Anti-McCanns - stop posting q's and a's on here!!?
2007-05-29 15:16:03 UTC
Seriously, all the posts with negative comments.. why bother? Surely it doesn't do anyone any good? I know I have stopped reading them - going over the same old comments. Yes they made a mistake, yes they seem to be keeping it together...but don't forget they have an abundance of professional help around advising them to think positive... None of us knows how we would act if this were to happen to us.. and things do.. all it takes is a turned back for 1 minute, a phone call where we don't pay 100% attention - even wonderful parents don't keep their eyes on their children all the time..
37 answers:
2007-05-29 18:12:56 UTC
i think everyone is entitled to say whatever they like on yahoo answers .its when personal attacks take place and the whole thing turns into a big slanging match that spoils a good debate.some can give it but they cant take it.
2007-05-29 18:20:12 UTC
So only people who have nothing bad to say have a valid opinion? tsssk

"all it takes is a turned back for 1 minute" but that isn't what happened, is it? Do you actually know what happened?

What about poor Madeleine? You show lots of concern and understanding for her parents but what about Madeleine herself? Our sympathy and thoughts should be directed at Madeleine and no-one else.

The McCanns made their bed and now they've gotta lie in it. Whatever suffering they're going through is insignificant compared to what Madeleine will have felt/be feeling. That poor child went through God knows what and all because of what is described as a naive mistake.

Every time I hear someone try to justify this as a 'naive mistake' I just get more and more wound up. THAT is why i'll keep posting negative comments. There is no justification.

It's a worrying state of affairs when a child is abducted due to neglect and scores of people run to defend it as a 'mistake'. Makes you wonder how many more children will end up being the victim of this kind of 'mistake'.
Cpt. Willard
2007-05-30 03:42:30 UTC
No. It's called free speech. We can post whatever we like and leave any answer we like. And parents don't watch their kids all the time but they sure as hell don't go out and leave them alone in a house for several hours because they want to have dinner. I travelled all around Europe as a child (under 7), as well as to the US. I remember going to all sorts of places, even in the evening because my parents always, ALWAYS, took me and my brother with them. Even when I was tiny and my Dad's car got clamped while he was out late, my mum went to pick him up and, though it was late and we'd been in bed, she put my brother and I in the car in our coats. Even for a ten minute trip down the road she did not leave her children alone in the house. The McCanns were selfish and stupid and if something terrible has happened to their daughter, they will have to live with it. If they had done that in this country, left three children under four in a house alone, they would be investigated by social services. I think many people feel sorry for the child but I have no sympathy for the parents.

And I'll say what I like, thanks.
Emm H
2007-05-29 17:34:39 UTC
I agree with you to an extent about the amount of questions etc. I have to confess i have asked two myself. I think that i'm entitled to express my opinion in answers/questions because i'm a member of the public. The Mcanns have involved the public by asking for donations in aid of some unknown reason. I understand what you mean about the mistakes thing aswell. Although it was 3 very young children left on there own while they went out to have dinner. The hotel provided a care service, which they chose not to use. What if there had been a fire or some sort of emergency nearby ?. In the eyes of child services, not me, that is child neglect.
2007-05-29 16:30:21 UTC
...the real problem is an innocent 4 year old girl is still missing...

Just think on that for a moment.

Now ask yourself, why? Who should she have been with?

Imagine that innocent 4 year old girl wondering where she is, who she's with and what's happening to her. Imagine how frightened and bewildered that innocent 4 year old girl is. Who do you think that innocent 4 year old girl will be wanting right now? That's right. Mummy and daddy...the very two people who left her alone in the first place.

I am sick to death of reading "It could have happened another way, no-one watches their kids all the time, everyone leaves their children sometimes"...whine, whine, whine. I'll let you in on a little secret shall I? Shhh. Don't tell anyone...


Are you not beginning to see why people are so angry now? Does it not make sense to say that people are only so angry because they care about what happened to Madeleine, if we didn't care, we wouldn't get so angry in the first place, would we?

For the record, this has absolutely nothing to do with being wonderful or perfect (because that stupid little remark is beginning to get on my **** too), it's called being a mother.

Don't worry Honey, I'd love to tell McCann this face to face, he'd have nothing to come. I worked in event security for 6 years with the top event security company in th country, in a 22,000 seater arena in the middle of Moss Side and Salford with the likes of Snoop Dog playing and Tyson fighting, please believe me, I don't need to hide behind anything or anyone. ...Incidentally, how is he feeling? P*ssed off that the money isn't rolling in fast enough? Aww Bless. Poor lamb.
2007-05-30 00:06:11 UTC
I'm so bored with this story... sorry the little girl is missing but thousand go missing every year. Maybe, if the parents were less media savvy then some sympathy would be more forthcoming! Anyway, off to Rome where child protection has always been an the front of the catholic church!
2007-05-29 16:50:08 UTC
One thing I would say is that I would be DISTRAUGHT!!

I certainly wouldn't be writing 'blogs' on a website or jogging to see how many minutes it took me to reach a certain point on the beach!. Perhaps if the McCanns showed even the slightest sign of emotion there would be less nasty comments on here about them.

What would worry me is that the spotlight is forever on the two of them and not on the missing child; hopefully it will be resolved soon - can't begin to imagine what must be going through her little mind.

'JOELYBOY' - how right you are!
2007-05-29 18:58:45 UTC
Most of the pro-McCann people are people who only aspire to be a higher social class than they presently are. I have noticed that.

I think they have class envy so they latch onto the McCanns hoping that a bit of it will rub off onto them...which is a shame really. The saddest thing is that actually feel that they have something in common with these people.... and that in a different scenario the McCanns would actually socialise with them..! That's a hoot!
Iron Serpent
2007-05-29 15:27:32 UTC
They didnt make a mistake, they left 3 kids alone night after night while they went out dining which is blatant neglect!

The initial reports said that they were only a minute away and were checking on them every 30 mins. Even if that was true, it's still not good enough. The birds eye view of the complex shows how far away they were from the appartment and it is some distance.

The other 2 kids should be put into care due to parental neglect because this is what would happen in the UK. Or are they above the law?
2007-05-29 15:23:03 UTC
I think that it was a little more than a mistake don't you? But yes you are right, Mr McCann certainly thinks that he didn't do anything wrong at all by leaving his three babies alone which is slightly worrying. I really am not clear why these people went through all the bother to have IVF when they abandon their children - worst, when one is abducted because of their actions (sorry, mistake) they then continue to leave their two remaining children yes, you have guessed it - with total strangers.

They are most certainly keeping it together very well - that, I can be postiive about. Smiling for the cameras, daily blogs and jogging updates - now a visit to the Pope. They are good at some things it would seem but certainly not being parents.

People are turning on them as they do not appear to be sorry for what they have done to their daughter - they have no shame.

By the way, turning your back on your child for one minute is of course "normal" (MrCann has a distorted view of normal) - leaving them alone for hours while you go and stuff your face is not.
2007-05-30 00:57:11 UTC
Don't read the questions then.

I wish it was that easy to avoid Gerry & Kate McMoney on the news, in daily papers or on the front cover of some magazine.

i am fed up with their money making exercise.

perhaps if they talked more about their daughter Madeileine than they do about themselves and the "Fund", they wouldnt get so much criticism.
2007-05-29 17:31:38 UTC
kittyCat - I don't see how you can ask people to stop

posting q & a on here!!

Unfortunately we do not all agree that is what makes

a great debate. Surely, we are ALL entitled to offer our

opinion - or ask someone elses opinion.

Instead of wasting points telling people what not to q & a

don't you think its best to ignore them and probably move

on to the next one. I know one thing we ALL agree on and that is by some miracle little Madeleine is found. Minxy.
2007-05-29 15:24:22 UTC
No I WILL NOT stop posting comments. I live in a democracy , I am entitled to freedom of speech and if you do not like it then quite frankly you can go and live in North Korea.. ...or better still Iran!!

P.S As I have stated on many occasions.. as long as the McCanns' law breaking is condoned, I shall continue to post comments about them...!! If this is something that you do not care to read about then might I suggest that you go and make a yellow ribbon or undertake something equally useful to these people!!!

"Lesroys" Loving your response!

"Letinitbe" - Shouldn't you be sitting behind your Magistrates bench and aspiring to be Middle Class???? LOL
Part Time Cynic
2007-05-30 00:20:09 UTC
Practice what you preach ! ...2 points. Since you ask me to stop posting answers .... why you put the flippin' question in the first place he?

Maybe you should get some professional help?
Beau Brummell
2007-05-29 15:26:28 UTC
Are you employed by Yahoo as an adjudicator? If so why haven't you picked up on the abusive questions posted by the McCann supporters, at least 4 of whom are trolls?

Triptipper, they might even take a long walk on a short pier.

Lesroys, don't hold back, what about a Glasgie kiss!

Make that 5 trolls, Lettinit has just qualified but for a horrible answer to another question.
des c
2007-05-30 00:36:19 UTC
They have even left the twins on their own now, what ever next in this sorry saga.
2007-05-29 15:21:15 UTC
Pro-McCanns - stop posting q's and a's on here!!?

Seriously, all the posts with positive comments.. why bother? Surely it doesn't do anyone any good? I know I have continued reading them - going over the same old comments. They made a mistake, they seem to be keeping it together...and don't forget they are cashing in fame and fortune from Maddy's disappearance... We all know how we would act if this were to happen to us.. and things do.. but wonderful parents keep their eyes on their children all the time..
2007-05-29 18:35:23 UTC
Far be it for me to cast aspersions on the intellect of you McCann 'supporters' but just to continue with the 'Lesroys' theme, I note that not one but THREE of you (Plato, Claire N, Kiki) have all written 'Here, Here!'

And to think that I always thought it was 'Hear, Hear!'

Silly old me.

Well, at least you have barrie b's 'surport'


Oh dear.
2007-05-30 00:54:27 UTC
well i think the jury is in mate!

triptipper is 110% right - freedom of speech - youve had your say - everyone is entitled to theirs aswell!
2007-05-29 18:01:03 UTC
I wish Pro-McCanns would stop putting stuff on here-I guess we both lose don't we?
2007-05-29 15:22:55 UTC
Why is Yahoo questions and answers all for positive answers only ? I can't recall reading that in the rules. It's called a different opinion . No one is forcing you to read the McCann questions . How it must feel to live in the perfect world were know one asks questions that could upset anybody else.

Welcome to the real world were we ain't all sheep or lemmings .

edit " well stop Reading the questions . They is thousands of non related McCann questions on here for you to answer.
2007-05-29 15:34:58 UTC
Phil McCann the Glasgow fishwife has spoken! Again!

(PS: Don't know whether you knew this, but tagging a question mark on to the end of a statement does not a question make).
2007-05-29 15:20:14 UTC
Excuse Me? If you condone the McCanns leaving their 3 children alone, then obviously you are as bad as what they are. Why defend someone who are obviously in the wrong.

*Edit* Well said Triptipper* I am laughing with tears rolling down my face. Hehehehehehehe
2007-05-29 15:32:40 UTC
I agree. Personally I don't know if I would have done the same thing but just think. They were still in the same building. It could be looked at like a big house. You don't sit in your child's room all night long do you? They simply went into a different room of the "house". It is such a shame that this has happened and I hope that this little girl is found soon. I think that I am a pretty good parent but like you said we can't keep our eyes on our children 24/7. Just today my daughter pulled the dresser on herself. Thank goodnesss she is ok but it scared the crap out of me as well as her (she'll be 2 in July). I turned my back for 5 seconds and look what happened. I realize she is going to get hurt and as much as I try to keep an eye on her its hard and I am only human. So I wish people would realize that these people are only human and that I don't know what I would do. They are already in enough pain right now why do people have to criticize them and make them feel worse than they already do.
2007-05-29 15:19:17 UTC
No but they don't go out for food and leave them on their own
2007-05-29 15:21:38 UTC
Erm... since when was it up to you to decide what Qs & As are allowed/disallowed?
2007-05-29 15:23:18 UTC
Here Here!!!

No one has never had a party in the house down the road an took turns to go look in on kids!!!

The last thing you dream of is the house being broken into and ya child stolen

Give them a break no one could punish them as much as they must be punishing themselves!
susan will of the wisp
2007-05-29 16:31:39 UTC
well said !I think some things said on here are from not so nice people are they all so perfect
barrie b
2007-05-29 15:27:45 UTC
100% in agreement with your thoughts.

in fact i now ignore the news items , i just keep up to date via the teletext, for this gives you all the updates in short but concise sentencing , let us all wait and see , and keep thinking of everyone concerned in this terrible ordeal
2007-05-29 15:20:06 UTC
And the question was what exactly ???
2007-05-29 16:53:35 UTC
Always the same bully boys with the same answers you`ll notice, when someone tries to give this family a little support. Hmmm...would like to see them say half of this to mr mccann`s face, the way he`s feeling at the minute.....

Easy to hide behind a computer and spout evil eh...?
2007-05-29 15:26:25 UTC
hear hear well done mate lets stop this now and hope and pray Maddie comes home safe and sound
ytuty t
2007-05-29 15:24:51 UTC
get stuffed
2007-05-30 02:13:38 UTC
2007-05-29 15:22:16 UTC
.Here, here, don't listen to their twisted psychology.

See, they don't like being told the truth!

MURCIA you can say what YOU like but no one else can!

Having a good slanging match everyone! a bit like whats her name on Big Brother or of the same mentality!
lonely as a cloud
2007-05-29 15:22:20 UTC
2007-05-29 15:20:05 UTC
Here here.

I don't know how on earth the FBI are getting by without all the wonderful detectives that are on Answers!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.