Are there Muslim terrorists right now getting ready to attack the Olympics Opening Ceremony?
2016-08-05 07:53:32 UTC
Will it be a blood bath on world wide live television? Or are the 165,000 Brazilian soldiers enough to stop the Muslim attackers?
188 answers:
2016-08-06 06:59:02 UTC
In Islam it is forbidden for Muslims to murder and kill people. Isis isnt Muslim.Terrorists aren't Muslims. Anyone can be a terrorist. It doesn't matter about what race, colour faith etc.Even if ur a Christian, u can still be a terrorist. Just don't judge people like that. And yes there could be terrorists waiting to attack the Olympic opening ceremony. Just remember, Muslims aren't terrorists and anyone can be a terrorist. Have a nice life.
2016-08-06 07:44:37 UTC
Don't ever call Muslims terrorists. Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world. Do you know that Muslims are not even supposed to kill an ANT for no reason? The term Terrorist doesn't belong in Islam. A terrorist can be ANYONE. So don't put that label on Muslims. Don't forget there good people and bad people everywhere. It's like blaming the whole tree for one bad apple.
2016-08-06 06:56:17 UTC
Are there Muslim terrorists right now getting ready to attack the Olympics Opening Ceremony?

SERIOUSLY ? > you think someone in YA's can answer such a stupid question as to when and where muslim terrorists are going to strike , LOL > that's why there is no way or reason to trust ANY MUSLIM > ya never know, you just know daesh can happen any time , any where beings muslims are all over the World instead of where they belong > in the mid east, in their Promised Land > fighting each other in their Civil War instead of attacking and killing all over the World !
2016-08-07 11:34:52 UTC
Although I'm Muslim and I should be angry with you I'm not because I know that a lot of terrorist attacks nowadays are from Muslims . I'm sorry to tell you that very few Muslims think that if they kill other people who are not of the same religion they will go to paradise and if they kill themselves in an explosion they will be martyrs but not all Muslims are so . I have been to the USA twice before and I'm used to dealing with other people from other religions and they were all helpful when I asked them for help . I always defend other religions and some of my friends call me the Christian because I disagree with them when they say that only Muslims will go to paradise . I know that many of you will be offended when they know that I'm Muslim but I didn't choose my religion , my country , my language or my family . When I was born I found myself a Muslim from Egypt . Now it's impossible to change any of them . I'm sorry for all of the people of the world who suffer a lot because of the attacks by Muslims . I hope you don't hate me .
2016-08-08 19:34:41 UTC
In Islamic religion it's forbidden to kill or murder or hurt someone even if that person burned your family alive and sent you a video on snap chat it's strictly forbidden by god I swear to you true Muslims would never hurt anyone literally anyone Those terrorists aren't Muslims even if they are claiming to be if you kill someone you aren't a Muslim anymore you are a cold blooded murder who thinks there is some righteousness in your work So don't say that Muslims are responsible for bombings all over the world these are pure terrorists with no religion what so ever.
2016-08-07 10:45:57 UTC
Nope. There might be some attack but i can assure you it will not be caused by Muslims or ISIS or Taliban, they only work at Afghanistan and surrounding countries. The attacks we've seen in Europe and America were most likely caused by either Europeans or Americans. I don't want to get much deeper into it as you might think i'm another fresh conspiracy theorist off the internet, but i grew up in Afghanistan and know a lot of "famous" people and what they do/want to do.
2016-08-05 23:32:59 UTC
Not all are Muslims, that's something that people are getting confused about they may say a Muslim phrase but lets not forget all the news issues of (minors mostly) running off to join ISIS.

As we've seen in the media attacks are happening even when the city's are on highest alerts
AleXX R0xX
2016-08-06 03:59:43 UTC
Yes, unfortunately. It was in the news that ISIS has already reminded the terrorist. Had the games been in some first world country, you could be almost certain (unless it's in France) that there won't be any attacks but Brazil is a third world country with relatively low wage for police and army. Just a few bent cops and army men could make it easy for them to conduct the attack.
2016-08-07 21:28:45 UTC
Muslims are peaceful and happy people. They are just like everyone else. They don't just wake up in the morning and decide to be a terrorist. Muslims have big hearts and would never judge someone by what they look like. So if u want to judge someone, why don't u look in the mirror. U r a racist to people and have the biggest link to God. They never did anything to you so leave them alone. So get ur *** off of ur moms basement and go outside and meet a Muslim. And I guarantee that Muslim will be the most peaceful person in the world.
2016-08-06 03:33:26 UTC
Excuse me, Islaam forbids murder or terrorism in the Qur’aan (2: 62 – 256) (3: 3 – 199) (4: 3 – 162) (5: 33 – 108) (7: 157 – 170) (8: 7 – 73) (9: 2 – 128) (16: 61 – 128) (22: 1 – 78) (28: 83 – 87) (33: 9 – 73) (47: 2 – 38) (48: 1 – 29) (58: 5 – 13) (59: 1 – 20) (60: 1 – 13) (65: 4 – 6) (66: 6 – 12), for example: - 4: 89 – 110: “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allaah. But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and do not take a friend or helper from their ranks. Except those who join a group between whom and you there is a treaty, or those who approach you with hearts restraining them from fighting you, as well as fighting their own people. If Allaah had pleased, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you: Therefore if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you peace, then Allaah hath opened no way for you against them ... And whoever does evil or wrongs himself but afterwards seeks Forgiveness, he will find Allaah Forgiving, Merciful.” - The 9th Soorah talks about wicked enemies of Muḥammad, whom he was at war with, and their descriptions are in Verses like the 79th Verse: “Those who defame such of the believers who give charity voluntarily, and those who could not find to give charity, except what is available to them, so they mock at them (believers), Allaah will throw back their mockery on them, and they shall have a painful torment,” but even if disbelievers or evil-doers were to repent for their evil deeds, and become Muslims, then they would receive Mercy from Allaah, as mentioned in the 102nd Verse: “And (there are) others who have acknowledged their sins, they have mixed a deed that was righteous with another that was evil. Perhaps Allaah will turn unto them in forgiveness. Surely, Allaah is Forgiving, Merciful,” and the last two Verses (128 – 129) say “Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muḥammad) from amongst yourselves. It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He is anxious over you, for the believers, full of pity, kind, and merciful. But if they turn away, say (O Muḥammad): “Allaah is sufficient for me. There is no god but He, in Him I put my trust and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.””
2016-08-06 07:05:45 UTC
Muslim terrorists, have been attacking 'infidels' for over 1400 years. You only need look at the first 100 years of the 'religion of peace,' to catch, what everyone, except Democrats, call a clue. Democrats seem to regard 'fighting back' against Islamic 'refugee' terrorists, as a crime = to the Democrat klan, Lenin, Adolph, and Mao all rolled into one.
2016-08-07 17:14:14 UTC
It's very possible that Muslim terrorists have some kind of havoc planned for the Olympics. We won't know until the time comes. Then, we'll do whatever it takes to stop it.
2016-08-06 02:12:18 UTC
There are Muslims getting ready to attack anything, everywhere, anywhere. Hell, they're even getting ready to attack each other.

I seriously doubt a day could go by where a Muslim doesn't attack and kill something, somewhere.

The world would probably end if they didn't.
Common Sense
2016-08-07 01:22:18 UTC
You are either very ignorant about Muslims or you are trolling to get people pissed off.

Either way, it is clear that your under educated thought process is not entertaining.

Any terrorist may very well be getting read to attack the Olympics. Security is under high alert and for all we know, potential terrorist attacks have already been doused.
Luke Tony
2016-08-05 18:48:16 UTC
Who knows anymore? It could happen for all we know. Let's just hope that it doesn't happen. And it's not Muslims that are terrorists, ISIS themselves said they aren't doing the things they do for Islam. And most religions are meant to be peaceful, though many have failed in the past, present, and eventual future at doing just that. Stay safe those going to and participating in the Olympics and good luck!
2016-08-07 18:42:58 UTC
I m more concerned about all the blatantly lying Muslims in this thread that are perfectly willing to quote the Islamic proscription against murder but conveniently "forget" to note that it only applies to Muslims of the same sect as them. It doesn t apply to "kaffirs" AKA anyone who isn t a Muslim.

They also forget to tell you about, oh, I don t know, eight different countries in the middle east where people are legally executed for deciding not to be Muslim any longer (converting to any other religion or atheism).

Oh, yeah, the word Islam totally means "Peace". It doesn t mean "Submission" at all. OH wait, actually it totally does.

You ll note the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya, which promotes lying for every possible reason that would defend Muslims or Islam, even from other Muslims and Islam, and from anything and everything including repercussions due to prior acts of Muslims and Islam. The "Reliance of a Traveler" (The Islamic guide to how Shariah Law functions and should be put into effect) states that "if the goal (any goal) is acceptable and lying to achive it is necessary, lying to achieve it is acceptable, and if the goal is required and lying necessary, lying is required.

Shariah Law also clearly states that one should compare the consequences of lying and of telling the truth, and do whichever will carry the least consequences.

There are also four different types of lying covered, all of which are permissible:

Taqiyya: Direct lying.

Tawriya: Intentionally misdirecting or implying falsehoods.

Kitman: Lying by omission. (Leaving important information out intentionally)

Muruna: Adapting to the surrounding culture in any and every way while necessary. This includes doing (all) things normally against the Islamic doctrines while Islam is in a position of weakness within a country in order to deceive and take power.
2016-08-06 11:25:57 UTC

Islam is a religion of peace and has nothing to do with all of the attacks. Muslims are good people and believe in peace. The fact that they call themselve muslims is not real. If they are doing such things and attacking people they are not muslims. God knows if there is going to be an attack.
2016-10-05 02:08:18 UTC
probably not, but trumpunists certainly want everyone to be in constant fear that "islam" is a threat to the entire world... almost everytime there's some kind of terrorist attack, they are the first ones to want to blame all muslims! even when the attacker is clearly a terrorist! it doesnt matter to them if the attacker is muslim or not, they shall try to claim the person is for their own political agendas!
2016-08-05 21:57:36 UTC
Yep. My Bad. I thought you were asking about the Blood Bath Losin' Donald's Advisor Roger Stone predicted after Losin' Donald loses in a landslide this November.
2016-08-07 00:55:38 UTC
ISLAM IS A PEACEFUL RELIGION! YOU HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED BY DONALD TRUMP! (I m not saying you should vote Hilary either) YOU HAVE THE WRONG IDEA OF MUSLIMS! Muslim law forbids terrorism or genocide and all those "Muslim" terrorist groups out there are just saying that they are Muslim because they want to recruit more followers. And yes, to answer your question, Rio will be completely safe as the soldiers there are having a lot of drills. There may be a few casualties in the unlikely event of a terrorist attack, but everything will be just fine.
2016-08-06 05:38:27 UTC
No! Your President Obama tells us that the Muslim faith is peaceful, non violent, an important piece of the fabric of this country and totally loyal to the USA. I believe him 100% even though every major conflict in the world today involves or is caused by MUSLIMS that cannot get along with their neighbors.
2016-08-06 08:53:29 UTC
Ok please stop putting Muslims in the same group as ISIS. Most Muslims don't approve of the disturbing dreadful actions of ISIS,AL Qaeda and any other terrorist organizations. Yes there are good and bad Muslims but no doubt most of them are good and don't use violence unless necessary.

So no I doubt it. It wouldn't shock me if terrorists attacked but I imagine it would be involving persons that live in Brazil or in.some other country that.borders it.
2016-08-08 02:06:36 UTC
Not all are Muslims, that's something that people are getting confused about they may say a Muslim phrase but lets not forget all the news issues of (minors mostly) running off to join ISIS.
2016-08-05 21:41:01 UTC
Not all Muslims are terrorists only the bad ones I know a lot of Muslims they are very nice people but the bad ones you will never know what they are thinking
2016-08-06 01:25:25 UTC
2016-08-06 21:35:25 UTC
They all already arrested before the Opening Ceremony and the Olympic games. Not only just Muslims, Jews, Christians or any religious person are terrorist, but anyone can be a terrorist. Anyways, some people who committed crimes like the mass school shootings can be learn from violent films, video games, TV shows, comics, artworks (any types) and graphic novels such as the Columbine HS massacre they blamed on the video games like Wolfenstein 3D and Doom and a Frontier Middle School Shooting which is a guy who dressed in a Wild West outfit holding his father's guns and they use some of the famous lines from the novels.

And also don't forget about the Norwegian kid who dressed in a Darth Vader-like costume stabbing people at school after he said "I am your father.".
2016-08-05 18:26:15 UTC
Um let's start off by not calling them "Muslim" and rather address them as radical terrorists shall we? I pray for everyone's safety. May the Olympic event take place in the most peaceful way possible.
2016-08-06 12:24:13 UTC
2016-08-06 10:34:17 UTC
Don't label Muslims. Not all terrorists are Muslim
2016-08-09 00:56:49 UTC
No, Brazil is not generally considered to be a major white country, so I doubt very much that they would want to attack any country which is Non-white.

Muslims are only interested in attacking white countries, as Christianity is their traditional enemy - and whites are most often identified with Christianity.
2016-08-29 05:13:59 UTC
it's very possible that muslim terrorists have some kind of havoc planned for the olympics... we will not know until the time comes... then, we'll do whatever it takes to stop it...
2016-08-05 08:06:40 UTC
first, why muslim need to do that?just because some of muslim is terrorist then all the muslim you call terrorist,wow that is unacceptable opinion there...muslim just like anybody else they have feelings and they make don't need to worry about that you all are save from the muslim,Islam never taught us to hurt others if any muslim hurt people that does'nt do any harm to them, they are not following what our God Allah ask us to do and they should get their punishment... Muslim are not dangerous if they are really a real muslim that live their life according to sorry that you need to read such a long answer but this is my opinion and i hope this clear your persepective about Islam :)
2016-08-06 09:36:28 UTC
They don't need to. The populace of Rio is already doing that. The Chinese bus passed through the middle of a gunfight with police, Several athletes have been robbed, etc. And it is only day 1.
2016-08-06 12:16:30 UTC
No......They got this Olympics S E C U R E.... Try to stay upbeat people ...........Just Watch on NBC T V and Computers for the love of The Games.... Go for the Gold , Silver and Bronze..... Good news ... RIght....Best wishes Judges, Players and Teams and Security Forces and Fans in Brazil
2016-08-26 21:54:32 UTC
it's very possible that muslim terrorists have some kind of havoc planned for the olympics... we will not know until the time comes... then, we'll do whatever it takes to stop it...
2016-08-07 09:31:44 UTC
Of course there are Muslims planning to attack the Olympics. Fortunately most of them are dumb as a sack of spanners.
2016-08-05 21:02:35 UTC
The question's supposed to be "Is America going to blow up the olympics in Rio and pin it on other religion or race"?

If so, then 80-90% sure.

They didn't choose Brazil because they like it, they have their plan for it. So Yes, it possibly will happen.
2016-08-06 05:05:08 UTC
Whoever attacks are not....? Anyway, the world of Muslim now should build a TIS- True Islamic States with no weapons to kill.
2016-08-05 22:26:26 UTC
Terrorists have no religion. Terrorists have destructive minds. ISIS is on mission to disgrace & degrade Islam.Pray to God, Allah must kill all ISIS terrorists so that there will be a peace in the whole world. I always tells that ISIS is formed by Israel.
2016-08-05 21:41:11 UTC
Everyone is so triggered. They for some reason don't realize that 80% of Muslims believe in sharia law. ISIS is a group that truly follows the Koran.
2016-08-08 23:34:30 UTC
It appears that way because AlQaeda put out a threat to attack the players and there is conveniently several Syria refugees performing who have AlQaeda supporters on their facebook friends list. I can guarantee you that if it is attacked it will be form the inside.
2016-08-05 18:02:14 UTC
There's ALWAYS Muslims planning to turn EVERYTHING into a bloodbath, but I don't think they'll succeed at the Olympics this time.
2016-08-06 19:02:36 UTC
Someone's voting for Trump in November
2016-08-05 23:22:25 UTC
Man, ama Muslim!

In Islam, "Killing one person is like killing whole humanity"

Do you really think that the person who kills others any longeris a Muslim even if he believes in one God?

Jihad literally means "struggle"

Best type of Jihad is against your own self, in short, control over your bad wishes!

One type of Jihad is by education, u spread knowledge or go to far off places to get education, ur doing Jihad!

And in Jihad-bin-Qatal, u can kill those who spread terrorism, doesn't matter that the person spread terrorism even in non-Muslims, those who kill others for no reason, ur free to kill them in Islam!

and this is also what humanity demands!

So, those who spread terrorism, are not Muslims, even if they keep offering prayers all the day and night, they just kill 1 person, direct hell!
2016-08-05 07:58:41 UTC
I have a really bad feeling about these games. Felt for a long time,

That the country was wrong. The security is all wrong. And the risk

to life and limb are extremely high.
2016-08-07 05:55:20 UTC
I highly doubt it. Isis are more interested in attacking places in countries they hate the most and I don't think Brazil is high on their list of countries they hate. so I don't think they have any interest in doing a terrorist attack in rio.
2016-08-06 04:33:34 UTC

Muslims will attack a bigger event and ISIS has made threats to stop Donald Trump from taking over.
2016-08-08 14:56:32 UTC
I pray that it doesn't happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was at least an attempt at some sort of terrorist attack.
2016-08-06 14:50:50 UTC
Muslims are not terrerists. Terrorists have no religion and are spoiling the image of Islam.
2016-08-07 00:28:48 UTC
"Not all Muslims are terroris-," shut up you incompetent people, maybe not all Muslims, but then why are ALL terrorists Muslims? ;) Vote for Trump, yeah he may say corny things and state untrue things at time but in comparison to Clinton, people are too embarrassed to deny that they'll vote for Trump, but secretly we all are; secretly, we all want ISIS to be rid of, especially since the race of the people are now being stereotypicalized and racial profiled as. I wouldn't see why ISIS wouldn't take the chance of the oppurtunity to cease the Olympics in Rio, but if there was such thing, our government would have probably stepped in anyways, like it always f*****g does. But, our government allows these ceremonies and specialized events to be televised to the public, and broadcasting a terrorist attack would be illegal anyway. If they invaded, the less people the better. But yeah, I personally doubt though ISIS would conduct any scheme during the next upcoming day, but you never know.
2016-08-06 18:19:08 UTC
Nope. it is hosted in Brazil. Brazil isn t a part of western coalition that is currently attacking and occupying the mid-east, hence they are not going to attack the Olympic. Obviously...
2016-08-05 23:18:39 UTC
Won't know until it happens, you are asking people to predict the future. I am sure that somewhere, someplace, someone is planning an attack on something. Whether they are able to carry it out is another thing
2016-08-06 05:57:00 UTC
The good part is Brazil never colonized Muslim counties so it has extremely low Muslim population to do any terrorism
2016-08-06 20:38:06 UTC
yes all that's something that people are getting confused about they may say a Muslim phrase but lets not forget all the news issues of (minors mostly) running off to join ISIS
2016-08-08 00:32:10 UTC
Terrorist have no religion. Islam ask people to serve the PEACE .True MUSLIM never involve in any kind of destructive activity
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-08-05 07:55:40 UTC
The world is watching. There seems to be far more threat from the ugly pollution in the waters of Rio that is loaded with sewage and dangerous bacteria.
Adrian Moldovan
2016-08-06 01:18:21 UTC
No. The security is at the highest level ever. Did you head something about Euro 2016 ? Nothing will happen un Rio.
2016-08-06 06:14:10 UTC
If the Islamists ever get a hold of a suitcase nuke it will be totally disastrous. If you see something say something. I keep a close eye on all Muslims at all times.
2016-08-06 16:31:57 UTC
I would bet anything that they are planning and preparing for exactly that. Their plans don't always materialize but they certainly intend to carry them out. I would be willing to say any and all events of such scale have drawn the notice of Islamists somewhere.
2016-08-06 23:07:53 UTC
2016-08-06 02:53:07 UTC
The Muslims should hold their own Olympics. It would be a large array of cowardly ways to kill.
2016-08-05 22:15:15 UTC
They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage
2016-08-06 04:30:52 UTC
No, they're afraid of Zika.

Homegrown terrorism is more probable, given that Rio is basically a police state punctuated by islands of anarchy.
2016-08-07 21:22:46 UTC
If you're waiting on a member of Isis to reply, you need to hashtag Justin Bieber
2016-08-06 14:47:10 UTC
Muhammad afif
2016-08-07 01:13:13 UTC
How do you think muslims are terrorist?Please Islam is peace religion ever in this world.
2016-08-05 17:48:13 UTC
Another internet rumor stated without any facts.The opening ceremony is not going to be on live TV, but taped delayed by NBC.
2016-08-05 21:46:02 UTC
Terrorism has no religion so be careful about labeling muslims as terrorists.
2016-08-06 06:07:01 UTC
Yesss Allahu-Akbar!
2016-08-08 00:53:23 UTC
A real Muslim can't be a terrorist.
2016-08-06 01:35:58 UTC
66 Sycamore Road.
2016-08-05 21:29:30 UTC
Muslims and ISIS are not the same thing. ISIS does not follow the Qur'an (islamic bible) and Islamic views. 94% of terrorist attacks in the united states have been followed through by non-muslims. Muslims are mot terrorists, ISIS is.
2016-08-08 05:42:40 UTC
Now that the show is on the road as it were, the answer to the question is a definite no. Nothing more for anyone to add.
2016-08-06 23:30:45 UTC
Listen I am getting sick and tired of people calling Muslims terriorsts. Not all Muslims are terriorsts. So stfu.
2016-08-06 08:34:03 UTC
If the Muslims do attack any part of the Olympics it will be called "SPORT'S ACTIVITES VILOLENCE"
2016-08-06 11:35:09 UTC
Let me go ask my Muslim terrorist friends.

HOW THE PHUCK DO WE KNOW?? Did you expect a ISIS member to actually reply to this question.. like bro
2016-08-06 02:57:57 UTC
Not all terrorists are Muslim and I pray for piece
2016-08-05 21:10:05 UTC
Those people dressed as muslims and killing people aren't muslim they're just psychos. grow up and google to see what being muslim is actually all about. I'm not one myself but still.
2016-08-06 12:43:58 UTC
Yes Muslim sandsuckers are the world's greatest enemy and are planning terrorism everywhere.
2016-08-05 13:50:15 UTC
These Muslims may find some soft targets outside of Rio to kill and maim.
2016-08-06 01:24:09 UTC
If the chance is there why not. That's what terrorist like to do. Cause bloodbath and destruction.
2016-08-06 11:03:06 UTC
Keep your tin foil hat on. They still might be thinking about the closing ceremony.
2016-08-06 14:01:30 UTC

dr bill warner,a researcher,,history from the 1400s of islam,

270,000,000 killed by muslims since the 15th century,there will be more attacks, the time and place and number killed an uncertainty,but more are on the way.
2016-08-05 23:07:02 UTC
50 50 chance
2016-08-07 04:56:28 UTC
Why would a muslim want to become a terrorist when his religion forbids that? You donkey.
2016-08-06 04:58:42 UTC
Idiot-they are not real Muslims.... They are terrorists. And they have been supported by the CIA.
2016-08-05 23:33:56 UTC
How can you call them muslims when it is mentioned in Holy Quran "Whoever kills an innocent life it is as if he has killed all of humanity" surah al maida [5:32]
2016-08-06 06:58:11 UTC
According to Trump, they are all getting ready in New Jersey to cheer them.
2016-08-05 20:58:16 UTC
What if those terrorists are reading this right now?. If this really happen, i will report your dumb question and you will go to jail or even worse FOREVER :D
2016-08-06 04:37:33 UTC
Nope, I assume Brazil is a peaceful country with peacefull people.
2016-08-05 23:41:34 UTC
Maybe.maybe not.i don't know

165,000 ? The entire french military couldn't stop them.
2016-08-09 03:00:29 UTC
Muslims are not terrorist . Killing a man is forbidden in iIslam
2016-08-05 21:06:28 UTC
One.) Why just Muslims? Why not Jews,or Christians?

Two.) Why does it matter, you don't know anyone there, and if you do, unless they are of great value to you, you shouldn't care.

Three.) It would happen anywhere, anytime, and any reason. It could happen outside your place of residency tomorrow, because the leader of the group got cut off in traffic.

Four.) What of they saw this, then came after you?

Five.) Grow up, and stop worrying about it, you should worry about if Trump's going to become president, and nuke everything.
2016-08-05 17:40:26 UTC
Terrorist don't care who they kill, and of course its always a worry where there are a lot of people
2016-08-05 20:21:26 UTC
Don't say muslim terrorists. yes, majority of them r, but still. It sounds like ur calling all muslims terrorists
2016-08-06 16:23:49 UTC
No because Muslims are good people
2016-08-05 18:38:43 UTC
WHY THE HELL DO YOU NEED TO CALL THEM "MUSLIM" TERRORISTS?? Terrorists would be quite enough.. You wouldn't go around saying "Christian" terrorists or "Jewish" terrorists, would you? Smh
2016-08-07 08:15:57 UTC
If their were I highly doubt they'd tell you on Yahoo answers.
2016-08-06 21:30:03 UTC
I think you've confused Muslims over terroist...
2016-08-05 20:31:37 UTC
It's honestly possible
2016-08-05 23:15:44 UTC
the possibility is quite high. We have recently seen in France and Belgium.
2016-08-06 01:22:08 UTC
You see the "actual" footage a few moments later, so there is time enough to shut down the "live" television.
Robert S
2016-08-06 02:35:32 UTC
No, the ceremony is over.
2016-08-06 00:41:06 UTC
The police needs to be vigilant because anything can happen
2016-08-05 07:55:11 UTC
I wouldn't doubt sand monkeys always have a plan
2016-08-06 02:07:02 UTC
You mean ISIS Attackers? Degenerate question... Retard.
2016-08-06 05:27:08 UTC
They will do whatever it takes to gain total power that they're willing to blow up and destroy everything in their paths!
2016-08-06 14:36:04 UTC
Muslims are not terrorist dear
2016-08-06 06:49:11 UTC
If someone is terrorist then he is not real muslim
2016-08-05 22:44:49 UTC
Isiss are pussys they won t attack at armed places, they only attack defenseless people
2016-08-08 00:17:31 UTC
They can't do anything ufff dnt mention muslim.Terrorist are not even animals
2016-08-05 22:56:29 UTC
Who knows? either the terrorist or the security forces.
2016-08-07 08:02:37 UTC
Nobody knows
2016-08-06 01:32:36 UTC
Odds are my reader well be stomped to death by Bison

before Isis decides to kill you.
2016-08-07 01:54:05 UTC
Nah **** the terrorists
2016-08-08 01:17:53 UTC
Seriously doubt it, well guess it didn't happen at all haha
2016-08-05 08:13:26 UTC
Doubt it. The likely thing that will cause violence there are the favela gangs.
2016-08-06 11:57:41 UTC
They atack if they arr not represented in is is as is a state atacks itself
2016-08-06 16:53:59 UTC
Doubt it. They attack when people less expect it.
2016-08-08 10:06:38 UTC
looks as though they didn't. don't believe all the stuff you see on the internet.
Your Average American
2016-08-05 17:31:38 UTC
2016-08-06 08:52:00 UTC
What a question...of course not. People panic too much these days.
2016-08-05 20:16:20 UTC
No but hey, are there any white people shooting up black people? Oh right. It doesn't matter. They're white.
2016-08-05 21:41:36 UTC
Thousands of them
2016-08-08 11:53:23 UTC
We dont know their motive until it's done.
2016-08-06 00:03:12 UTC
Hope so. Only people there are rich liberals who deserve to die anyway.
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2016-08-06 10:02:24 UTC
For heaven's sake, I hope not.
2016-08-06 04:27:56 UTC
Why did you have to put Muslim there?
2016-08-05 17:36:54 UTC
if the terrorists do that we should kill them off in self defense
2016-08-05 22:31:56 UTC
Muslims are not taught that
2016-08-06 12:05:06 UTC
Whoa :\
Madara Uchiha
2016-08-06 00:19:07 UTC
Well sick CIA are not involved they could help take down there network.
2016-08-06 15:28:52 UTC
2016-08-09 00:55:02 UTC
You aren't very smart are you?
2016-08-05 19:13:41 UTC
Wow, so many politically correct crybabies in this answers section
2016-08-05 18:39:05 UTC
NO, there is SO MUCH security there from many countries.
2016-08-05 19:50:01 UTC
Oh yeah
2016-08-06 03:03:53 UTC
Libtards will be furious! You can't ask that.
2016-08-05 20:04:43 UTC
They are there to protect others. So no, they won't do it.
2016-08-06 09:25:16 UTC
2016-08-09 16:20:01 UTC
NO Brazil are not an enemy of those activists at all
2016-08-07 20:54:39 UTC
ISIS is a Israeli-US creation.
2016-08-05 18:38:47 UTC
I don't know
2016-08-05 19:01:14 UTC
Christians are true terrorist
2016-08-06 04:22:01 UTC
You mean Barack ? Or did you mean OTHER terrorists...?
Alderman Keno
2016-08-06 17:52:11 UTC
Yes. It will be very bad.
2016-08-06 06:27:54 UTC
2016-08-05 20:39:28 UTC
2016-08-05 19:07:35 UTC
All Muslims are terrorist
2016-08-11 12:42:08 UTC
It is possible
The Dude
2016-08-07 01:25:46 UTC
This question should be removed.
2016-08-05 19:19:29 UTC
The world is crazy...
2016-08-06 22:25:59 UTC
I believe so.
2016-08-06 14:42:36 UTC
There could be. You never know...
2016-08-06 07:08:06 UTC
Well idk. They are Muslims by name but their actions aren't Islamic. Only God knows tbh
2016-08-06 15:47:49 UTC
jason w
2016-08-06 11:27:33 UTC
2016-08-05 18:20:34 UTC
2016-08-05 18:18:58 UTC
2016-08-05 19:21:06 UTC
I pray not
2016-08-05 19:23:01 UTC
i think there will be no problems there
2016-08-06 11:59:42 UTC
I hope not.
2016-08-05 17:50:01 UTC
Not sure.
2016-08-06 01:04:19 UTC
I think no.
2016-08-06 15:12:50 UTC
*** sht fbaldjjd
2016-08-06 01:55:18 UTC
Flash F
2016-08-05 17:49:47 UTC
Question is are you retarded?
2016-08-05 19:21:38 UTC
i hope not
2016-08-05 18:02:19 UTC
2016-08-06 05:37:11 UTC
No not all.
2016-08-06 15:35:15 UTC
2016-08-06 06:30:38 UTC
2016-08-05 18:42:41 UTC
2016-08-07 16:29:39 UTC
I dunno, ask their boss, the American and Israeli governments and the Zionist NeoCons.
2016-08-07 16:52:08 UTC
...just wow
2016-08-07 19:11:33 UTC
:(( I hope not
2016-08-07 05:06:24 UTC
2016-08-06 18:33:07 UTC
2016-08-07 22:44:27 UTC
2016-08-05 17:38:38 UTC
2016-08-07 15:21:20 UTC
2016-08-05 22:04:08 UTC
Tbh Idk bro
2016-08-06 12:18:01 UTC
lol wut
2016-08-06 09:48:18 UTC
2016-08-06 09:31:05 UTC
2016-08-06 06:38:57 UTC
Hott Gurl
2016-08-05 22:01:19 UTC
2016-08-05 20:36:18 UTC
I dunno

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.