These papers were left by people who are charged with our security.
I cannot see that the lapses can be to undermine the present Government.
And indeed, all the Government has to do is to treat the lapses seriously; which they appear to have done.
So no, I cannot see that it would work.
This is more the idiocy of bloated self important incompetents who should not be working in any area, other than toilet cleaning (not toilets in the Government either).
They obviously took the papers home to be seen with them, so that people could witness with wonder how ''Jolly Important'' they are.
The Government is well covered by policies; in as much as the items found should not under any circumstances be taken home.
My understanding is that they were found in 'Internal Mail' envelopes.
Therefore, I feel that it must be more of an Employment question.
''Should the Imbeciles who lost these items even be employed?''.
My feelings too are that could also lose their P45 on a train, but that wouldn't show how important they are would it.
However, what will happen is that the morons will have a nice long holiday on full pay whilst an investigation takes place, they will also be given severance pay and remain on the pensions listing to keep them quiet (after all they may know too much to be just sacked). Plenty of Newspapers would buy their memoirs.
Where-as the average ''Joe'' in private industry would be sacked out of hand.