If you did some research the world will NOT END in 2012.
The Mayans predicted that there will be a new shift, a 'new age' in the world.
This will be a new cycle of some sort - a polar shift with catacalysmic and devestating consequences such as the north and south pole wil change positions and there will be hurricances, earthquakes and millions of deaths.
The Mayans were so advanced they were more advanced than we are today. They were able to predict a lot of things through their calendar which have come true.
They predicted a 'new age' or cycle in the world, what this is we don't know.
Although the Mayans predicted something will happen in December 2012.
People believe there will be a new age in the world where we will be closer to the spiritual world , and aparently we will learn more about what hapens after death. we will know what will happen to us after death - life after death.
Also we will become more closer to the spiritual world.
The world will not end in december 2012, but there will be a new age or cycle which will change our lives and move forward.
Aparently, we will become more advanced in our understanding of life and death will will know what happens to us after we die as well as become more advanced on a spiritual and emotional level.
Although the rate were going, there could be a nnuclear war soon if were not careful which could end humanity.
But in actual fact, the mayans predicted a new age with significant consequences. They did not predict that the world will end but it will change - a new age