so there is more police worldwide an so that all of them can do more to fight crime. He should make being in a gang illegal too that would significantly reduce crime. An then he should make it so lie detectors can be used in court so that we can catch all the rapist as well. And then maybe america will be cleaned up a bit from all the scum who have thrived here for too long.
2016-12-05 07:15:06 UTC
Yes I think Trump should come to Chicago and walk alone down the middle of the street on the South Side of Chicago. would enjoy that very much
2016-12-04 05:14:42 UTC
The Donald and wife slutania and children of the corn should go to Chicago often and hang out on the streets. I'll hope for a drive by.
2016-12-04 00:57:29 UTC
Trump cant really do anything to help Chicago. The state and local government need to help Chicago. That city has a lot of the wrong government in power. They need to create more programs to help the city of Chicago.
2016-12-04 19:24:31 UTC
Every gun lobby represents a cash donation

whereas each firearm victim won't take a dime

out of the President's pocket. What President

Trump can do is ask the Gun Lobby to raise

the ante after any particular public outcry that

their White House is indifferent to all voters.
2016-12-04 12:23:06 UTC
The real question is "why isn't Obama doing anything since he's the president".

Instead Obama is encouraging it.

Trump's plan is to help jobs come into areas and improve living conditions but if the area is still killing each other there and burning down cities then he's not going to be able to help out.
2016-12-05 10:47:33 UTC
Let's let him take the oath of office and be president before we expect him to do anything. At any rate, I believe Trump will empower law enforcement and also foster better education and jobs for those who take on crime as a means of supporting themselves and to occupy themselves.

I don't know if he'll have all the answers, but I do think that things can't possibly get worse.
2016-12-03 15:27:40 UTC
Can the government really do anything without a martial law cause obviously local law enforcement isn't doing its job or maybe they can't without being considered a racist .

Martial law with the military support would set a curfew and rules and could possibly detain and search a entire area , go ahead and shoot back the military has m4's and 240b machine guns and larger numbers plus vehicles that could run over your cheap house. If the entire population fights back we also have artillery and mortars that could clean a entire football stadium with 1 fire mission ,
2016-12-04 15:16:11 UTC
TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?

Its not only Chicago shootings, it is all over America. Also, Donald Trump will not to do anything because he is connected to the NRA and his money and and a lot of his business comes from his sale of weapons. So he will actually avoid this topic as much as possible.

TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?

TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?TOO MANY CHICAGO SHOOTINGS. should donald trump do anything?
jacob f
2016-12-05 03:18:10 UTC
I believe Trump should work with state and local officials to create more law enforcement in the suburban areas and take the police out of the ghetto and let the well (let's just be honest black people) wipe themselves out. They hate cops anyway do it's a win win. No cops, firefighters, or ambulances will be sent to the hood. They don't pay for these things anyway.
2016-12-04 10:25:15 UTC
While speaking to America before he won the election, Trump said he could end the violence in Chicago within ten days. I am so excited for him to be able to do that for us! What a harmonious city Chicago will be when Trump follows through with his plan for no more violence in Chicago! (Said no one with a speck of sense in their head, ever!)
2016-12-03 12:39:42 UTC
The best thing to do would be for the federal government to buy up all the drugs at the border at an agreed on price. Deal directly with the cartels. Grant the cartels Letters of Marque so they can 'deal' with anyone who attempts to smuggle drugs into the country. (Art. 1 Sec.8 of the US Constitution.) We could also free up some of the troops in Germany, attach them to the Coast Guard and have them patrol the border. Put the various 'ethnic' drug gangs under the RICO Act as well. All of the above are legal under the Constitution.
2016-12-03 17:53:55 UTC
What the hell is the matter with you stupid brain dead liberal idiots that you can't understand Trump is not POTUS yet? He has no power to do anything yet, other than Trump has already done more good for American as President Elect than that scumbag illegal alien muslim piece of $hit hussein 0bama did in 8 years.
2016-12-03 09:35:06 UTC
Most of the shootings are due to drug cartels and gang wars. With closing the border and deporting the criminals, much of that will stop. MS-13 is mostly from Mexico and has increased radically in the US since Obama has been president. Trump has promised to get rid of the gangs and cartels.
2016-12-04 23:57:40 UTC
The country needs the day of resting as Spain and Germany have it and look how peaceful are those countries.

He must declare Curfew, he has to invest more in education and clean the schools of gangs like he has promised and introduce courses in prison so the people really regenerate there and when they get out they'd be useful people in society. Trump could also ask the Pope to exorcise the country as he did in Mexico the last year.

You'll see how his measures take effect immediately as when one has the real intention to rule like who serves and not like the one who wants to be served..
2016-12-04 14:20:34 UTC
Chicago is Obama's hometown. I really thought he would have gone there more than once and tried to diffuse the situation. Trump cant do anything, he has no authority.
2016-12-07 07:39:41 UTC
Donald Trump is not President yet. What the heck is Obama doing other than trying to manipulate gun control.
2016-12-05 10:00:24 UTC
Donald Trump hasn't been inaugurated and is therefore not the president yet, only the president elect so even if he wanted to do something he couldn't as of right now.
Tad Dubious
2016-12-05 05:14:55 UTC
Yes, Jennifer. He should make some business calls like he did in Indiana and put some jobs in that town so people can WORK instead of KILL. He said he was making America great ... let's see him start with Chicago!
Dark Daughter
2016-12-06 12:45:52 UTC
YES if he can. If I were him, I suppose what I would do is send top police and maybe even people with military experience to go and patrol and protect that place. Perhaps send many detectives and sherrifs too. And also on top of it all, I would definitly be making sure legit news reporters are getting all the information they can too, so that families know what is going on. And also, I would find ways to inform all these families on how to stay safe.
Jon B
2016-12-03 21:28:02 UTC
No WHY SHOULD HE? I mean isnt that GayBarry bathhouse Hussein Ben Lyin Ohomo's hometown?!?!? WHY doesn't HE do something about it?!?!? Oh yeah that's right.. He doesn't care...ALL Hussein cares about is protecting his want to know something ironic? That's what the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan leader of the Nation of Islam stated in one of his sermons..He said Barack Obama turned his back on the black community and has NOT EARNED a legacy in the black community...he's right Obozo hasn't..FINALLY somebody with a BRAIN who is BLACK calls it EXACTLY what it is..I'm not black or a Muslim but I have TREMENDOUS RESPECT for the HONORABLE Minister Louis Farrakhan...
2016-12-06 17:33:40 UTC
Of course Trump should do something. Build a wall around Chicago and send the bill to Illinois. Or better yet, bomb the **** out of them like he would ISIS.
2016-12-03 22:05:49 UTC
Hell no! Le them continue to shoot each other until they are all dead. Let Emanuel deal with it when he comes out of his ivory tower that is protected by 90 secret service. Those in Chicago have always seemed to be ruthless and deadly... let it happen. Enough lives lost trying to change these people!
2016-12-04 14:57:55 UTC
Build a wall around Chicago. Walk away and leave it for 2 years. Come back and start over..
2016-12-03 15:22:17 UTC
trump het on the horn to whatzizname,'rahm I'll help ya out, 300 more cops, in the course of duties they will piss someone off who is here in violation of the law,the have to get sent back, released felons,we want a list, no help unless you agree,, you spend the money on anything but hiring and trainin cops,I send some marshals do drag you in


77 murders so far this year,

hope n change is dumpster juice
2016-12-07 17:57:05 UTC
Why should Donald Trump do anything. Let that disgusting city destroy itself. The city is just full of idiots who can't use words so they shoot each other *cough* blacks *cough*
2016-12-03 13:03:59 UTC
Yes. Trump should nuke Chicago. Then Chicago's crime rate would go down to zero.
2016-12-03 18:27:00 UTC
When someone has a criminal background ,part of the penalty should be a periodic check for weapons . The cops know who these people are and what they drive . If weapons are found in their car it should mean automatically back to prison. They would not take the chance of carrying weapons then . That would cut down on crime and save lives .
Jaded Angel
2016-12-03 13:29:23 UTC
In my opinion, what should be done, is marijuana should be legalized on a federal level. For all states. Not just certain ones. Nobody smokes pot for sh!ts and giggles. People smoke because they have underlying chemical imbalances such as bipolar, anxiety, add, schizophrenia, etc. And believe you me, there is A LOT of people with chemical imbalances. A good percentage of people with imbalances would rather smoke up than take pills, because people taking pills generally don't like feeling "fake" or like a stepford wife. People don't like feeling isolated like that. And then, the feds need to take it to the next level, and make sure that THC free pot is also available to consumers. (as there is medical evidence that the cabinoids are good but THC itself is anxiety inducing) There are too many "middle men" in the pot biz that are in with gangs and such, and sadly they also get wrapped in with coke and meth and then you end up with mentally detached individuals all hopped out on crack and ready to shoot somebody over being on their drug dealing "territory." Legalize It = getting rid of gangs = getting rid of violence. In my opinion, that is the only way to truly get rid of the crime in Chicago. Everything else is just putting a band aid on a leaking pipe.
2016-12-05 12:40:47 UTC
Trump should deport all the illegals in Chicago problem solved. The cartels have most of the territory in Chicago and if the illegal cartel and mafia members were gone that would put a huge dent in them
The Sheepdog
2016-12-04 21:32:19 UTC
Its not directly the president's call to make, but what he has said at least twice, is calling for an LEO task force to take down the organized gangs. If you eliminated gang violence, you'd eliminate the vast majority of those chicago murders.
2016-12-05 23:03:54 UTC
It's up to local officials to take care of local issues. Chicago needs to kick all of its current bums out of office and vote in people that give a care about its citizens.
2016-12-03 11:18:58 UTC
Perhaps he will after all the FBI cleaned up Chicago once before and if they reduce some activities they might focus on reducing some of the gangs that produce a lot of those killings.
2016-12-05 22:31:19 UTC
Yes, he should get a badge and some six-shoorters and ride in on 12.00 o'clock train and clean the town out.

The misspelling represent a Chicago-area pronunciation.
2016-12-06 16:31:24 UTC
Everyone deserves a second chance for salvation even the hardest of criminals. Given they have the opportunity to turn their lives around for the better through an open job market to give them a decent education, clear all their records clean, and get themselves a career, will they take it or continue to choose a life of sin and crime? That is the big question here.
2016-12-05 06:04:38 UTC
2016-12-03 19:07:35 UTC
1) The percentage of African American serial killers is 40.3%.

Serial killer - Wikipedia

2) 43% of murders committed in the US were committed by blacks.

---- FBI Uniform Crime reports. 2010-2014.

3) Chicago: 71% of Murderers are Black

4) New York, if there are only whites, the murder and rape rates will both go down to 10%.

Race-Based Crime Statistics released by NYPD for 2012

5) 38% of police killers are blacks.

FBI report, Officers Feloniously Killed, Profile of alleged known assailants.

6) Blacks killed by blacks: 90 percent.

FBI, Uniform Crime Reports data, for 2014

7) Civil wars In Africa

1,000,000 people were killed during 100 days, constituting as many as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population.

Rwandan genocide - Wikipedia


2016-12-05 07:04:19 UTC
I'm sure he could do SOMETHING which had been better then NOTHING like Obama has done. But Obama doesn't care about deaths in his own city.

Also, if Chicago and Illinois cared then they can do SOMETHING themselves! Start with the mayor!
2016-12-11 04:42:28 UTC
the mayor of chicago is an obama clone so you know he shall do nothing... trump shall do nothing until he is inaugurated if he does anything at all... he is into states rights and feels that the states should take care of their own... it is very apparent that groups like black lives matter don't exactly think that black lives matter 'cause they do nothing to protest against the mayor and all of his stooges for enacting ordinances that prevent law abiding citizens from carrying guns to defend themselves and their neighborhoods against tyrannical law breakers... oh i'm sorry the group black lives matter only serves the interests of george soros their benefactor... ..................and the hypocrisy lives on... let the state of illinois deal with the city of chicago for once...
2016-12-03 16:51:42 UTC
The dimocrats run Shootcago - if they continue to turn violent criminals loose while making it illegal for law abiding citizens to defend themselves, it will only get WORSE.

To fix Chicago we would first have to remove the decades old dimocorrupt party from power which has driven Chicago into the ground.
2016-12-04 08:08:58 UTC
Who cares about Chicago. If the blacks shoot each other there is less of them and that could only be a good thing.
2016-12-04 05:54:23 UTC
Today 12/4/2016, Louisville had its `112 shooting homicides this year. In 2015, it was 50 homicides.

Update as of 12/10/2016. the homicide rate is up to 118 . There was a double shooting homicide on 1/10 as well and the day is not over yet.

You do the math.

In 2017, Louisville, KY might have the Windy City beat in the number of homicides.
2016-12-06 14:39:43 UTC
He already is. Bringing jobs back. Stopping the constant drug flow from the boarder. Creating more opportunity for predominantly black people who cause these shootings who tend to live a poor unproductive life style. He also suggested stop and frisk in high crime infested areas.
2016-12-04 20:04:33 UTC
The gun crime problem in Chicago is a problem to be solved by the citizens, police and government of Chicago.

No federal intervention or enforcement would be appropriate, Chicago and its citizens must resolve this problem.
2016-12-04 15:59:10 UTC
All he can do is require full enforcement of federal gun laws and prosecute every convicted felon caught with a firearm in that city. This is something chairman obama and his Attorneys General has adamantly refused to do, preferring to let guns be sold across the border to Mexican drug gangs.
2016-12-04 10:43:00 UTC
2016-12-05 13:40:06 UTC
Can I suggest something?

Well I think what Donald Trump should do is get shot.
2016-12-06 03:24:49 UTC
As long as partisan hatred dictates that Thump is a White Supremacist and nothing else, he won't be allowed to help with that problem. Maybe a 'Community Organizer' can help.
2016-12-04 06:16:32 UTC
Your question should really be why has the mayor, Rham Emanuel done nothing? I think Trump will do something but not directly. If nothing else, Chicago has taught us that gun control does not reduce gun violence.
2016-12-03 23:39:12 UTC
not Donald Trump.
2016-12-05 06:19:44 UTC
No, because Trump isn't even president yet. Obama is. He's only a president-elect right now.
2016-12-05 08:45:11 UTC
Yes, Trump should allow a well-armed militia to go into the areas in question and kill everything that moves.
2016-12-04 05:30:08 UTC
I hate to say this but Clinton started a race war. Trump can't do nothin about it. I'm sure she told people in her rallys to fight if she lost.
ken g
2016-12-04 05:00:10 UTC
It's pretty obvious...MAYOR Rahm Emanuel has done a miserable job and is incapable of handling the situation. He should be made to step down outright...Remove the suckup liberal trash that are assigned to oversee the police and install a no nonsense chief who understands what needs to be done. Bust up drug activities, Busting heads, jailing thugs and taking no **** needs to start day one!
2016-12-06 18:54:46 UTC
2016-12-03 20:50:36 UTC
stop thinking that trump is the end all be all of this country LOOK if we could do something about this bullsh't happening don't you think we would have already.....what the hell do you think he's gonna do about it tell me how you can stop hate i'd like to hear the answer that would work for this kind of element
2016-12-03 09:20:09 UTC
no. he already said to issue a mandatory pat down on sight. no one else wants it. as putin said, democracy doesnt work. it prevents you from making your own decisions. which... is also a good thing. because trump could just decide to nuke chicago and it would be done.
2016-12-03 10:43:39 UTC
Y does it have to be Trump ? is he the only person in this country that can get things done ?
2016-12-05 07:27:28 UTC
I know I went there for a week and my car almost got broken into twice Chicago is full of greasy Blacks.
2016-12-03 13:53:46 UTC
2016-12-04 20:33:35 UTC
Trump has pledged to abolish "gun free zones" and the unconstitutional gun laws in cities like Chicago, NYC, and D.C. once law abiding citizens are free to carry guns in places like Chicago, gun violence will fall rapidly.
2016-12-04 07:21:32 UTC
Obama tried a million times to deal with the gun problem, but even after horrendous massacres, the gun nuts and NRA crowd always blocked him. The president, whoever he or she is can do NOTHING about this gun craziness because of the 2nd amendment. So people will continue to kill each other with glee.
2016-12-06 18:04:46 UTC
Uhhh... maybe he can "build a wall" around Chicago...? Or go there and bore them to death? No, tRUMP doesn't have the courage or cojones to try anything, never mind!
2016-12-06 12:10:12 UTC
Why are you looking at Trump and not at Rahm Emmanuel. He cares more about protecting Criminal Illegal aliens than worried about the safety of the people who live there.

Blame Rahm Emmanuel.
2016-12-03 12:48:34 UTC
2016-12-04 19:01:40 UTC
Well Obama was debater they and President for 8 years. Why didn't he do anything about it
2016-12-03 13:06:50 UTC
What Chicago needs is a close of Dirty Harry.
2016-12-04 19:57:17 UTC
He will do something, he'll give more people guns. More guns, more people to defend themselves in dangerous cities like Chicago.
2016-12-05 20:19:49 UTC
Trumps not president at the moment, so he cant really do much. When he is president (**** that is gonna suck).. he will most likely make it worse. not just in Chicago, the country.
2016-12-04 04:54:26 UTC
It's the gullible voters in Chicago that need to take action.
2016-12-04 10:12:50 UTC
Nope. Black lives don't matter in Chicago, otherwise BLM would be protesting in those neighborhoods where people die by the bucketload every weekend.
2016-12-03 12:26:07 UTC
Institute a conceal carry permit, stand your ground laws and a very broad castle doctrine and see what happens to crime.

Lets test the theory more guns less crime what do you liberals have to lose besides your kids when they try to commit murder or armed robbery?
2016-12-04 11:34:37 UTC
Well Chicago just like Detroit. It's a **** hole. And until lord Democrats are dethroned it's just going to be a **** hole.
2016-12-08 20:02:23 UTC
Open season on Chicago thugs. For every one you kill you get $50 in food stamps.
2016-12-05 11:12:49 UTC
Chicago is a template for future amerika
2016-12-03 11:59:00 UTC
6 months into the new year. You will not recognize the city of Chicago.
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-12-03 12:13:35 UTC
When Trump gets off his expensive vacations and off the golf course maybe he will do something about that....OH WAIT A MINUTE.....oooops never mind.
2016-12-04 17:09:12 UTC
2016-12-03 14:37:19 UTC
Yes. Donald Trump should simply make it illegal to kill people. Then all the violence will stop.
tha lickmaster
2016-12-04 15:45:29 UTC
Chicago needs to do something about it - Obama's boy Rahm should be able to handle the task, I mean he is a democrat and all. idiot
2016-12-05 08:56:20 UTC
Just militarize the police over there and do the law like duerte. enough of this soft handed ****. Deal with the problem till there's no one left to cry "racism!". Law needs to be deaf as well as blind at this point.
2016-12-04 07:18:22 UTC
Maybe, but Chicago in general is a crime state
2016-12-03 09:17:44 UTC
No. Trump is not officially president yet. There is still the electoral vote to make the final decision.
2016-12-03 11:26:27 UTC
Obama isn't and that's where he is from. Why should Trump?
2016-12-03 11:50:45 UTC
Maybe the Chicago Politicians on the pay roll of the mob should be held personally responsible and convicted of the crimes they encourage and allow.
2016-12-05 07:29:46 UTC
Trump has absolutely no authority to do anything about anything.
2016-12-06 06:25:30 UTC
Can we just destroy sanctuary cities already.Just kidding.They will be forced to comply 1st by denying fed.funds & then if that doesn't work & they are not complying with laws about alien criminals then things step up.
2016-12-05 09:31:03 UTC
You are wishing on a stars

he isen't going to do anything

he only knows how to sell

houses. he is a broaker

nothing more. we lost

when he he became

the skape Goat
2016-12-05 09:08:20 UTC
Why are you concerned about Chicago shootings? Nearly all of the victims and perps are black gangbangers and drug dealers.
2016-12-04 06:53:49 UTC
Why should he, it's Chicago's problem. Let them figure it out.
2016-12-06 20:47:13 UTC
Hmm! Yes, mobilize all such hoods. Bring in the military and curfew till people learn how to be civilized?
2016-12-05 00:27:06 UTC
Donald should ask the mayor what his plan has been since he is pals with Obama and then do the opposite.
2016-12-05 22:52:42 UTC
Quarantine Chicago. No one gets in and no one gets out.
2016-12-04 09:21:25 UTC
Eventually, if there are enough shootings they will kill themselves off. This is a decision they are making themselves. We are not losing any good people by any means. Just thugs.....
Dr. Jeff
2016-12-03 22:05:22 UTC
That will not stroke his ego. Remember, that is ALL trump wants is adoration and ego stroking. He doesn't care about anyone but himself...ever.
2016-12-03 19:42:50 UTC
I've been moved from levothyroxine to unithroid. I couldn't have lived this long without them.
2016-12-03 11:27:14 UTC
Someone should shoot Trump.
2016-12-03 09:17:17 UTC
chicago has a large number of police shootings. its getting out of hand. its only worsening
2016-12-03 13:49:38 UTC
Chicago will never change
2016-12-03 09:19:03 UTC
well, CHICAGO IS IN a state of emergency. you need fast action. 2.5 billion is spent each year in chicago due to gun crime
The First Dragon
2016-12-04 03:36:10 UTC
I don't see what he could do, considering that this is a State of Illinois matter.
2016-12-03 12:46:06 UTC
You need to rely on BLM after all, they are the one's who tied law enforcements hands. Obama completely ignored the problem as do all SJW's since they are safe in their all white communities. As far as I'm concerned, the black community made their beds, now let them get raped in them. They brought it all on themselves. It is racist for whites to get involved.
2016-12-05 13:09:17 UTC
2016-12-03 11:03:51 UTC
When everybody had jobs, crime rate was low. To reverse the trend, you bring back jobs. The tax base grows and they have more money for police and jails.
2016-12-04 12:28:52 UTC
Ban guns
2016-12-05 11:49:27 UTC
Yeah, he should avoid Chicago like the rest of us.
2016-12-03 13:07:24 UTC
Moolania should speak up. It's on her
2016-12-06 17:05:09 UTC
Yes, by overriding all state laws and allowing ccw indefinitely throughout the country.
2016-12-04 12:55:28 UTC
If you step back and look, most of the cities in distress are or were until the recent election Democratic. Hmmm?
2016-12-04 06:41:02 UTC
Move the US capital to Chicago!
2016-12-04 16:54:52 UTC
Obama didn't do anything the past 8 years.
2016-12-03 23:45:31 UTC
Of course
2016-12-03 19:57:27 UTC
Hmmm yes
2016-12-03 14:09:00 UTC
Yes build the most famous modern wall with 50.000 volts going through it .sorted and keep muslims out
You Know . . .
2016-12-03 21:50:06 UTC
Yeah, move to Chicago, LOL!
2016-12-05 22:02:43 UTC
What should he do? He isn't even the president, yet. Do you think he is secretly a masked super hero or something?
2016-12-05 11:07:21 UTC
move to Chicago
2016-12-04 09:22:54 UTC
not donald trump
2016-12-03 18:56:22 UTC
Yes trump should leave the premises
2016-12-04 11:14:20 UTC
Trump will probably not do anything
2016-12-03 17:20:38 UTC
face it! it is time for the "untouchables". i was watching a "bait-car" episode on t.v., and the people in the neighborhood started to swarm the minute an untended car was left as bait on the street. they swarmed on the prospect of being able to steal something. it is like watching slime in motion. yeach, you need "gang-busters"!

who is fighting the police the hardest, those who are most apt to be jailed. who is more nervous when the police are on their tails when driving, the criminals. face it! chicago needs the "untouchables".
2016-12-06 15:45:35 UTC
He is not capable because it has to do with inequality in funding education, low incomes, one parent families and a culture which glorifies gun violence.
2016-12-04 10:45:27 UTC
supply free guns to all Chicago residents they can protect themselves
2016-12-03 09:23:53 UTC
I think he should make people let police do their jobs. Lots of police aren't doing anything now for fear of scrutiny and the criminals know that.
2016-12-03 12:38:06 UTC
Stand in the crossfire on a soap box yelling "would everyone quiet down!"
2016-12-03 18:17:31 UTC
To reduce violence, (1) GET AMERICA BACK TO WORK (2) end Obama's commn core nonsense and work to improve inner-city schools (3) Get American citizen men FATHERS back in their homes by helping them get back to work, by treating ex-cons like the citizens they are and tweeking our anti-family welfare programs.
2016-12-03 12:30:45 UTC
1. police.

2. military

these are the only two -people that need guns.

Miliitia means the state -police.
2016-12-03 12:32:23 UTC
he is not a politician, police chief, commissioner etc of Chicago, it is not his responsibility to do anything
2016-12-04 10:48:36 UTC
Send Obama back there.. he is transparent enough to make a difference.
2016-12-03 09:27:01 UTC
trump promised a new deal for black america
2016-12-07 13:15:55 UTC
It is the responsibility of state and local government to deal with it.
2016-12-06 19:45:03 UTC
he definitely should. he wants to kill all of ISIS but can't stop his own people from killing each other off?.. seems more sound if he starts in his own country then eradicate killing elsewhere afterwards. just makes more sense
2016-12-04 02:03:28 UTC
Double times the police officer.
2016-12-07 01:59:12 UTC
Yes, but I don't think he could do anything to stop it on his own.
2016-12-05 04:57:31 UTC
The question is how to deal with it since the problems are more complicated than just guns
2016-12-04 11:23:59 UTC
Declare martial law in the worst affected areas.
2016-12-03 17:39:45 UTC
Yes. He should become a volunteer cop in his off time.
2016-12-04 23:49:37 UTC
Trump will only pay attention to the crime rate is the people doing the crime are Hispanic.
2016-12-03 20:55:04 UTC
The conservatives aren't going to ask him to do so, because he is white. Well, actually orange.
2016-12-05 10:11:50 UTC
Deport white people
2016-12-04 20:12:46 UTC
Yes - institute real firearms control.
2016-12-04 23:39:39 UTC
Quit while hes ahead
2016-12-04 13:33:55 UTC
Yes tell Obama to move back there .He fuc.ed it up send his daughters to school there see how they like it .
2016-12-04 17:19:34 UTC
Nothing much. Americans, White and Black, are insane about guns and violence. No laws can change that.
2016-12-04 17:56:59 UTC
there's a lot of shootings everywhere really
2016-12-06 07:40:10 UTC
Why should he do anything? It is the mayor's Bum Emannuel's problem, what has he done? Nothing!
2016-12-05 07:38:30 UTC
Yeah he should add more cops and maybe even have the cops there bring out tougher measures.
Nick S
2016-12-05 05:33:34 UTC
He shouldn't
2016-12-05 16:43:34 UTC
Yes but he can't
2016-12-06 03:12:03 UTC
Yes. He should do something from R&S point of view. It will prove his real worth.
2016-12-05 09:47:28 UTC
Yes, he should build a wall
Jhon B
2016-12-04 05:36:19 UTC
No matter what, people will find a way to get guns and the killing will continue
I feel better
2016-12-06 23:24:53 UTC
How many Illinoise governors are in prison?
2016-12-03 13:18:58 UTC
Nothing he CAN do. At present he is just Joe Public.
2016-12-03 22:30:02 UTC

If Hillary supporters want to slaughter each other,who cares ?
2016-12-06 02:30:42 UTC
I would imagine he will probably buy an munitions factory to cash in.
2016-12-05 13:03:14 UTC
2016-12-05 08:09:47 UTC
Years of liberal democrat rule have caused this. It will not change until liberals and democrats are gone.
Website Teacher
2016-12-04 07:36:21 UTC
Of course

He would also needs ideas, help, etc on curbing the problems.
2016-12-05 11:48:34 UTC
Kick the nïggers out *dusts off hands*
2016-12-04 06:12:35 UTC
Obama didn't do anything! They must like it that way.
2016-12-05 04:38:12 UTC
trump has a brain and at his term he will do whatever will be necessary.
2016-12-03 11:43:24 UTC
IMO THE LAWS HAVE TO CHANGE TO REALLY SERVE JUSTICE: anyone who commits a crime with a gun or other weapon should be executed. Murder, rape, kidnapping, child molestation...with or without a weapon should also be executed.
2016-12-04 07:11:49 UTC
Yes shoot himself
2016-12-03 21:38:01 UTC
trump isn't even in office yet.
2016-12-05 05:28:29 UTC
I blame the dindus, blacks shoot more whites then vice versa yet the lib media never mentions that!
2016-12-06 13:38:23 UTC
Local control, if you may call it control. Dems are in charge locally. It is their baby.
2016-12-04 22:38:29 UTC
2016-12-03 11:44:33 UTC
"The only solution to this problem is to hand out guns to everyone so we're all equally safe."

- Republican Party
Gwendolyn J.
2016-12-04 01:28:11 UTC
El-Chapoo Can do Something
2016-12-03 15:35:10 UTC
I love guns
2016-12-04 03:58:31 UTC
Yes but I know he won't!
2016-12-03 15:57:26 UTC
i not like chicago and i really not like michael jordan
2016-12-05 13:25:15 UTC
chicago is the most dangerous city in the u.s. nothing can stop the shootings.
2016-12-03 11:20:16 UTC
2016-12-05 08:47:30 UTC
He should walk through the neighborhood, without security
2016-12-03 11:11:12 UTC
maybe the black mayor should do something about it instead of protecting illegals.gun control has not will help.good jobs will help.
2016-12-05 23:09:32 UTC
What? When he supports the gun lobby thst is a major cause!

Forget it!
2016-12-05 05:31:07 UTC
Sounds like a minority problem, no republican wants to help
2016-12-04 11:00:34 UTC
Can't help these people
2016-12-04 06:54:08 UTC
Get rid of blacks over the wall simple
2016-12-03 23:36:13 UTC
no. chicago should be left how it is to continue reducing the african american population
2016-12-04 07:49:58 UTC
He can't do muchb
2016-12-04 15:26:37 UTC
Run by dems
2016-12-03 14:33:09 UTC
2016-12-08 06:57:21 UTC
Yes he should, but doesn't want to because he is just scum.
2016-12-04 02:18:26 UTC
He could get in the middle between them.
2016-12-03 18:54:49 UTC
He doesn't care
2016-12-05 11:31:00 UTC
2016-12-03 14:24:43 UTC
Blame them blacks and them mexicans wherever they are crime is out of control
2016-12-05 09:43:57 UTC
2016-12-03 16:23:00 UTC
as of now no cause hes not president yet
2016-12-04 10:01:47 UTC
Not much of a loss to us, so leave them be.
2016-12-04 02:53:31 UTC
No, let them kill each other, they will ultimately come to realise the futility of it
2016-12-04 07:14:30 UTC
He is going to fix alota stuff .
2016-12-05 07:49:37 UTC
Wall it off & let'm shoot it out.

2016-12-03 14:46:02 UTC

2016-12-04 18:29:30 UTC
Yes he should
2016-12-03 22:35:28 UTC
Yeah,about as much as bamba.
2016-12-04 05:04:47 UTC
Obummer did nothing!
2016-12-03 15:11:24 UTC
He probably won't
2016-12-04 16:51:00 UTC
yes he should becuase the police department needs to be expanded.
2016-12-03 10:14:52 UTC
no.. let them continue to kill one another this is a sanctuary city problem
2016-12-05 10:15:00 UTC
yes strict policy on gun control
Spock (rhp)
2016-12-03 09:27:21 UTC
no. this is a Dimocratic city and a Dimocratic problem.
2016-12-04 23:23:36 UTC
No, CarolOklaNola should cuz she knows everything!
2016-12-05 13:21:04 UTC
Yeah. get a gun and control the streets.
2016-12-03 13:00:19 UTC
Well he should since he is the president
2016-12-03 16:12:19 UTC
Obama has not done anything.
2016-12-05 03:19:45 UTC
mike m
2016-12-03 18:25:22 UTC
Why?? They are mostly killing each other, good way to thin the herd.
2016-12-04 05:45:14 UTC
yes he should. stand in front of a bullet.
2016-12-05 09:19:46 UTC
2016-12-03 17:54:31 UTC
I don't know.
2016-12-05 04:36:40 UTC
I dont know
2016-12-04 21:59:33 UTC
2016-12-05 08:02:18 UTC
It will happen regardless
2016-12-05 07:29:58 UTC
2016-12-05 09:29:50 UTC
2016-12-04 17:32:23 UTC
He will
2016-12-05 03:10:07 UTC
Yes, he should and he will.
2016-12-05 12:40:13 UTC
Execute those illegal shooters and be done with them.
2016-12-03 13:47:11 UTC
he cant he is Not President YET
2016-12-05 07:59:34 UTC
Shoot someone
The Football God
2016-12-05 16:29:53 UTC
WTF do you think a President can do about a local problem? Hell Obam is from there and all it did was get worse.
2016-12-05 14:11:34 UTC
Of course he "should." But, that does not mean he "would."
2016-12-04 06:13:43 UTC
2016-12-03 17:31:44 UTC
Send all of the blacks back to Africa....
2016-12-04 15:14:03 UTC
yes he should
2016-12-03 21:36:58 UTC
alliances who have alliances
2016-12-05 17:20:12 UTC
Go and hide ................he might talk himself into being next
2016-12-05 07:57:04 UTC
Lock up all the blacks
2016-12-03 22:14:48 UTC
2016-12-03 19:35:11 UTC
2016-12-03 14:16:45 UTC
2016-12-06 09:05:07 UTC
2016-12-04 04:30:35 UTC
What can he do
2016-12-04 20:17:19 UTC
2016-12-03 17:25:20 UTC
2016-12-05 11:11:46 UTC
U ahould
New here
2016-12-04 11:05:10 UTC
How about the POTUS do something!!!!!
2016-12-04 05:53:53 UTC
2016-12-03 23:27:04 UTC
he should but he wont
2016-12-03 09:19:31 UTC
not really
2016-12-07 08:07:05 UTC
2016-12-03 13:25:47 UTC
2016-12-05 08:12:19 UTC
should he? yes. will he? no.
2016-12-04 11:03:02 UTC
he should
2016-12-03 13:56:15 UTC
Black on black? F u c k it.
2016-12-03 22:57:23 UTC
2016-12-04 20:01:53 UTC
burn chicago, BURN!!!
2016-12-04 14:37:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.