Is cocaine, heroine, marijuana and other drugs being used as legal tender in parts of the world?
2006-06-27 01:10:37 UTC
Inasmuch as all avenues of currency exchange and legal tender have been eliminated fom the insurgents in the Middle East, are the poppie, marijuana and heroine plants and productions being substituted for legal tender and utilized as a bartering agent to purchase weapons of destruction?

Should the governments of the world agree to a certain level of production and enforce its agreed to production levels with a United Nations military force?

Are drugs being allowed to enter into countries as nations and factions barter, using drugs as a form of legal tender?

How are the insurgents being able to acquire weapons and explosives if all banks, financial institutions and currency exchange's are being monitored?

Should there be a grand jury impounded with full subpoena powers to investigate the matter, some form of journalism or media coverage, putting the matter of drugs being utilized as legal tender in the funding of the War in the Middle East under a microscope?

Any idea...?
Twelve answers:
Rockmeister B
2006-07-09 09:41:21 UTC
Excellent question, the only problem is that a world forum is only as good as the people participating. I doubt, when the Secretary General of the U.N. has been involved with scandal or insinuation of scandal (his son + food for oil in Iraq), that there exists a world forum that can ever address such a question. Too many in power stand to make a profit off other peoples misery in order for anything worthwhile to be done.

Cynical viewpoint? Probably.

Realistic? Absolutely.
2016-12-23 06:31:06 UTC
2016-03-13 12:24:27 UTC
If they were legal, it would be regulated by the government. Ie - big business + companies would make profit. Not the dealer growing in his backyard. It would be like anything else. Big business reigns supreme. Why go to 6 speciality stories for 6 different things when one big place like Wal-Mart has it all for cheap? And dont forget, with legalization comes policy. There will be quality control, health inspections, laws for proper machinery, proper storage, laws for transportation, pest control, etc. etc. The backyard dealer can't keep up. And i'm just talking about Marijuana production, since that's the only drug that you have listed which I am familiar with, and the only drug listed which will ever be debated for legalization.
2006-06-28 00:48:50 UTC
The governments of the world should have a conference on the problem of the use of drugs as bartering agents for terrorists groups.

Media coverage is needed to bring to light the problem of drug use for legal tender. bartering and its possible impact on the war against terror.

.Guidelines for the enforcement of illegal drug activity should be established.Monitering systems should be in place to monitor the cash flow of these individuals and charities with known ties to terrorism.And their assets frozen.

.Perhaps even using the confiscated money to combat well as jail time for money laundering and the use of drugs for bartering./legal tender.

There should be a definite global effort. to eradicate the illegal drug trade.It is thought illegal drug trafficking is the financial source for the insurgency in the Middle east.

A full investigation is needed to disclose the use of drugs for legal tender/bartering .particularly in the Middle East.With Bin La den's assets frozen, the terrorists financial resources seem to continue..It is thought that illegal drugs are the source.These resources should be located and the supply ceased.

Also, the third world countries that grow these drugs should be encouraged to plant legal crops...Incentives such as crop allotment benefits--(paying farmer to grow other legal crops at a higher price) as an alternative.
zhao f
2006-06-28 10:24:18 UTC
en its a bit beyond my knowledge cos i dont know much about these things

but i do have something to say, drug is like a two blades sword. it helps ppl and also hurts ppl. so v should make sth out to decrease its disadvantage, in my opinion, the government should agree to a certain level of production and enforce its agreed to production level with .......

drug being used as a legal tender has its reason, maybe v can just do an interview and find out the root, so v can answer it easily

that's it , hehe,,,,,,
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2017-03-08 22:31:03 UTC
2006-07-10 21:34:39 UTC
I don't know.....Maybe in Borneo? Or is it Mozambique?
2006-06-27 01:28:23 UTC
I like your last paragraph
2006-07-10 18:14:07 UTC
yep in cali
2006-06-27 01:15:25 UTC
If it is... I'm on my way!!!
2006-06-27 05:07:59 UTC
WORMSCAN Updated: 960420

(c) Copyright 1980, 1996, by David P Beiter, proliferate freely.

WORMSCAN is a collection of news items concerning the involvement

of police, lawyers, judges, politicians, bankers, prison guards,

spooks, and other social predators in the enormously profitable

illegal drug business.

What had at first appeared to be merely a can of worms

has, upon closer examination, proven to be a barrel of vipers.

No attempt has been made to note every news item. These are

simply those cases which have come to my attention in the

everyday news. Note that many sources are radio news reports,

and thus the spelling of many names is undoubtedly bogus.

Disclaimer: This material is presented for educational purposes

only. I am not trying to sell you any political agenda here. I

am not even suggesting a conspiracy theory. I don't care if you

don't believe that anything like this could happen here. I won't

ask you to construct a testable hypothesis (whatever THAT is).

All I need is for you to see it as an interesting conjecture.

That is sufficient.

Additions, comments, criticisms, clarifications, or corrections

(even mispellings and typograhpical errors) should be directed

to: David P Beiter, Rte 572 Box 8460, Monticello KY 42633-8809


"In Germany they first came for the Communists and I didn't speak

up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for

the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a

trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't

speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me--and

by that time no one was left to speak up."

--Pastor Martin Niemoller.

All items are Monticello, Wayne County, Kentucky, United States

of America, unless otherwise specified.

Sources include:

The Wayne County Outlook, Monticello, KY.

The Courier-Journal, Louisville, KY.

WFLW, WKYM & WMKZ, radio, Monticello, KY.

WSEK & WSFC, radio, Somerset, KY.

WBBM, radio, Chicago, IL.

WBKY, WUKY, radio, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

WEKU, radio, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY.

WKYU, radio, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY

WHAS, radio, Louisville, KY.

WLAP, radio, Lexington, KY.

KET = Kentucky Educational Television rebroadcast of WKYT, WLEX, Lexington or

WHAS, WLKY, WAVE, Louisville or WTVQ, Hazard. local news.

CBC = Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

CNN = Cable News Network radio news.

KNN = Kentucky News Network & KYnet = The Kentucky Net.

All times are Central Time, even if the broadcast originates in a

different time zone. Dates (YYMMDD) in the header are generally

the date of the news item, not the date of the action.

810000, Marion County, KY, Al Cross, reporter for The

Courier-Journal, personal communication. Officials in the

Kentucky state government became suspicious of cash excesses in

banks in Marion County, KY. An investigation led to the purchase

of the Bank [of Lebanon? (Marion County Seat)] by a cabinet

official [The Kentucky State Secretary of Commerce?] Needless to

say, no evidence of marijuana cultivation or other illicit

activities was uncovered.

820000?, Hart County, Kentucky, Bowling Green, KY, Newspaper

clipping, Hart Co? Jane Paquin, neighbor to a growing location,

personal communication. "Thirteen arraigned in marijuana case"

in Bowling Green, KY, after raids on Hart County, KY, marijuana

fields on 26 July. Donnie Nunn, former Hart County, KY, Sheriff,

Joe Dunagan, and Tm Chaney, all of Horse Cave; Hulen Russell,

Charles Richardson, Jr, and Gary Coffee, all of Hardyville; James

Stanon [Stanton?], of Munfordville; James Benningfield of

Magnolia; Freeman Swartz of Summerville; and Randall Skaggs, Neal

Lnu, James K. Mattingly, and James N. Mattingly, of Lebanon.

Also Nunn, Stanton, and Russell were indicted on charges of

attempting to bribe two state police, Ron West and Robert

Sheldon, and Hart County Sheriff Daymond Humphrey. 22,500

marijuana plants in five locations in Hart Co confiscated on 26

July and 8,000 on 29 July at another Hart Co site. This was the

biggest marijuana raid in Kentucky history, valued at over $12

million. Incidentally, Sheriff Nunn is the nephew of former

Governor Louis B Nunn.

841100, Florida, The Nation, May 7 1988, p634. In November 1984

FBI agents in Florida intercepted a shipment of 760 pounds of

cocaine from Honduras and arrested a top-ranking Honduran

officer, Jose Bueso Rosa, for his role in a plot to overthrow and

murder the President of Honduras, to be financed by $10 million

from the drug deal. And from 1982 to 1986 a drugs-and-arms

network which supplied the contras operated out of Honduran

airstrips, according to Jose Blandon, former aide to Manuel

Noriega, and ABC News. After Bueso was convicted, Oliver North

and six other Administration officials pleaded for leniency in

sentencing him. They were willing to overlook Bueso's

association with drug smugglers because of his valuable,

unspecified services to U. S. policy makers. The DEA denies

that it showed similar leniency toward the contras' patrons when

it closed its office in Tegucigalpa, Honduras between 1983 and


850912, Knoxville, TN, multiple news reports. Andrew Thorton

III, retired Lexington, Kentucky, Police Department Narcotics

Officer, crash landed via parachute in suburban Knoxville TN with

79 pounds of cocaine. Several other duffle bags of cocaine were

found in the Chattahoochee National Forest, totalling

approximately 400 pounds. See 870112, 871123, 890225, 900820,

930409, Sally Denton, The Bluegrass Conspiracy, Doubleday, 1990.

860220, Wayne Co, KY, multiple rumors. Rumors abound that the

FBI had caught Joe Conn, former Wayne County, KY, Sheriff; Ralph

Miniard, Monticello, KY, Chief of Police; and Don Richardson,

local gas station operator. They are alleged to have been caught

loading marijuana into an airplane owned by Nick Cooley, a local

coal tycoon. This rumor sounded fresh, but there is also a rumor

of letting Joe Conn serve out his term as Sheriff, which would

put it as last year. Present Sheriff Jim Hill would neither

confirm nor deny, but eventually admitted that he had heard the

rumor. He was not happy about my questioning. My impression was

that he was covering for his compatriots, and didn't like it.

860319, Monticello, KY, personal communication with Wayne county

Outlook. Brenda Sexton at The Wayne County Outlook says that

they tried three times to check out the Joe Conn rumor at Federal

Court in London, KY, but all were negative. She did not know the

source of the rumors. [It may have been the local radio

station.] Jim Hill, present Wayne County Sheriff, seemed very

agitated when I questioned him, did not want to talk and ran out

of his office. On 860809 Donald Jones says that Conn, Miniard,

and Richardson were caught off-loading in northern Kentucky.

Carl Jones says that were caught on-loading at Somerset airport.

Other sources have said that Joe Conn was caught transporting

marijuana three times, locally (McCreary County), northern

Kentucky, and in Georgia.

860324, Morgan Co, KY, multiple reports. Marion "Butch"

Campbell, Kentucky State Police Commissioner, is arrested for

extorting a one million dollar bribe from a cocaine smuggler

(also an FBI agent). This was for airport landing rights in

Morgan Co, KY. Several other officials were arrested for

assorted corruption: former Morgan County, Kentucky,

Judge-Executive Gene Allen; Allen's son Steve; Morgan County,

Kentucky, Sheriff Roger Benton; Coal Baron Titus Frederick; former

Kentucky District Judge James H Noble; former State Senator and

former State Trooper Lester Burns, Jr; and physician, Dr Bill

Davis. ref: "Operation Leviticus" of the FBI. They weren't even

looking for drug trafficking! The FBI thought they were looking

at coal money!!

860330, Whitley Co, KY, multiple reports. The Whitley County

Kentucky Sheriff, one other KY & 3 TN Sheriffs are arrested for

drug trafficking.

860619, Marion Co, KY, WLEX, CNN. Kentucky State Police

Detective, 19 year veteran of The Force, Joseph Greenwall

(Greenwald), age 41, of Loretto, Marion Co KY is arrested for

extorting $5000 to protect marijuana growers, after a two month

investigation. Arraignment is set for 27 June.

860700, Playboy, p47. NORML (National Organization for the

Reform of Marijuana Laws) has a list of approximately 300 public

officials who have been involved in drug crimes in the past three

years. (This might be July 87.)

860700, Miami, FL, personal communication. John Ruehle, a Dade

County, FL, resident states that per capita drug trafficking

arrests are greater among police than among the general

population in Miami and/or Dade Co, FL.

860800, Flint, MI, Sinsemilla Tips v6#2p16. 14 Michigan police

officers indicted were on drug charges from 84 to 86.

860800, TN, Sinsemilla Tips, v6#2. East Tennessee Sheriffs'

report. Scott County, Tennessee, Sheriff Marion Carson & deputy

Wayne Caldwell are charged by a Federal Grand jury with

conspiracy & selling methaqualone, marijuana, cocaine &

diazapam. Claiborne County, Tennessee, Sheriff Billy Wayne

Smith & Juvenile Court Referee R. Jackson Rose pleaded guilty to

conspiring to take payoffs to protect gambling operations. Since

82, The Sheriff of Cocke Co, TN, Bobby Stinson; The Sheriff of

Roane Co, TN, Gillis Narramore; The Sheriff of Union Co, TN, Paul

Hill; and The Sheriff of Anderson Co, TN, Dennis O Trotter also

have been arrested for drug trafficking.

860811, 76- 86? Boston, MA, Newsweek: August 11, 1986 p 24.

Federal Grand Jury indictments have been handed down for 10

police officers, including 2 current police chiefs & 1 former

chief, including Gerald Clemente, 52, retired Captain of

Metropolitan District Commission & Thomas Doherty, 45, former

Medford Police Lieutenant, for police exam theft & rigging of

scores. This was used to maneuver conspirators into key

positions to cover for crimes. These include a $1.5 megabux bank

robbery at Medford, MA & cocaine trafficking from Tennessee in

84. Thomas Doherty shot Joseph Bangs, retired MDC police

sergeant, 4 times but did not kill him. Bangs then squealed.

Various police are accused of assorted robberies, drug

trafficking, IRA gun trafficking. These events occurred from 76

to 86.

860812, Minneapolis, MN, CNN, 11:35 PM..Small amounts of speed,

marijuana, and LSD were found in various police cruisers.

Marijuana was also found in the central garage locker. Speed was

found hidden in a steering wheel. Apparently the illegal drugs

were for personal use, not resale. Chief Bozo says that he is

still opposed to drug testing for cops, but not for ordinary


860813, Mexico, Newsweek Aug 25, 86, p42; The Courier-Journal, 21

Aug 86, p2. Victor Cortez, DEA agent in Guadalajara was tortured

by 11 Mexican state police officers in an attempt to gain

information on collaborators.

860909, Monitor Radio. 26 Sheriffs in GA & TN have been

arrested & convicted for drug trafficking. Ryan Freemantle,

author, The Fix

860924, New York, NY, CNN News, WBKY, 11:30PM CDT. In the 77th

Precinct of Brooklyn, NY, thirteen cops have been arrested for

shaking down drug dealers, and reselling drugs, mostly crack.

Paul Harvey, 9 Oct 86, quotes Newsday, as saying that thirteen

cops sledgehammered their way into drug dealers' houses, stole

drugs & money, and resold drugs.

860929, Plainfield, NJ, Newsweek, Sep 29, 1986, p18. Surprise

urine tests of all police & firemen in May yielded 20 positive

for marijuana and/or cocaine, including 2 cops. On 16 July, the

suspended firemen filed in federal court. US District Judge H

Lee Sarokin ruled that "mass roundup urinalysis" violated

constitutional prohibitions against unreasonable search &

seizure. But of course it's not unconstitutional nor

unreasonable for mass urinalysis of schoolchildren.

861002, San Antonio, TX, CNN, WBKY, 2 Oct 86, 3:30pm; 31 Oct 86,

11:25PM. There is a loss of credibility of the police

department. There have been assorted scandals, such as Cop

Smith (murderer, arsonist) being shot by cop Ferrell Tucker for

knowing too much. A 34 year veteran, unnamed, was arrested on

drug charges.

861007, Pikeville, KY, The Courier-Journal, p1. Not a drug

story, probably. Pike County, Kentucky, Sheriff Charles "Fuzzy"

Keesee "misplaced" $300,000 in tax collections during his

previous administration.

861007, Louisville, KY, The Courier-Journal, pB4. The Jefferson

County, Commissioner, Carl Brown, is charged with distribution of

marijuana and cocaine.

861010, London, KY, WBKY. Morgan Co Judge-Executive Gene Allen

has a motion to dismiss charges of conspiracy for murder of VA

man in Morgan Co drug ring.

861011?, Whitley County, KY, The Wayne County Outlook p22, from

The Whitley Republican. Larry R Patrick of Williamsburg is

convicted on conspiracy to import cocaine. He was found guilty

of scheming with former Scott Co, TN, Sheriff Marion Carson &

Deputy Wayne Caldwell.

861018, KY, The Courier-Journal, pB1. Kentucky State Police

Commissioner, Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell & Kentucky State

Trooper Gerald Griggs were arrested for cocaine trafficking.

861022, London, KY, multiple newscasts. Gene Allen (Morgan

County Kentucky Judge-Executive) & Gerald Griggs (State Police

Trooper) are convicted of "murder for hire". Marion Campbell

(Kentucky State Police Commissioner) testified that they were

part of a counter-investigation so secret that no written records

were ever kept of their findings, but this was not convincing to

the jury.

861024, Miami FL, CNN News, 3:45PM. Seven cops are on trial for

selling $5 million (15M$, DH, 2 Nov 86) of cocaine stolen from


861110, USA, "Inside the DEA", Reason, Dec 86, p23-29. A

compendium of DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) corruption

reported by Dale Gieringer, Decision & Ethics Center, Dept of

Engineering-Economic Systems, Stanford Univ.

861111, New York City, NY, CNN News, WBKY, 11:40PM. There is a

New York City Police "slowdown" (strikes are illegal) to protest

investigation of police corruption. See 860924

861113, London, KY, Lexington Herald-Leader, Nov 13, 86, pA1,

A16. "Corruption probe: Half of cases resolved" by Assistant US

Attorney James E Arehart. Gene Allen, 3 time Judge-Executive of

Morgan County, Kentucky, was convicted of conspiracy to murder.

Gerald Griggs, Kentucky State Police Trooper, was convicted in

the same murder for hire scheme. Both were represented by Kevin

Charters of Lexington, KY. William Titus Frederick, coal

operator and businessman, of West Liberty, KY, pleaded guilty to

manufacturing marijuana. Benny Neely, London, KY, pleaded guilty

to transporting stolen heavy equipment across state lines.

Norman B Williams III, of Detroit, MI, pleaded guilty to

transporting a stolen car across state lines. Dr Billy Davis,

Urgent Care Center of Burnside, KY, pleaded guilty to conspiracy

to defraud two insurance companies of $1.1 million for a phony

traffic accident. Lester H Burns, Jr, former Kentucky State

Senator[, former Kentucky State Trooper] & attorney, Somerset,

KY, pleaded guilty to insurance fraud and pleaded guilty to

conspiracy to transport stolen money ($1.9 million stolen from

the Dr R J Acker robbery & murder) across state lines. James H

Noble, former Kentucky District Judge, convicted of obstruction

of justice and yet to be tried in the insurance fraud

conspiracy. Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell, Kentucky State

Police Commissioner, to be tried on Jan 5, 87, for extortion for

allegedly taking money for protecting drug-trafficking

activities. Roger Benton, Morgan County, Kentucky, Sheriff,

accused of conspiracy of drug-trafficking.

861113, Knoxville, TN, Knoxville TV. 9 cops arrested in the

Charles Walker cocaine trafficking ring.

861118, Miami, FL, CNN News, WBKY (Lexington, KY) 11:45PM. 1300

pounds marijuana was stolen from police headquarters evidence

storage. This theft is thought to be an inside job. The

marijuana was valued at $4 million. That's $3000 per pound.

This is the 4th major theft of drug evidence in last few months.

Also a Columbian cocaine ring was indicted, but the indictees are

safely in Columbia.

861120, London, KY, The Wayne County Outlook, 20 Nov 86, p18.

From The Sentinel-Echo. Lester Burns, Jr, 55, (attorney, former

Kentucky State Police Trooper, former Kentucky State Senator)

pleaded guilty to two charges of conspiracy with Dr Bill Davis to

defraud two insurance companies by faking a vehicle accident. He

also pleaded guilty to receiving stolen money from the Dr Roscoe

Acker robbery & murder. Charges of conspiracy with former

Breathitt District Judge James Noble (recently convicted of

perjury in Federal Court in Lexington) to defraud an insurance

company were dropped. The Assistant US Attorney was James

Arehart. The Judge was Eugene Siler, Jr.

861126, Somerset, KY, personal communication, Dallas Hammond.

The younger brother of David Dick, Kentucky State Police Trooper,

was arrested last month for cultivating 78 marijuana plants. The

police missed a quarter acre plot. James Dick, older brother,

was recently arrested on drug charges. Trooper Dick was finally

apprehended 901104, see 901108.

861200, Somerset, KY. Lester Burns, Jr., former Kentucky State

Senator, former Kentucky State Police, disbarred. Now former


861212, London, KY, KET, WLEX. Gene Allen, Judge-Executive of

Morgan County, Kentucky is sentenced to 5 years for conspiracy to

murder. Gerald Griggs, Kentucky State Police, had his sentencing

delayed. Titus Frederick, coal baron, was let off in return for

testifying against Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell, Kentucky

State Police Commissioner, in his trial for conspiracy to

distribute illegal drugs.

861216, London, KY. Gerald Griggs, Kentucky State Police, is

sentenced to 5 years in prison for conspiracy to commit murder

in "Operation Leviticus" drug deal.

861222, Louisville, KY, KET, Louisville. Carl Brown, Jefferson

County Commissioner, is arraigned for something, and sent to

Missouri [?], for psychiatric evaluation. Brown is to be

arraigned later on drug distribution charges. His left hand was

severely swollen and ace bandaged, but no explanation was given.

He also looked very woozy and inattentive.

861200, London, KY, The Wayne County Outlook, 861224, p19. From

The Sentinel-Echo. Sherry Lorraine Hodge pleaded guilt to

conspiracy to transport stolen money across state lines in

$1,900,000 (that's 1.9 megabux) Acker robbery & murder. Hodge

says that she gave $300,000 to C Gene Foust, 49, Detective

Sergeant and Head Narcotics Officer and 21-year veteran of the

Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Police Department. The Head Narcotics

Officer was to invest it "to make more money for me." Mrs Hodge's

attorney is Robert Wilmott of Lexington, KY. Formerly her

attorney was Lester Burns, Jr, former Kentucky State Senator,

former Kentucky State Police, of Somerset, KY, who pleaded guilty

to receiving stolen money and is now disbarred. The Judge is

Eugene Siler, Jr. Co-transporters of stolen money are Anna

Louise Farley (mother of Donald Terry Bartley), Sharon Joyce

Wilson, & Barry Wilson, with whom she transported $1,200,000 from

Florida to Knoxville, TN, after the arrest of her husband, Benny

Lee Hodge. Donald Terry Bartley, Roger Dale Epperson, and Benny

Lee Hodge are to be tried May 1987 for robbery & murder of a

Jackson County, KY, couple, and also face unspecified charges in

other unspecified states. The FBI searched the home of Head

Narcotics Officer and Investment Advisor to the stars, C Gene

Foust on 861202.

861231, Somerset, KY. Lester Burns, Jr is ordered to return

$175,000 to Dr Roscoe Acker. This was his attorney's fee for the

defense of the murderers/robbers.

870112, Boston, MA, Margo Monaco, Boston, National Public Radio.

See also Newsweek, 11 Aug 86. David McCuen joined Wilmington

police in 73, and was promoted to sergeant in 78, after paying

$4000 for a copy of the sergeant's exam. Several hundred

individuals eventually were involved. Many individuals were

placed into positions to promote the organized crimes of the

Police Department. Chief of the scam was Gerald W Clemente, who

did a $1.5 million bank robbery and other burglaries to finance

drug deals.

870112, Lexington, KY, KET\WLEX. Captain Marion "Butch"

Campbell, Kentucky State Police Commissioner, and Roger Benton,

Morgan County, Kentucky, Sheriff, are on trial. Houston McNeal,

two years a undercover FBI agent, testified that he had made

payments of $5000 a month to Campbell, Benton, and Titus

Frederick for landing rights at the West Liberty, KY, airport.

(It is unclear if this was each or total.)

870113, Lexington, KY, WBKY (Lexington, KY). In the Captain

Marion "Butch" Campbell, Kentucky State Police Commissioner

trial, Campbell is represented by William Johnson. The Trial

apparently started 9 Jan 87. Houston McNeal, two years an

undercover FBI agent from Virginia, testified that he had made

installment payments to Roger Benton, Morgan County Kentucky

Sheriff; Gene Allen, Morgan County Kentucky Judge-Executive; and

Marion Campbell, Kentucky State Police Commissioner, for

assistance in drug trafficking. McNeal said that he met Campbell

on a dark backroad, where Campbell thanked him for the money. A

tape recording of Campbell taking payoffs from McNeal was played.

870114, Lexington, KY, WBKY, KET, WLKY(?). In the Kentucky State

Police Commissioner Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell trial, Titus

Frederick, coal baron and marijuana manufacturer testified that

in a meeting at Frederick's house in 1984, three-time Morgan

County Kentucky Judge-Executive Gene Allen and Marion Campbell

had asked him for contacts in the marijuana and cocaine

business. Lester Burns, Jr, former Kentucky State Senator,

former Kentucky State Police Trooper, former attorney (now

disbarred) bankrolled the operation, and Marion Campbell was in

charge of security at the Morgan County airport. Their business

grossed about 3/4 of a million dollars a week in cocaine.

Houston McNeal, undercover Virginia FBI investigator, testified

that Campbell said that he was receiving payments from undercover

agents. It is unclear whether Campbell thought that they were

FBI agents or drug dealers. Or both.

870115, Lexington, KY, WEKU, KET\WLEX In the Kentucky State

Police Commissioner Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell trial, Steve

Allen, son of the Morgan County Judge-Executive, testified that

he saw a $90,000 cocaine sale in November 85 at the house of his

father, Morgan County, Kentucky, Judge-Executive Gene Allen. In

this transaction, Gene Allen was paid his share plus a share to

pass along to Marion Campbell. Gene Allen, Morgan County,

Kentucky, Judge-Executive and convicted murder conspirator,

testified that he has known Marion Campbell for 25 years and

Morgan County Sheriff Roger Benton all of his life. He met

several times in late 1983 with Marion Campbell, Titus Frederick,

and Lester Burns, Jr to import cocaine from Okalachee, FL.

Campbell was said to want the money for his retirement fund.

Titus Frederick testified that Gene Allen and Marion Campbell had

pushed him to find a cocaine connection.

870116, Lexington, KY, KET\WLKY, 10:07PM. In the Kentucky State

Police Commissioner, Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell trial, Gene

Allen, former Morgan County, Kentucky Judge-Executive who has

been convicted of conspiracy to murder, was cross examined. He

has changed his story because he got religion in jail. In his

trial in September 86 he claimed that he and Campbell were

running their own investigation of drug corruption, without

telling anyone else and keeping no records of what they had

discovered. He passed money to Campbell once by laying an

envelope full of money on the dash of Campbell's truck, and once

on the truck seat, but never actually in Campbell's hand.

870121, Miami, FL. Seven Miami cops are given a mistrial in a

case of racketeering and drug corruption. The reasons are

undisclosed. See 861024 & 870116.

870123, Lexington, KY, WBKY. In the Kentucky State Police

Commissioner, Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell trial, Jack Evans,

Kentucky State Police, testified that he had talked with Campbell

thrice about the trial, and got the idea (but was never told

openly) that Campbell wanted him to perjure.

870126, "Is There a Contra Drug Connection?", Newsweek, p26.

Gary Betzner, 45, a crop duster pilot from Arkansas, says that he

imported Columbian cocaine thru contra airstrips in Costa Rica

with George Morales, a Columbian emigre with an aircraft

chartering business. Both claim that they had the full knowledge

and assistance of CIA and DEA. A third witness, unnamed, claims

to have seen Southern Air Transport planes being loaded with

cocaine in Barranquilla, Columbia in 1985. So cocaine

trafficking is OK if it supports revolution in Nicaragua.

870126, Lexington, KY, KET\WTVQ. In the Kentucky State Police

Commissioner, Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell & Sheriff Roger

Benton trial, Louie di Falais, US Attorney & apparently part of

the "Operation Leviticus" investigation, testified that in two

years of investigation of Marion Campbell, Campbell gave no

indications of ever conducting his own investigation. The Chief

of Police of West Liberty, the Morgan County Seat, said that he

knew nothing of the two years of drug traffic thru the West

Liberty airport. Roger Benton, Sheriff of Morgan County,

Kentucky, has a previous conviction for bootlegging.

870127, Lexington, KY, WBKY. In the Kentucky State Police

Commissioner, Captain Marion "Butch Campbell & Morgan County

Kentucky Sheriff Roger Benton trial, Roger Benton testified that

he went along with the drug trafficking in hopes to make some

arrests and stop the drug operations.

870202, Miami, FL, USN&WR, Feb 2, 1987, p28. Seven cops are

given a mistrial in their drug racketeering trial. Thus they did

not rob a boat and drown the owners and sell the cocaine. Roman

Rodriguez, Ricardo Aleman, Rodolfo Arias, Osvaldo Coello, Arturo

de la Vega, Armando Estrada, & Armando Garcia, are the fortunate

cops. They managed a fine lifestyle on a $30,000 per year

salary. The Judge was Kenneth Ryskamp. The holdout juror was

William Rountree. See 880105 & 880106 for a recant.

870204, Lexington, KY, KET\WKYT. Morgan County Kentucky Sheriff

Roger Benton says that he will appeal his conviction on drug

trafficking charges on grounds that his trial should have had

nothing to do with the trial of Marion "Butch" Campbell. He

obviously thinks that Campbell will be found guilty. This came

after one verdict was reached but not announced.

870205, Lexington, KY, WLAP (Lexington, KY), 2PM. Roger Benton,

Sheriff of Morgan County, KY, is found guilty on all counts,

three counts of extortion and two of drug trafficking

conspiracy. He faces a maximum sentence of 80 years.

870206, Lexington, KY, WLAP. Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell,

Kentucky State Police Commissioner, is acquitted on four counts

of extortion and given a mistrial on one count of conspiracy to

traffic in marijuana and cocaine.

870206, KY, Comment on Kentucky, KET. Three reasons are given

for Kentucky State Police Commissioner, Captain Marion "Butch"

Campbell's acquittal on charges of extortion and drug

trafficking. 1) Gene Allen, Morgan County Judge-Executive

changed his story from his trial where he was convicted of

conspiracy to murder. Formerly, he had said under oath that

Campbell was conducting his own investigation. The new story is

that they were indeed trafficking in cocaine. 2) Allen said that

on four occasions that he gave payoff money to Campbell, but

never directly. Allen was the only solid witness against

Campbell on this, but he is a self-confessed perjurer. 3) In a

taped meeting with an FBI informant, Campbell thanked him for

"information". The prosecution said that this was code word for

protection money; the defense said that this was just normal

information. The FBI never actually got Campbell on tape

accepting payoff money. The jury was leaning towards acquittal

on the drug trafficking conspiracy charges, with at least two

holdouts. Prosecutor Arehart wants a retrial. I'm sure that

none of the jurors would have been in the least bit concerned

about their personal safety after finding the State Police

Commissioner guilty of drug trafficking!

870200, KY. There are various news reports of a retrial for

Kentucky State Police Commissioner, Captain Marion "Butch"

Campbell on charges of trafficking in cocaine and marijuana, but

no date was given.

870223, Washington, DC, "Contra Drug Inquiry Stirs Growing

Interest", by Keith Schneider, The New York Times, Tuesday,

February 24, 1987, pA22. US Senator John Kerry, Democrat of

Massachusetts, a committee member on the Senate Foreign Relations

Committee has witnesses and evidence that a private network had

been organized by the National Security Council [NSC] and the

Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] to provide military equipment

to Contras in Nicaragua. The investigators said that they also

believed that the same network was shipping cocaine and marijuana

back to the United States. Federal officials, of course, deny

this vicious rumor spread by Communist sympathizers.

870313, Lexington, KY, Various radio reports. Kentucky State

Police Commissioner, Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell is scheduled

for retrial on 11 May 87 for conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and

marijuana. But 11 May 87 will come and go with absolutely no

mention on any newscast that a Butch Campbell had ever existed.

Morgan County Kentucky Sheriff Roger Benton is denied a retrial

on his conviction for extortion and conspiracy to distribute


870322, Richmond?, KY, WBKY, 11PM. Kentucky State Police crime

lab director Glen Morgan Baxter is accused of falsifying hundreds

of tests, including his own qualifications.

870326, Lexington, KY, KET. Morgan County, Kentucky, Sheriff

Roger Benton is sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of

$10,000 on three counts of extortion and two counts of conspiracy

to traffic in illegal drugs.

870331, Louisville, KY, KET. Jeffrey Miles of 2401 Coolridge

Ave, Okalona, age 24 or 25, is shot and killed by Louisville cop,

John Rucker (Rutger) in a raid on Miles' home. Miles' crime was

to be living in an apartment inhabited two years ago by a

suspected drug dealer. (The correct address was available in the

phone directory.) The murderer was sentenced to paid leave and

consultation with the chaplain.

870402, Breathitt Co, KY. James H Noble, Kentucky District

Judge, Breathitt County, Kentucky, previously convicted of

obstruction of justice for offering to lie in the witness stand

for Lester Burns, Jr in a mail fraud trial, is temporarily

disbarred. Judge Noble was sentenced to two years on the

obstruction of justice conviction.

870400, Wayne Co, KY, rumors only. More unconfirmable rumors

that Joe Conn, former Sheriff of Wayne County, Kentucky, is in

prison for drug trafficking. Dallas Hammond says that Joe Conn

was jailed about five months ago. Reportedly the FBI caught him

near Wayne/McCreary line with 18 wheeler full of marijuana headed

for the airport in Pine Knot, KY. Harold Tucker says that he was

told by Roosevelt Jones that Joe Conn was in prison on drug

charges, but could not confirm the details of the reputed

arrest. These are unconfirmed rumors only. Nobody has any hard

news. See 860220.

870429, Jeffersontown (Louisville), KY, WHAS. Policeman John

Rutger is indicted for second degree manslaughter and suspended

from the police department. This is for "accidentally" shooting

Jeffrey Miles for the crime of living in an apartment inhabited

two years ago by a suspected drug dealer. See 870331.

870511, KY. This is the supposed retrial date of Kentucky State

Police Commissioner (now retired) Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell

on charges of conspiracy to traffic in cocaine and marijuana.

There was absolutely no mention of this unevent on several

Kentucky radio newscasts. See 870313.

870515, Somerset, KY, WBKY. Lester Burns, Jr., former Kentucky

State Senator, former Kentucky State Police, former attorney, is

sentenced to eight years in prison, four each for receiving

stolen money from Epperson's Acker robbery/murder, and for

conspiracy to defraud an insurer. Burns will be eligible for

parole in two years. See 860324, 860716, 861113, 8612??,

861231, 870114.

870518, Ocean County, NJ, phone conversation, Margaret Stiles.

Fifteen people are arrested by DEA at the home of a local

policeman. No information was given of what they were doing to

merit this attention.

870520, Nicaragua, MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour. The plane used by

the Brother-in-law of Alphonso Collero (of Nicaragua Contras) to

transport drugs was then used to transport supplies to the

contras. This was the testimony of Robert Owen, "The Courier".

25K$ in travelers checks were given to DEA by Alphonso Collero.

870524, Nicaragua, Steve Waddams, Sunday Morning, CBC (Canadian

Broadcasting Corporation), quoting Daniel Sheehan of The Christic

Institute of Washington DC. "The Secret Team", started as a CIA

Cuban anti-Castro operation, which funded itself by drug

trafficking. In about 1966, Richard Secord under CIA auspices,

bombed the opposition of Vang Pao, their pet Opium Emperor of

Laos. "The Secret Team" was importing 600 pound loads of cocaine

from Costa Rica while supplying Nicaraguan contras.

870630, Nicaragua, WSFC(ABC). In secret testimony in the

Iran-Contra hearings, Ramon Milian-Rodriguez testified that he

sold to Felix Rodriguis $10,000,000 (ten million dollars) of

cocaine for CIA contra funding.

870709, Miami, FL, CNN, AP. US Attorney General Edwin Meese

tries to prevent a House of Representatives Committee from

questioning three federal prosecutors in Miami, FL concerning CIA

drug and gun smuggling. A House subpoena is issued.

870725, Cumberland and Clinton Cos, KY, The Wayne County Outlook,

Aug 6, 87 from the Clinton County News. Lloyd Stockton, Clinton

County Clerk, and James Stonecipher hang the jury on marijuana

cultivation charges. Found on Sep 14, 1986 were 3 patches with

300 estimated plants already harvested, and 634 plants in a

tobacco field. See 860914.

870900, Burma, American Information Network Freedom League

Newsletter, p6, quoting Daily News Digest, POB 39027, Phoenix, AZ

85069. Lt Col Bo Gritz testified before the House Foreign

Affairs Committee, International Narcotics Control Task Force,

Larry Smith (D-FL) Chairman. Gritz has 40 hours of video tape

with General Khun Sa of Burma, the recognized opium kingpin (700

tons in 86, 900 tons in 87) in the Golden Triangle. Khun Sa

"charged American officials, both past and present, with being

the chief buyers of drugs produced in that part of the world."

Also he claims that he wants to stop drug trafficking, but that

the US government won't let him. Khun Sa said that individuals

in CIA are some of his best customers. He offered support to DEA

to alert them of drug movements, but this was rejected at the

headquarters level. Theodore Shackley CIA agent in Laos from

1965-1975, was involved with Mao Se Hung (leading drug smuggler)

and Santo Trafficante (Florida Mafia boss). Khun Sa says that

Richard Armitage (then in the US Embassy, now Assistant Secretary

of Defense) financed drug smuggling in VietNam, then in Bangkok

from 1975 to 1979. CIA agents Daniel Arnold and Jerry Daniel

trafficked weapons and drugs with Khun Sa. Gritz claims that

there is a parallel US government which started with the "Phoenix

Program" in VietNam twenty years ago.

870905, Spain, The Nation, p189-192. "How the Drug Czar Got

Away", by Martin A. Lee. The gist of the story is that the USA

is more interested in implicating Nicaraguan Sandinistas in drug

running than in prosecuting smugglers. Also the US Government

funded contras with drug money. Jorge Luis Ochoa of Columbia was

captured in Spain. The DEA (at least one agent was also member

of Lieut Col Oliver North's team) offered to have extradition

bungled if Ochoa would implicate the Nicaraguan Sandinista

government in cocaine trafficking. Ochoa refused. After 20

months, Spain decided that USA was seeking to use Ochoa as a

political instrument and denied extradition to USA. Ochoa had

fled to Spain in June 1984 after being implicated in the

assassination of Lara Bonilla, the Columbian Minister of Justice

who had crusaded against his country's $5 billion per year

cocaine trade. Adler Berriman Seal (Barry Seal) said he flew

1500 kilograms of cocaine from Columbia to Managua for Ochoa.

The story quotes The Wall Street Journal as reporting that four

imprisoned drug pilots who knew Seal said that Seal was part of

contra supply network, delivering weapons and drugs. Seal also

took secret photos of Sandinista soldiers loading cocaine on his

C-123 transport (the same plane as shot down with Eugene

Hasenfus). Ochoa contributed money to contras. Ramon

Milian-Rodriguez told Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics

and International Operations that he had funneled $10 million to

the contras thru former CIA operative Felix Rodriguez in 1983.

James Kible, Madrid Spain based DEA agent assigned to Ochoa case

and another DEA agent, Victor Oliveira were caught while boarding

a plane for Switzerland at Madrid Barajos Airport with $5 million

in cash, supposedly for North's contra-aid team. The records of

these arrests have been disappeared.

870912, Owensboro, KY, 11:01 PM, WBKY. A drug bust in Owensboro,

KY, in June 1986 lead to conviction of a staff officer and 6

other officers of the Philadelphia, PA, Police Department for

drug manufacturing. See 880601.

870913, Clay Co, KY, 3:20PM, WBKY. Cooms? of Clay Co, KY,

busted for marijuana production two weeks ago, says that the

police should be spending their time chasing criminals, not pot

patches. Kentucky State Police Commissioner Elkins replies that

there is nothing under the law to make them do so. This may be

the same as J. C. Lawson, see Sinsemilla Tips, Fall 87, p24.

870921", Mexico, Time, p33. Jamie Herrera Nevarez, 60, the "Drug

Lord of Durango" Mexico and former policeman, was arrested by

Mexican police for US DEA. He ran $200 million heroin pipeline

into midwest USA.

870900, Nicaragua, CIA Drug Connection, The Christic Institute,

1324 North Capitol Street, NW, Wash DC 20002. (202)797-8106.

Lawyers from The Christic Institute were retained by Tony Avirgan

and Martha Honey, reporters wounded in the May 30, 1984 terrorist

bombing in La Penca, Nicaragua. John Hull, CIA contract

operative in Costa Rica, has a ranch which is used as airstrip

for arms and drug running for Nicaraguan contras. The cocaine

was supplied by Columbians Pablo Escobar and Jorge Ochoa,

partners of Carlos Lehder. Francisco Paco Chanes was the

connection on US end. "The Secret Team", including retired Air

Force Maj Gen Richard Secord; Albert Hakim, international arms

dealer; Theodore Shackley, head of covert operations during Vice

President George Bush's term as Director of the CIA; Thomas

Clines, Shackley's deputy; and retired Army Maj Gen John K

Singlaub, backed Vang Pao, a major opium trafficker, in Southeast

Asia, 1965-75, using the resulting money to train Hmong

tribesmen. The heroin connection in USA was Mafia "Don" Santo

Trafficante. The opium business banked with Nugen Hand Bank of


870917, Washington, DC, CNN 4:43AM. 6000[?] drug trafficking

cases dismissed as a result of a FBI investigation of police

stealing from drug dealers during arrests.

870919, The Nation, p254-274. There is a spat between Daniel P

Sheehan of The Christic Institute and Jonathan Kwitny, author of

_The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money, and

the CIA_, published by WW Norton, over the extent of USA

complicity in Nicaraguan contra drug smuggling.

871000, American Information Network Newsletter, p2. There is

more on the Bo Gritz/CIA/heroin connection. The operation is

said to have been at its peak in 1975 & 76 under George Bush.

CIA agents Theodore Shackley and Richard Armitage (now Acting

Assistant Secretary of Defense) as The Far East Trading Company

were involved in heroin smuggling with Mao Se Hung. H Ross Perot

found the same drug connections and was told by Frank Carlucci

(National Security Advisor) to stop pursuing the connection to

Richard Armitage. Last year 700 tons of opium were exported from

Burma and this year's crop is 900 tons. There is also a

statement by Lance Trimmer about two trips to the lair of Khun

Sa, opium smuggler and chief of his own 40,000 man private army

in Burma. By Don Bell, POB 2223, Palm Beach, FL 33480.

871019, Louisville, KY, KET, 32. Tringle, a Louisville Kentucky

narcotics officer wrecks his undercover cruiser at high speed

while off duty. A cooler full of liquor was found in the vehicle

and officer Tringle was found to have a blood alcohol level of

2.5 (said to be too drunk to stand up). [That's gotta be 0.25

blood alcohol!]

871111, Bowling Green, KY. KET, WAVE. John Rucker is found not

guilty in the murder of Jeffrey Miles.

871112 12:09AM, Chicago, IL, WBBM radio. Eugene Harnalski,

Chicago cop, left his badge and service revolver as collateral

for a drug buy. Now he is on trial for racketeering, so

apparently he was not supposed to do it. This came out in the

testimony of the drug dealer [named, but not remembered].

871123, KY. Congressman Carroll Hubbard asks FBI to investigate

the involvement of Henry Vance (Lexington bigwig recently

convicted of supplying the gun used to kill the prosecutor in a

drug case in Florida) in wholesale cocaine and marijuana trade in

western Kentucky. Hubbard states that major drug smugglers are

using local airports, including Bowling Green, KY. On 930416,

Comment on Kentucky, Bonnie Kelly (the shooter) is the wife of

Mike Kelly, Lexington cop.

871130, Charleston, WV, Time, p29. Mike "Mad Dog" Roark (so

named for his fierce pursuit of drug dealers while outfitted in

combat fatigues and packing a pistol) prosecutor and mayor of

Charleston, WV pleaded guilty to six counts of cocaine

possession. Does this sound like any local officials you know?

See 880114.

871100, "The Contra-Drug Connection", The Christic Institute,

1324 North Capitol Street, NW, Wash DC 20002. (202)797-8106.

$2. 12p. Extensive documentation associates several of Oliver

North's team with large-scale drug trafficking to finance covert

wars in Cuba, Southeast Asia, and Central America, for over two

decades. Plane loads of cocaine from Columbia, supplied by Pablo

Escobar and Jorge Ochoa, were flown to John Hull's ranch in

northern Costa Rica. Three pilots say that they delivered

weapons to John Hull's ranch and returned to USA with cocaine and

marijuana. Cocaine was also smuggled from John Hull to Miami in

frozen shrimp, shipped to Ocean Hunter, Inc and Mr Shrimp, Inc.

880105, Los Angeles, CA, CNN News. A Los Angeles Federal Grand

Jury indicts nine, including three Mexican police officers for

the murder of DEA agent Enrique Camerara Solarez [sp?] in

Guadalajara, Mexico three years ago.

880105, Miami, FL, CNN, 3:13P. I only caught the last part of

the story. A Miami cop acquitted in the case of the murder and

rip-off of three drug dealers recants. On tape he says that he

is sorry and that he disgraced his badge, but that there are

thousands of honest police. [Maybe even several thousand honest

police, if you were to look over the entire country.] Miami

officials want an end to investigations of this case, as it is

showing their wonderful city in a bad light, among other reasons.

880106, Miami, FL, "As It Happens", CBC. In "Miami Vice", a

phone interview with Paul Miller, Special Agent, FBI, he states

that there were three or four rip-offs of boatloads of cocaine by

Miami Police from about May 85 to Summer 85. In the case where

three drug smugglers were drowned, eight officers rushed the boat

and the victims threw themselves into the sea and drowned

themselves. The investigation is probing a conspiracy to kill

witnesses. So far, nine have pleaded guilty, four more are

cooperating, two more are on trial, two more are fugitives, and

twenty more have been suspended from The Force. See 861024,

870121, 870202.

880109, The Nation, p6. Chapter 23, page 371, footnote 84 of the

Iran/Contra report. In 1986 Fawn Hall asked DEA agents to meet

with Michael Leeden. Leeden had a $30,000 contract with

Continental Airlines to find out how to stop the DEA from seizing

their airplanes when cocaine was found aboard.

880114, Charleston, WV, WHAS. 12:04P "Mad Dog" Roark, mayor of

Charleston WV, plea bargains guilty on six cocaine charges,

twenty-four others were dropped. Mad Dog was sentenced to 179

days in jail, three years probation, and a $5000 fine. See


880202, Lumberton, NC. An American Indian takes hostages to

publicize the actions of the local sheriff. A radio tape by this

hostage taker starts with the accusation that the sheriff's

department was involved with drug trafficking, and then went on

to complain about the killing of a Black and two Indians by the


880204, Panama. General Noriega of Panama is indicted by a

Federal Grand Jury in Miami FL on thirty counts of assorted drug

trafficking charges, taking millions of dollars in payoffs from

The Medellin Cartel, racketeering, conspiracy with Oliver North

to fake a shipment of arms from Nicaragua to El Salvador [on the

Pia Vesta, which Noriega seized and kept the arms], obtaining

chemicals for and protecting cocaine labs, providing airstrips

for drug smuggling, providing refuge for drug traffickers, etc.

Leon Keller is the Federal Attorney. Also more indictments of

Noriega are opened in Tampa for conspiracy to import one million

pounds of marijuana. Testimony was given by pilot Floyd Carlton

and Panamanian Consul General Jose' Blandon. This was reported

by Alan Tomlinson, NPR. On top of that, Noriega has been on the

CIA payroll since 1966 at $200,000 per year. Senator John Kerry

chaired a hearing on Noriega, with Jose' Blandon as star

witness. Blandon says Noriega made $80 million per year in drug

trafficking and another $20 million for emigration papers at

$4000 per head, allowing Cubans to claim to be Panamanians for

migration to USA.

880205, Cincinnati, OH, KET. Kentucky State Police Commissioner

Marion "Butch" Campbell is appealing in Federal Court the

government plans for a retrial on drug trafficking conspiracy

charges. Morgan County Kentucky Sheriff Benton, convicted on

conspiracy to murder witnesses to drug trafficking, is still not

in prison.

880208, Columbia, USN&WR, p28. The Medellin Cartel controls 80%

of cocaine imported into the United States. Fifty Columbian

judges have been murdered by the cartel in the past five years.

Columbia is unable [or unwilling?] to control the drug business.

880213, Nicaragua. An article in The Boston Globe by Stephen

Kurkjian and Mark Hosenball reports on the Senator John F Kerry

hearings. "About a dozen Nicaraguans who back the contras have

been prosecuted in the United states for drug-related felonies."

Michael B Palmer, 41, of Florida indicted in June 1986, walked

away from an airtight drug smuggling case because a Detroit

federal prosecutor dropped it in the "interest of justice".

Palmer was alleged to have flown marijuana into US from Columbia

from 1977 to 1986. In 1985 & 86 Palmer flew humanitarian aid to

Central America for the State Department. Leigh Rich testified

that the marijuana smuggling group headed by Palmer grossed

billions of dollars. Customs, at the request of the CIA, did not

search the planes. The plane was registered to Vortex, Inc, a

State Department and CIA contractor.

880306, Nicaragua, Minneapolis Star Tribune, p17A. An article by

Daniel Siegel and Jenny Yancey reports on the Senator John Kerry,

Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee hearings. Ramon

Milian-Rodriguez, Medellin Cartel money launderer, said that he

gave money, including $10 million in cocaine profits, to Felix

Rodriguez between 1982 & 1985. The cocaine was flown from

Columbia to the John Hull ranch in Costa Rica. Weapons for

contras were flown to the Hull ranch and cocaine was flown back

on return trips. Pilot Gary Betzner returned with 1000 kilo of

cocaine. Pilot Michael Tolliver said that he flew 25000 pounds

of marijuana into Homestead Air Force Base, Florida.

880330, Caribbean, In These Times, p 11. An article by

Anne-christine d'Adesky gives a partial list of Caribbean

officials alleged to have smuggled [illegal] drugs thru their

respective countries. From the Bahamas, Prime Minister Pindling,

top customs official John Rolle, and conservative political party

leader Sammy L. Miller. From Haiti; Defense Minister Brig.

Gen. Williams Regala, Army Chief Gen Henri Namphy, Chief of

Narcotics Carel Occel, Police Capt Gregoire Figaro, civilians Joe

Namphy (brother of Gen Namphy) and Alexander Paul (brother of Col

Paul) were part of group of Haitians who smuggled cocaine from

Columbia to South Florida via Bahamas and Dominican Republic.

Cuba; Fidel Castro and Raul Castro and several navy officials are

alleged to have smuggled cocaine from Columbia to Florida via

Cuba. On Mar 16, 1988 US Attorney Leon Keller (who indicted both

Noriega and Paul) told two congressional subcommittees a that a

recent drug seizure produced evidence of official Cuban and

Haitian involvement. Also Jamaica, Turks and Caicos, Honduras,

Mexico, and Panama.

880405, Honduras. The Nation, May 7, 1988, p634. Ramon Matta,

suspected drug kingpin and friend of several top Honduran

military officers, is captured by US Marshals. The Honduran DEA

office, closed between 1983 & 1988, is reopened.

880413, In These Times, April 13-19, 1988, p5. Maj Gen Richard

Secord is suing Leslie Cockburn for $38 million for the loss of

"business opportunities", such as the gun and drug smuggling by

the CIA in Central America.

880507, Burma, The Nation, p634. Here is a summary of the Bo

Gritz story. In 1986, Gritz went to Burma with White House

blessings to meet with the drug warlord Khun Sa, who supposedly

had information of MIAs. Khun Sa said that he wanted to end the

opium and heroin traffic in his territory and to expose U. S.

officials involved in the drug smuggling. Gritz claims that he

took this message to the US government and was told by Tom Harvey

of the National Security Council (NSC) that "there is no interest

here" in the Khun Sa overture. In May 87, Gritz, with Lance

Trimmer, a private detective, again visited Khun Sa in Burma. In

a recent letter to George Bush, who heads the National Narcotics

Border Interdiction System, Gritz maintained that Khun Sa claimed

that he had once engaged in narcotics transactions with Richard

Armitage, now Assistant Secretary of Defense, and Theodore

Shackley, the former director for operations at the CIA, and

other US officials. George Bush was head of the CIA in 1976 when

Khun Sa said that he was selling drugs to top CIA officials.

Gritz says that, strangely, nobody in the US government is

interested in investigating this.

880601, Philadelphia, PA, Mutual News, WSFC. Seven Philadelphia,

PA, cops have been arrested with $150,000 for drug trafficking

over the past two years. This may be the same seven involved in

drug trafficking in Owensboro, KY. See 870912, 950623.

880608, Nicaragua, In These Times, Jun 8-21, 1988, p7. Arms

broker Richard Brenneke publicly charges that George Bush's

office directly supervised the contra arms network which was

funded by Columbian drug money in association with the Israeli

Mossad. The Washington contact was Donald Gregg, Bush's national

security advisor. /Is this the same Donald Gregg who in now the

US Ambassador to South Korea? 9101.

880905, Detroit, MI, Newsweek, Sep 5, 1988, p37. Detroit, MI has

at least 100 police officers under investigation for ties to the

drug underworld. However, Chief of Police William Hart insists

that His Force is free of systemic corruption. /Chief Hart was

finally arrested and charged with embezzlement of 2.5M$ from the

Police Department undercover narcotics fund on 910213.

881003, Columbia, U. S. News & World Report, Oct 3, 1988, p13.

Elaine Shannon in _Desperados_ says that in June 1984, Oliver

North, in an effort to expose alleged links between the

Sandinistas and drug dealers, leaked information which exposed

Barry Seal who was infiltrating The Medellin [cocaine] Cartel.

881122, Los Angeles, CA, CNN 11:05PM. Two Los Angeles DEA agents

are arrested for hiding money in Switzerland. Another DEA agent,

Darrell [Daniel?] Garcia who bought a $500,000 home, is still at

large. These three agents had amassed $600,000 in drugs and

laundered money in the past 4 years. Two drug dealers under

investigation were tipped off by these Agents of Justice. CNN

3:13PM 25 Nov

881128, CNN radio, 3:43PM, quoting The Houston Chronicle.

Sinsemilla Tips, V8#3p21. Drug agents nationwide have been

staging phony drug busts on their own agents for years in an

effort to gain the confidence of the "real" drug smugglers.

881129, Lexington, KY, KET. Marvin Washington, Lexington Fayette

County Kentucky police officer for the past eleven years, is

arrested for armed robbery and possession of illegal drugs.

Officer Washington accosted at gunpoint two restaurant employees

attempting to make a night bank deposit. He was also found to be

in possession of cocaine.

881200, US Senate, (GOV DOC # Y 4.F 76/2:S.prt.100-165). In

December 1988 the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and

International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations,

United States Senate released its report. It is for sale by the

U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Washington, April 13, 1989. The

Nicaraguan Contras were funded by drug trafficking, facilitated

by Oliver North, John Hull, and Robert Owens.

Companies used by the State Department included: SETCO Air, a

company established by Honduran drug trafficker Ramon Matta

Ballesteros; DIACSA, a Miami-based air company operated as the

headquarters of a drug trafficker enterprise for convicted drug

traffickers Floyd Carlton and Alfredo Caballero; FRIGORIFICOS DE

PUNTERENNAS, a firm owned and operated by Cuban-American drug

traffickers; VORTEX, and air service and supply company partly

owned by admitted drug trafficker Michael Palmer.

More in WORMSCAN.&

881201, New York City, NY, Monitor Radio. A retired New York

City policeman was arrested in The Great Mafia Drug Bust.

881205, Nicaragua, US News & World Report, p16. Special

prosecutor Lawrence Walsh is investigating allegations that the

"Justice" Department deliberately stymied a Senate inquiry into

contra gun and drug smuggling in the spring of 1986.

890114, Costa Rica, WBKY, 4:15 PM. John Hull is arrested by

Costa Rican authorities on Thursday, 12 Jan 89 on charges of arms

trafficking, drug smuggling, and espionage. Warrants were

obtained in part from information from George Morales, drug

smuggling pilot for the CIA. Hull steadfastly claims that he is

a simple farmer and is not a CIA operative. His salary from the

United States National Security Council (NSC)is $10,000 per

month. /Farmer Hull has skipped bail an as of late 1990 is

reported to be hiding with his 20 year old female companion in


890100, Clay County, KY, KET. J.C. Lawson is arrested. A

vendetta is specifically denied by the cops. This is the fellow

who had the nerve to suggest that the police spend their time

chasing murderers and thieves, rather than pot patches. Ain't no

money in murders and thieves.

890130, Adelaide, Australia, Insight, p35. Detective Inspector

Barry Moyse was head of the police drug squad and was known for

his high profile attack on narcotics use. In late 1987 he was

convicted of trafficking in heroin he had taken from the police

property room.

890123. Newsweek, p 60. The Surgeon General's Report states

that the annual death toll in the United States from cigarettes

is 390,000. By 1992 the figure has risen to 450,000 deaths per

year from tobacco consumption in the US.

890220, Costa Rica, Newsweek, p8. The Bush administration and a

bipartisan group of congressmen are quietly pressuring Costa Rica

to release an American farmer [sic] jailed there on drug

charges. John Hull, whose ranch near Nicaragua's border figured

in Oliver North's contra-supply network, was charged last month

with cocaine smuggling. The US Embassy has protested his arrest,

and 19 legislators - including Democratic Rep Lee Hamilton, a

critic of contra aid - are urging the case 'be concluded

promptly ... in a manner that will not complicate U.S.-Costa

Rican relations.'

890220, KY, KET. On a Crime in Kentucky program, it was

mentioned that 90% of prison inmates in Kentucky are imprisoned

for either drug or alcohol charges.

890225, Lexington, KY, WSEK. Fayette County, Kentucky, Sheriff

Lonas Taulbee and five others are indicted on cocaine trafficking


890231, Lexington, KY, WBKY, KNN. Fayette County Sheriff Lonas

Taulbee resigns effective 14 April. He was convicted and

sentenced to 5 years for theft and malfeasance. He is yet to be

tried for conspiracy to distribute cocaine.

890411, Lexington, KY, KNN. Fayette County Sheriff Lonas

Taulbee, convicted for stealing $15,000 from the Sheriffs

Department, will resign and rerun for election.

890417, The Nation, p 512. Guillermo Tabraue received $1400 per

week from CIA and did $75 million in marijuana and cocaine

business between 1976 and 1987, supposedly with the blessings of

the CIA.

890419, FL, WFLW, 9:58AM, also ABC. The Everglades fire of about

two weeks ago was started by the burning of the records of a

Miami cop arrested for cocaine smuggling.

890508, The Nation, p619. "Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign

Policy", a report of the Senate Subcommittee on Narcotics,

Terrorism and International Operations released April 13. It

concludes that US knowingly used several drug traffickers in its

contra supply operations. Four companies owned and operated by

narcotics traffickers, SETCO Air, DIASCA, Frigorificos de

Punterenas, and Vortex were selected by State Department. John

Hull accused of preparing false affidavits for US Attorney Leon


890508, Cleveland, OH, Newsweek, p26. Arthur Feckner, drug

wholesaler, helped capture his supplier and 100 pounds of cocaine

in 1985. Feckner was then allowed by Cleveland police to sell 13

pounds of cocaine for $452,000 [$35/gm]. An internal police

inquiry had enough evidence to indict five officers. A judge

ruled that state law permitted police drug sales if they were

claimed to be in pursuit of a dealer. Present Police Chief

Howard Rudolf was head of narcotics department at start of

Feckner affair.

890803, St Louis, MO, Matt Elrod. Marijuana claims another

life. At 5 a.m. on August 3, 1989, police came to the home of

Bruce Lavoie, (34), a machinist with a wife and three children.

Without announcing themselves and with no evidence that Lavoie

was armed, police smashed the door in with a battering ram. They

had a search warrant based on an informant's tip that was 20

months old. As he arose from his bed, Lavoie was shot to death

as his son watched. A single marijuana cigarette was found.

More in WORMSCAN.&

890810, Russell Co, KY, WKYM. Judge Eddie Lovelace files suit

against a Russell County KY radio station for reporting on 24

July 89 that he was suspended for 6 months for interference with

the Clinton County marijuana cultivation case against Clinton

County Court Clerk Lloyd Stockton. Believe it or not, it is

illegal to mention that a lawyer has been reprimanded!

890815, Boston, MA, WBKY, 12:35PM. Edward O'Brien, DEA agent,

was arrested at Logan airport in Boston, Massachusetts, with 62

pounds of cocaine in his suitcase. DEA Agent O'Brien is

described as being "high ranking and decorated", as well as a

cocaine smuggler. /Newsweek Aug 28, 1989. Edward, Paul, and

John O'Brien, brothers, were all arrested. This is the fourth

DEA agent arrested on drug charges this year.

890830, KY, KNN. Captain Marion "Butch" Campbell wins! On a

final appeal, Judge Carl Forrester rules that evidence is

inadmissible for a retrial. Kentucky State Police Commissioner

makes a good front for cocaine smuggling.

890907, Owsley Co, KY, WTVQ. Jackie, son of [Bill Robert ?],

Owsley Co, KY, Judge-Executive arrested on CBS TV by FBI for

marijuana cultivation.

890925, OH, Insight, p 44. Democrat Rep. James A. Traficant, Jr.

received $108,000 in bribes from organized crime in the 1980 race

for Mahoning County, Ohio Sheriff. The 6th US Court of Appeals

sez that the bribes are taxable.

890928, Clinton Co, KY, WFLW. Judge Eddie Lovelace has his

suspension for protecting the local marijuana industry reduced

from 6 months to 45 days.

891122, Lexington, KY. Gatewood Galbraith runs for Governor of

Kentucky on a marijuana platform. A tax of $1000 per pound is

proposed. Kentucky consumption is estimated at 700,000 pounds

per year.

891218, Detroit, MI, Newsweek, p 30. Detroit, MI, top police

officials are accused by FBI of stealing more than $1 million

intended for "buy and bust" operations against competing drug

dealers. /Similar charges were also made in Sep 88 and Feb 91.

900118, Hopkinsville, KY, WHAS, KNN. Christian County, KY,

Sheriff William Dillard & chief deputy & others arrested 17 Jan

90 on Federal indictment for cocaine distribution & accepting

bribes to protect cocaine distribution after a one year FBI


900226, Mexico, Insight, p 37. Murder indictments are handed

down for Manuel Ibarra Herrera, former chief of the Mexican

Federal Police, and Miguel Aldana Ibarra, his deputy and former

Interpol director for murder and narcotics trafficking in the

death of DEA agent Enrique Camerena in 1985. The kidnapping and

torture of Camerena was to find out how US officials had learned

of the ties of members of then-President Miguel de la Madrid

Hurtado's Cabinet to drug payoffs.

900305, East Wendover, UT, Paul Harvey. The East Wendover, UT,

police chief and his wife are arrested for drug trafficking.

900400, Iran. Acres, USA p 21. Iran paid our conspirators for

part of the contra arms deal with heroin & morphine.

900403, Warren Co, KY, WDCL. Bowling Green, Warren Co, KY,

Jailor Bunch & 7 deputies indicted on many charges including drug

dealing at the jail.

900414, Bowling Green, KY WHAS. John Roger McDonald, age 22,

dispatcher at Bowling Green, KY, State Police is accused of

stealing an undisclosed amount of cocaine from evidence.

900425, KY News Net. John Roger McDonald is accused of stealing

200 to 300 grams of cocaine in several thefts over 5 months from

State Police Evidence.

900428, Costa Rica, The Orange County Register. Costa Rica is

not happy with Contra drug smuggling through their country.

Costa Rica bans former U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica Lewis

Tambs, former National Security Adviser John Poindexter, Lt.

Col. Oliver North, ex-CIA station chief Joe Fernandez, and arms

dealer Richard Secord. John Hull is stripped of citizenship.

More in WORMSCAN.&

900608, Lexington, KY. Murphy wants change of venue.

900613, The Bronx, NY, Paul Harvey. The Bronx, NY cops hold a

"job action" to protest probes of corruption in the police

department. They write no parking tickets.

900615, Lexington, KY, WEKU. Lexington, KY Fayette Co, KY

Sheriff Taulbee loses appeal on theft & malfeasance and is

sentenced to 5 years.

900616, Nicholasville, KY, KNN. Danny Allen Murphy is charged

with suffocating his wife in 85. Also on trial next month on

Federal drug charges. His occupation is given as

Lexington-Fayette County Police Officer.

900623, Hopkinsville, KY, WKYU. William Dillard, Christian Co,

KY, Sheriff is convicted of cocaine trafficking and taking a

$5000 bribe from the Feds. Found not guilty on some other


900717, Vine Grove, Hardin Co, KY, KNN. Police Chief Abshire

pleads guilty to cocaine possession.

900727, Whitley Co, KY, WSEK. Former Whitley County, KY,

Judge-Executive Archie Powers and Clifford Silers plead not

guilty to cultivating 849 marijuana plants in 2 plots in the

National Forest in Whitley County.

900816, Eastern Kentucky, WSEK, WKYU. In "Operation Walking

Short", the FBI produces a 42 count indictment of Kentucky law

officers for conspiracy to extort and protect illegal drug

traffickers. Arrested were: John Mann, Sheriff of Lee County,

allegedly the master-mind, who took $38,500 in bribes from FBI

agents; Lester Dickerson, Sheriff of Wolfe County; Billy

MacIntosh, Sheriff of Owsley County; Dean Spencer, Sheriff of

Breathitt County; Wilson Stone, Deputy Sheriff of Wolfe County;

and Omer Noe, Police Chief of Beattyville. Two FBI agents

masqueraded as big Chicago "businessmen", in the business of

importing marijuana and cocaine. They got a business license to

air-drop and outship their products from backwoods airstrips.

This is supposedly the biggest [bigger than catching the Kentucky

State Police Commissioner doing 3/4 million dollars per week in

cocaine trafficking??] bust in Kentucky. Several newscasts

emphasized that this is no reason for good citizens to question

the integrity of their police; other radio stations issued an

appeal for their good citizens to report such activities to the

FBI hotline. 800/752-6000

900820, Lexington, KY, KET. Lexington Police Officer Dan Murphy

is on trial for distribution of marijuana, and weapons charges.

Judge Forrester will decide if the jury should see Murphy's

Jessamine County fortress/plantation/home. The charges are worth

30 years.

900822, Lexington, KY, KET. Danny Allan Murphy, former Lexington

Kentucky Police Officer is convicted on marijuana distribution

and machine gun charges. He is yet to stand trial for murder in

Jessamine County.

901008, Columbia, SC, USN&WR, p24. In FBI Operation Lost Trust,

10 legislators are indicted on bribery & drugs charges. 30 of

170 state legislators are implicated.

901011, Christian Co, KY, KNN. Christian County Kentucky Sheriff

Dillard is sentenced to 9 years in prison for selling cocaine &

stealing $12,000 from the government.

901018, Perry Co, KY, KET\WYMT. In Perry County, Kentucky, 40

state and 14 federal indictments were handed down for assorted

drug dealing in a joint FBI & KSP case. 40+ have been arrested,

including former county attorney Kenneth Baker who is charged

with taking gratuities for influencing drug cases in court. This

is thought to be independent dealers rather than a conspiracy.

901018, Boston, MA, PBS Frontline, "When Cops Go Bad", WGBH.

Discussed the Miami, FL, case (see 7 previous entries from 861024

to 890419) of organized gangs of Miami police stealing and

selling boatloads of cocaine. In the Los Angeles County

Sheriff's Department, $1.4 million was skimmed by the

departmental drug squad. Approximately 30 indictments were

rendered, including Jim Bouden and Dan Garner. This source of

revenue spread from the the Los Angeles Police Department to the

Feds. DEA agents Daniel [Darrell?] Garcia, Wayne Countryman, and

John Jackson liberated 150 kilograms of heroin and sent it to New

York by FedEx for sale. Two have plead guilty, and the third is

on trial. 50% of police corruption cases in the US are drug

related, according to the FBI. 32 DEA agents have been the

target of internal investigations this year, 54 Federal agents

[does that include the DEA agents?], 40 State Police, and 327

local policemen. There are approximately 17000 local police

departments in the US. In Sea Girt, NJ, pop 2500, 20 local

people were arrested in a drug dealing ring. These included 3 of

the 12 police, Sgt Joseph Beaumont, Lt Robert Hindman, and Capt G

Calusleri. School officials don't know how to explain to the

children how these cops could preach their drug speech while

dealing at the same time. There is a Justice Dept study of

police corruption.

901022, London, KY. Lee County KY Sheriff Jonathan Mann is being

held without bond in the Laurel County jail. He is charged with

19 counts of drug trafficking and extortion, and taking $85,000

in payoffs from drug traffickers posing as FBI agents. He is

running the Sheriff's Office from jail, having appointed his wife

as administrator.

901024, Monticello, KY, WFLW. Ed Reynolds was arrested by the

Wayne County Sheriff last Friday with 24 pounds of processed

marijuana. Rumors are that Reynolds was a Wayne County Special

Sheriff's Deputy for Drug Operations.

901029, Los Angeles, CA(?), WTHL. The drug trafficking trial of

DEA agents Daniel [Darrell?] Garcia, Wayne Countryman, and John

Jackson is scheduled for next month. Witness Stewart testified

on videotape that that for three years he sold drugs supplied by

these DEA agents, shared two million dollars in profits with

them, and took lavish vacations with their families. Witness

Stewart testified on videotape because he was not expected to

live long enough to testify in person.

901108, Somerset, KY, WFLW & WSEK. Ten year veteran Kentucky

State Police Trooper David Dick was issued a criminal summons

(not arrested) as the result of his superiors finding marijuana

less than two ounces in the trunk of his cruiser Sunday. He

claimed that this was leftover from an arrest and that he had

forgotten about it. On Monday he resigned, according to Pulaski

County attorney Fred Neikirk. On Thursday he pleaded guilty, was

fined $25, and immediately had his conviction voided. His

attorney was Larry Whittaker. Trooper Dick has been rumored to

be involved in marijuana production and marketing for several

years. See 861126.

901110, Wayne Co, KY, personal communication, MG. Ed Reynolds, a

member of the auxiliary police ( or Monticello Police?), who

lives at Gap of the Ridge near Fred West, had a pre-trial

hearing (Thursday, 8 Nov ?) for possession of 25 pounds of

processed marijuana. A trial is set for May.

901207, Lexington, KY. Former Fayette County Kentucky Sheriff

Lonas Taulbee loses an appeal on conspiracy to traffic in

cocaine. His grounds were that since he got caught before he was

actually able to have the cocaine planted in the car of his Chief

Deputy, he obviously was not distributing cocaine. Appeals on

the charges of theft, misfeasance, and malfeasance for stealing

from his office also failed.

901217, Lockerbie, Scotland, Primary source here is from

Barron's, 12/17/90, "Unwitting Accomplices?" by Maggie Mahar.

Lockerbie Pan Am bombing is linked to CIA heroin smuggling.

Monzer Al-Kassar, a Syrian drugs and arms smuggler, had started a

heroin-smuggling operation at the Frankfurt, Germany airport.

Al- Kassar "reportedly received $1.2 million from a Swiss company

controlled by Albert A. Hakim and retired Air Force Maj. Gen.

Richard V. Secord." These folks, in turn, were part of the Iran-

Contra network. More in WORMSCAN.&

910108~, St Regis, suburb of Louisville, KY, KET? St Regis

policeman Bersot (Bursoe?) is accused of planting drugs & guns on

David Trigley(sp?). Trigley's crime was to date the cop's

ex-wife. Captain Eppeley deplored the accusation. See 920826 &

930320. [David Trigley may have been one of the cops. A David

Tingley was involved with another drug planting case on Ricky Lee


910213, Detroit, MI, NPR. William Hart, the Police Chief of

Detroit, MI, is accused of embezzlement and tax fraud for

diverting 2.5M$ from the Police Department undercover narcotics

fund to his own private businesses. Chief Hart is sentenced to

suspension with pay. The Mayor deplores this racist attack on

the Black community. /Similar charges have previously been made

in Sep 88 and Dec 89. On 920827 they made it stick, 10 years'


910306, IN, KET. Barbara Grier (or is it in Grier, IN?) is

listed in serious condition after the cops invaded her house to

arrest her boyfriend. The shot was meant for the dog, but

missed, hitting her in the stomach.

910522, Detroit, MI, Paul Harvey. 10 cops and the niece of the

mayor are arrested in an Detroit, MI, FBI sting. They thought

that they were taking payoffs from the real drug dealers.

910530, Cleveland, OH, KNN. 30 police officials are caught in a

FBI sting on drugs and gambling. This was reported by a

Cleveland TV station, but no officials will make any official

statements. MacNeil/Lehrer said that 47 cops including 30

current police officers, 4 former officers, and 13 others

provided security services for illegal gambling and incidentally

drug distribution, over two years.

910619, Frankfort, KY, KET. 5 marijuana plants were found

growing in an apartment owned by Gary Faulkner, KY Drug Czar and

Commander of The Governor's Marijuana Strike Farce. This time

they believed the landlord when he said that he did not know of

this activity and furthermore, he had no way of knowing. 60 more

plants were found in another Frankfort indoor harvest.

910712, London, KY, KNN. In the trial of Jonathan Mann etc,

evidence showed that informant David Richardson was paid $77,000

by the FBI for salary & expenses. His previous career was a

marijuana dealer.

910716, London, KY, WSFC. John Quinn (or maybe Flynn?) of

Lebanon, OH is Jonathan Mann's attorney. Mann has had a

jailhouse conversion, and now has found God, who should forgive

all his sins. Mann gave an interview to a Lexington newspaper,

but this was declared insufficient to grant a mistrial.

910718, London, KY, WKYM. In the Mann et al trial, David

Richardson is alleged to have killed fellow agents Doug & Brenda

(Davidson?). But he passed a FBI lie detector test, and that's

that. These allegations are adjudged to be irrelevant and not

admissible as evidence.

910719, Nicholasville, KY, KNN. Former Lexington cop Murphy

pleaded guilty to suffocating his wife and was given 20 years.

910731, London, KY, WSEK. Jonathan Mann etc trial prosecution

finished. James [not David] Richardson of Owsley Co given as the

marijuana dealer who cooperated with the FBI. The judge is


910816, London, KY, KNN. Late today a verdict was delivered in

the drug conspiracy trial of Lee County Sheriff Jonathan Mann and

Associates. I think that 5 of 6 were convicted on one count of

conspiracy to distribute cocaine, but reports are very unclear.

Sheriff Dean Spencer of Breathitt Co was the odd man. Five were

convicted of conspiracy of extortion, and three were convicted of

conspiracy to distribute cocaine.

910821, Gridley, IL, Paul Harvey News. Judge Mark Dalton was

found by Federal Drug Agents to have a commercial marijuana

garden in his back yard.

910821, Wayne Co, KY, WFLW. Paul Eugene "Gene" Upchurch, age 44,

is found shot dead by his pickup truck on the Millsap Mountain


910826, Marshall Co, KY, KNN. Bruce E Buchanan, deputy jailor of

Marshall Co, KY, is charged with marijuana trafficking in the

county jail, and trafficking within 1000 feet of a school, since

the school is only a block from the jailhouse.

910826, Laurel Co, KY, WSEK. The Robert Foley, age 56[?], of

Harlan, alleged to have recently killed two brothers (& Harry

Lynn Vaughn) and dumped their bodies into Sinking Creek is a FBI

informant, according to an Ohio lawyer. A Federal judge issues a

gag order on the subject. Foley's father and wife are arrested

and alleged to have intimidated witnesses.

910924, Lexington, KY, KNN. Gregory Drake Wahl, a Fayette County

Sheriff's Deputy, was arrested Monday for selling 1/4 pound of

marijuana within 1000 feet of a school.

911101, Laurel Co, KY, WSEK. Ron Pool, FBI handler for

"Operation Walking Short", the Jonathan Mann case, attempted to

influence Judge Watson to release Robert Foley on murder charges.

911002, Clinton Co, KY, WMKZ, WKYM. Following a two year

undercover investigation, the FBI arrested David M Stonecipher,

47; John Henry Cravens, 45; Anthony "Tony" Seratto, 39; and was

attempting to find Paul A Brown; on charges of conspiracy to

distribute marijuana. The break came with a $14K sale by

Stonecipher the previous Tuesday & Wednesday to a KSP agent.

This Duvall Valley operation was a marijuana clearinghouse,

exporting to GA, OH, IL. The FBI does not usually investigate

mid-level drug dealers, but this was an exception. Capt Gary

Lusher of the Bowling Green SP and Terry O'Connor of the FBI

publicized the bust. Seratto is an 14 year veteran of the Albany

police, and was charged with use of a firearm in a drug offense,

an well as conspiracy.

911029, Laurel Co, KY, KNN. Robert Foley, 39, is arrested &

pleads not guilty for the murder of four people found entombed in

an abandoned septic tank since 1989. This was on a farm at Bald

Rock, Laurel Co, owned by his father, and formerly owned by

___________, also alleged to have been murdered by Foley.

Victims include Kimberly Bowersods (?) 20, of Ohio; and Calvin

Reynolds, 22, of Laurel Co, KY. See also 910826 for rumor that

Foley is a FBI protected informant. Note that Foley had aged -17

years during this unfortunate incident. See 940404.

911030, Breathitt Co, KY, KNN. After a two month investigation,

Mike Goff of the Kentucky National Guard working in The

Governor's Marijuana Task Force, is among 31 arrested for

marijuana trafficking. According to Mike Powell, the Governor's

mouthpiece, participants are carefully screened for drug use,

criminal tendencies, and correct thinking before being allowed to

participate in The Governor's Marijuana Task Force.

911101, Laurel Co, KY, WSEK. Ron Pool, FBI handler for Operation

Walking Short, the Jonathan Mann case, attempted to influence

Judge Watson to release Robert Foley on murder charges.

911105, Clinton Co, KY. Eddie Lovelace wins election for Circuit

Judge. During the campaign, no mention is made of his

disbarment. However, new connections to the marijuana industry

are alleged when Lovelace accepts a $500 contribution from an

arrestee (Cravens?) in the 911002 FBI marijuana raids.

911121, Charleston, TN, KNN. Four of four police officers of

Charleston, TN, are arrested for conspiring to have a town

councilman arrested last year. Said harassee was investigating

corruption in the police department.

920130, Laurel Co, KY, WSEK. Robert Foley was being handled by

FBI agent "Ron Poole" at the marijuana arrest of Larry Vaughn.

920324, Knox Co, KY, WSEK. Sheriff Bingham & Judge-Executive

Hampton wrote letters of recommendation of lenient sentences for

growers of 300 pounds of marijuana in the Stinking Creek area.

Also "Ron Poole" of the FBI is accused by Kathy Putnam, wife of

his ex-partner, of buying drugs for cash and buying drugs without

accompaniment. Pardner Putnam is presently serving 16 years for

the murder of an informant rather than take responsibility for

her pregnancy. Talk about screwing a confidential informant!

920504, The Nation, Alexander Cockburn, p582. A drug & gun

trafficking operation thru Mena in western Arkansas was protected

by Federal officials. A 1983 IRS drug smuggling & money

laundering investigation by the Arkansas State Police, prime

investigator Russell Welch, uncovered CIA connections, and was

warned off by the FBI. Arkansas state agencies brokered loans to

associated companies and interfered with investigations. Terry

Reed was a pilot & contra trainer.

920509, Presidio Co, CA, Paul Harvey. The former Presidio County

CA Sheriff is busted for cocaine trafficking. But there is no

Presidio County in California. But Sheriff Rick Thompson of

Presidio County, Texas, and his business partner Robert Chambers

(a Senator?) have been sentenced to life in prison for cocaine

smuggling according to Frontline, "What Happened to the Drug

War?", 930206. I was really impressed by Sheriff Thompson's

television adv for his tollfree drug smuggler hotline, 800

BE-ALERT. Apparently they were caught when another business

partner reported them to the real cops.

920513, Harlan Co, KY, WMKZ. LeRoy Helton and Don Helton file a

$12 million lawsuit against Sheriff Bill Redwine & 2 deputies for

unlawful arrest in a 1988 drug raid.

920617, Florida, KNN. Florida Sheriffs have been shaking down

people for multi millions of dollars under the guise of drug

forfeiture. The people were never charged, but they never

complained either. The rat got out of the bag when a woman was

relieved of her Federal hurricane relief check. Rumors have it

that this is a common practice everywhere.

920806, Kentucky, WMKZ. "Operation Walking Short" continues.

Former Lee County Sheriff Jonathan Mann is accused of taking

$40,000 in payoffs from phony drug dealers. The Feds are

confiscating $132,000 in property as drug profits. Meanwhile,

Sheriff Mann is serving 24 years 4 months in prison. Wolfe

County Deputy Sheriff Wilson Stone was sentenced to 10 years 1


920807, Nashville, TN, WKYU. Circuit Court Judge Thomas Brothers

is indicted at Nashville, TN, for his part in laundering

$1.3million in cocaine profits into several corporations. Also

indicted are Russell Brothers, nephew of The Judge, and G Thomas

Newell, their attorney.

920809, Clay Co, KNN. Marijuana claims another young victim.

Melissa K Cotton (20) of Patterson, New Jersey, a Ft Campbell

soldier, was killed in Clay Co, KY, as part of The Governor's

Marijuana Task Force (GMTF). She was a passenger in a fuel

tanker truck which ran off the road. The shoulder collapsed, and

the truck rolled down a hill and into a tree. The truck was in

the area supporting helicopters searching for marijuana. The

claim was made on several newscasts that "The Army is not heavily

involved in marijuana eradication". The GMTF score so far this

year is about a half million plants.

920825, Floyd Co, KY, KNN. Floyd County Kentucky Deputy Sheriff

Larry Newsome (45) plea bargains guilty to one of five counts of

drug trafficking. He was charged with selling pills to an

undercover agent. This must have happened a while ago, since a

trial was scheduled for tomorrow.

920826, Louisville, KY, many including KNN, KET, WLKY, WAVE,

WHAS. Four law officers are arrested on charges of violating the

civil rights of Ricky Lee Pardu by planting cocaine and a

silenced pistol in his car. Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff Ron

Pike was the mastermind of the operation. Saint Regis Police

Captain Gary Epperly was the operations chief, and Saint Regis

Policeman James Goodman his assistant. They were hired by

Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff George Tingley, who supplied the

cocaine. Pardu was arrested by Epperly and Goodman on 1 Nov 90.

David Tingley, Charles Bookout, and John Bursoe were also

involved. Epperly and Goodman were also questioned in the murder

of State Policeman Johnny Eddrington with his own gun in Laurel

County, but have not been charged. Pardu was believed because he

was an informant passing information on activities of Special

Security Services, an operation of the officers located on the

Rest Haven Cemetery property. See 930225, 930723

920827, Detroit, MI, Paul Harvey. Detroit Police Chief William

Hart is sentenced to 10 years for embezzlement and tax evasion

for stealing millions of dollars which was supposed to have been

used for undercover drug buys.

920829, Clinton Co, KY, KNN. Anthony Seratto is sentenced to 70

months for marijuana trafficking. Not mentioned was his

occupation (Albany city cop) or the disposition of charges of use

of a firearm in the commission of conspiracy to traffic in

illegal drugs.

920911, Clay County, KY. Vicki ____ wins $70K lawsuit against

Clay County jail for a BCS. While six months pregnant, her anus

and vagina were searched with the same unlubricated glove. No

contraband, but a nice infection anyway.

921030, Jessamine Co, KY, WSEK. Former Jessamine County Sheriff

Steven Roy Walker, is given a one year diversion in lieu of a

retrial on 35 counts in 1989 of illegally obtaining pain

killers. This means that if Sheriff Walker stays clean for a

whole year that his record will be wiped clean. Carl Forster,


921113, Erlanger, KY, KNN & WSEK. Inspector David Woods (42) of

the Erlanger, KY (suburb of Cincinnati, OH) police was arrested

for selling confiscated drugs. The East Kentucky Task Force of

DEA, FBI, KSP, ETC, charged Inspector Woods with drug trafficking

and theft of government property after a five to six month


921123, Whitesburg, Letcher Co, KY, WKYU, KNN. Circuit Court

Judge Larry Collins was arrested on five bribery charges for

taking $7,000 and some marijuana in return for protection of a

marijuana dealer. This came after a one year Grand Jury

investigation. When Judge Collins took over his office in

January 92, he immediately dismissed a Grand Jury which was

investigating corruption.

921212, Louisville, KY, KNN. A drug sweep in Louisville, KY,

catches 24 drug dealers, including a Jefferson County Deputy

Sheriff. Deputy Gerald LaMotte Gray was charged with two counts

of marijuana trafficking. Also paraquat has just been declared

safe and efficacious for use on homegrown marijuana.

921218, Comment on Kentucky, KET. ? Estep of Lexington

Herald-Leader says that the value of the marijuana crop has been

forced below the value of the tobacco crop in Kentucky this year,

which is 900M$. [But on 921112, the harvest was claimed to be

worth $1,300,000,000.] During the 80's, marijuana was usually of

more value than tobacco, 1B$ in some years. Most is produced in

southeastern Kentucky, Clay, Leslie, Laurel, Harlan, Whitley,

McCreary, Wayne, Clinton counties. Prices this year are $1200

to $2600 per pound. Judge Collins has been suspended with pay

after continuing to hold court after his arrest on bribery

charges. Al Smith speculates as how the drug trade has caused a

lot of corruption.

921226, Russell Co, KY, WSEK. Matthew Gene Roy, Russell Co, KY,

Magistrate is arrested in Lake Charles, LA, for marijuana

trafficking in a "routine traffic stop".

921230, Eastern KY, KNN. The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld

the "Operation Walking Short" convictions of five Eastern

Kentucky cops on assorted drug trafficking conspiracy charges.

It does admit that maybe the punishment of Omer Noe was too


930127, Miami, FL, WSFC (ABC?). Three customs agents and an FBI

agent are charged with drug trafficking, bribery, and money

laundering in Miami, FL.

930128, Lexington, KY, KET. Former Lexington Police Officer

Danny Murphy has his charges of use of a machine gun while drug

trafficking overturned in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in

Cincinnati, OH. He still is in prison for murdering his wife.

In a personal conversation with DPB at Rainbow 93, an individual

volunteered that his brother-in-law was one of the fronts for

Murphy, holding title to Murphy's estate in alternate years.

Murphy beat the machine gun rap because the gun was in the attic

and the pot was in a freezer in the basement, this being a

sufficient distance that he could not be using his machine gun in

perpetration of a drug crime.

930201. Ex-Miami cop Armando Garcia is on the FBI most-wanted

list. This may be one of the Miami's Finest who was given a

mistrial for robbing and killing cocaine smugglers. See 870202.

930209, Beattyville, Lee Co, KY, WMKZ. Beattyville Chief of

Police Omer Noe of Lee County, KY, is resentenced to 12 years 7

months in prison for his part in in the "Operation Walking Short"

drug smuggling. The Appeals judge was Eugene Siler, who had

originally tried Noe. Not that Noe doesn't deserve another 12

consecutive life sentences for hypocrisy, but has a judge ever

overturned himself on appeal?

930225, Louisville, KY, KNN. Jefferson County policeman Ron Pike

is convicted of possession of two automatic weapons. No mention

of any connection with his planting drugs and weapons on Ricky

Lee Pardu who was informing on their security service. See

920826, 930723. WSEK says that the trial for drug planting is

scheduled for April 6.

930318, Lexington, KY, KET. Former Lexington, KY, police officer

Danny Murphy is convicted of possession of a pistol while

marijuana trafficking and sentenced to five years in prison. He

was formerly acquitted of possession of a machine gun while

engaged in his moonlight business. See 930128 & 910719 &

900822 & 900820 & 900816 & 900608.

930120, St Regis, KY, WKYU. St Regis Police Captain Epperly

pleads guilty to planting drugs to facilitate the arrest of an

inconvenient criminal. It is unclear whether this concerns the

case of David Trigley or that of Ricky Pardu. See 920826 &


930226, Lebanon, KY, KNN. Three State Troopers bound and robbed

Garry Mattingly and family near Lebanon, Marion County, KY. The

authorities say that the armed robbers were actually phoney state

police. There may be no connection, but the name Mattingly is

famous in marijuana production. See 820000 & 920120.

930409, Lexington, KY, KET. Former (fired in 1979 for

insubordination after 8 years of service) Lexington Police

Officer Bill Canan is arrested by Federal Marshals on charges of

drug trafficking and intimidation of a witness. Officer Canan

allegedly bought 24 oz of cocaine and then threatened to kill

Robert Scott, his supplier turned Federal Witness, if he

squealed. This is part of an investigation ongoing for 1.5

years. Police Chief Walsh vows that he is "finally gonna clean

up the Good Ole Boy Network" [his words]. See 850912, 930716.

930416, Lexington, KY, WSEK. Ella Flynn, mother of Melanie Flynn

who was disappeared under mysterious circumstances in 1977,

claims police ineptitude & indifference. Mrs Flynn claims that

she gave police many details of names, places, times, etc, which

were ignored. She also claims that part of the case file was

disappeared. Chief Walsh denies all these false allegations.

This re-surfaced upon the arrest of Bill Canan former Lexington

Police Officer on cocaine trafficking charges. Rumors at the

time of Melanie Flynn's disappearance were that she knew too much

about the Lexington Police drug trafficking. See 850912, 870112,

871123, 890225, 900820, 930409, Sally Denton, The Bluegrass

Conspiracy, Doubleday, 1990.

930416, Covington, KY, WSEK. Undercover Narcotics Officer Randy

Sebastian is charged with perjury for lying to obtain a search

warrant on Dr Patricia Canfield. Officer Sebastian resigned when


930421, Lexington, KY, KET. Former Lexington Kentucky Police

Officer Bill Canan is indicted on 14 counts. Charges include

drug possession and distribution in '88, possession of a fake DEA

ID, and possession of a pen gun and machine gun. His lawyer is

Fred Peters. One of the character witnesses at the bail hearing

was the same as for Danny Murphy. (See 900608, 900816, 900820,

900822, 910719, 930128, 930318). The Judge had enuf sense not to

pay any attention to him this time. Officer Canan is ajudged to

be a danger to the community and an escape risk.

930528, Christian County, KY, WKYU. Sheriff William Dillard has

his conviction overturned on appeal. Thus he really did not

partake in cocaine trafficking or take bribes for protection of

the drug industry in his dominion. See 900118, 900823, 901011.

930624, Paducah, KY, WKYU. Captain William Gorden of the Narco

Squad is fired for recording and reporting corruption in the drug

unit by city manager Pennington. A whistle blower lawsuit is


930626, Catletsburg, KY, WMKZ. Timothy Woods (39), a Kentucky

Department of Forestry Ranger, is arrested for cultivation of

marijuana, tending a patch on a hillside, while on duty in


930716, Lexington, KY, KET. Former Lexington Police Officer and

accused cocaine trafficker Bill Canan has his 13 counts (didn't

it used to be 14 counts?) dropped to 6 counts. Apparently he is

still charged with threatening to kill a confidential informant.

See 850912, 930409

930722, Paducah, KY, WSEK. The Western Kentucky Narcotics Unit

"needs to restore credibility", and be moved out of Paducah city

hall. The corruption ridden operation was funded by $220K in

state money and $73K in local taxpayer extortions.

930723, Louisville, KY, WHAS-KET. Louisville, KY, police

officers Ron Pike and James Goodman are convicted of planting

cocaine on a Federal informant, George [wasn't it Ricky Lee?]

Pardu. George Tingley was found not guilty. See 920826, 930225

930803, Kentucky, KNN? Just a piece of a story about someone

agreeing to resign from the State Police in face of corruption


930806, Harlan Co, KY, WMKZ. Howard Taylor, Harlan County

Kentucky Jailor, is accused of stealing two pounds of marijuana

from the Sheriff's evidence room.

930819, Laurel Co, KY, WMKZ. FBI Confidential Informant Robert

Foley is to go on trial for the murder of Rodney (Robert) Vaughn

and Harry Lynn Vaughn after being released from other murder

charges upon request by FBI Handler "Ron Poole".

930819, Louisville, KY, WKYU. The sentence of David Tingley was

ruled too lenient, even tho he testified for The State. David

Tingley had turned State Witness against his brother Deputy

Sheriff George Tingley in his trial for planting drugs on another


930802, Laurel Co, KY, KNN. Robert Foley, confidential informant

for the FBI, was convicted of the murder of Rodney and Harry Lynn

Vaughn. The jury did not believe his claim of self defense.

930820, Whitesburg, Letcher Co, KY, WSEK. Circuit Court Judge

Larry Collins decides to plead guilty to bribery for taking

marijuana to protect drug dealers, among other indiscretions.

930824, Whitesburg, KY, KNN. Letcher County Circuit Court Judge

Larry Collins pleads guilty to bribery for extorting drugs and

money from James Braddock. Several other charges are dropped.

930825, New York City, Paul Harvey. Calling themselves The

Morgue Boys (their meeting place was in an old morgue), 35 of New

York City's Finest preyed on drug dealers, robbing them of

cocaine, guns and money.

930905, Paducah, KY, WKYU. The Western Kentucky Drug Task Force

has been found to have been the subject of "loose management by

the Paducah Police". Some Kentucky Cabinet Committee has


930916, Letcher Co, KY, WFLW. Howard Ratliff, Jr (49 or 59) of

Kings Creek, Letcher Co, KY, was arrested while cutting more than

400 marijuana plants in a field behind his house. Officer

Ratliff is a fifteen year veteran Forest Ranger. His uniform is

being subjected to forensic analysis to determine if he wore it

in his marijuana patch (apparently a greater crime).

930917, Louisville, Jefferson Co, KY, many. Jim Greene, former

High Sheriff of Jefferson County, Kentucky, goes for a six month

vacation at Maxwell AFB (AL?) for tax evasion. Also $128,000

fine. He seemed bitter about it, complaining that he had made a

deal for no prison time. He declared that, "My debt to society

will be completely paid after this six months." This contradicts

the three year probation. All they could make stick to Al Capone

was tax evasion, too.

931019, London, KY, WSEK. Former Lexington, KY, Police Officer

Bill Canan's trial started on 12 Oct. Today he took the witness

stand and swore that he had never engaged in the trafficking of

cocaine!! More to come, I expect. See 850912, 930409, 930716.

He was eventually convicted on the cocaine trafficking and

witness intimidation charges & not guilty on the weapons charge.

931104, Kentucky, KET-WAVE. Joseph Shawn Kelley and three other

National Guard members of GMTF plead guilty to padding their

expense accounts in last summer's War on Drugs.

931108, Evansville, IN, WKYU. A trial starts today at

Vanderburgh Circuit Court for Richard Witlow (38), an Evansville,

IN, narcotics agent. Witlow is charged with attempted bribery,

attempted theft, and theft. Witlow solicited $100,000 to

disappear evidence from Harris Roach, father of Tocio Roach, who

was convicted of cocaine trafficking along with his wife. The

FBI was present at the cash pickup. Witlow is also accused of

stealing $6500, a semiautomatic pistol, and a gold bracelet while

searching the home of Edward Cooper.

931113, Whitesburg, Letcher Co, KY, WKYU. Circuit Court Judge

Larry Collins is sentenced to five years for taking a bribe to

protect drug dealers. Also some other official has been

implicated. See 921123, 921218, 930820, 930824.

931129, Caracas, Venezuela, USN&WR, p37. "At play in the fields

of the spies". A somewhat confusing story about a CIA operation

in Caracas. CIA case officer Mark McFarlin cooperated with Gen

Ramo'n Guille'n Da'vila, the head of the National Guard

antinarcotics unit. Guille'n told DEA & CIA officials in Nov

1991 that he had cooperated with two "unauthorized" shipments of

cocaine to the United States. The 940704 USN&WR p 41 reports

this as "knowingly allowing several shipments of cocaine from

Venezuela to the United States."

931215, ???, Paul Harvey. Some cops somewhere got caught

stealing money from drug dealers. Chief Kelley declares that he

will root out corruption.

931216, Lexington, KY, WSEK. Lexington Police Officer Bill Canan

has his convictions on cocaine trafficking, intimidation of

witnesses, and carrying a false DEA badge upheld.

931228, NYC, NY, NPR. Judge Milton Mullins (sp) Commission

releases a preliminary report on New York City Police corruption,

drug trafficking, police brutality, etc. Judge Clean Hand

decries the "Blue wall of silence".

940104, Lexington, KY, KET. Horrace Inman, 15 year veteran of

the Lexington Police Force, is charged with felony possession of

cocaine. The Police Department has no further comment.

940202, San Juan, Puerto Rico, "FBI This Week" (radio spot).

Victor Zapata was arrested in Puerto Rico. The FBI claims to

have been surveilling Victor Zapata for three years. Armando

Garcia was arrested about two weeks ago in Columbia. These are

ex Miami Police Officers wanted for racketeering, corruption, and

conspiracy to traffic in cocaine. Garcia was on the prestigious

FBI 10 Most Wanted List. No mention of assisting the suicide of

drug smugglers. See 861024, 870207, 880105.

940218, Lee County, KY, KNN. Lee County, KY, Sheriff Brandenburg

passes a lie detector test, proving that he was not responsible

for the disappearance of 1650 marijuana plants worth $100,000

[must be real little plants] from evidence. This merited

attention because his predecessor was Sheriff Mann, presently

serving time for extortion and cocaine trafficking.

940222, Beattyville, Lee Co, KY, WKYU, WSEK. Lee County Sheriff

Douglas Brandenburg was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury last

Friday on charges of conspiracy to distribute hundreds of pounds

of Mexican and domestic marijuana. Their market was southeastern

and eastern United States. 25 others were also arrested, tho no

names were given. As of 22 Feb, Sheriff Brandenburg was being

held without bond. The Federal investigation has been ongoing

since Sheriff Mann was caught. See 940404.

940222, CIA Headquarters, MacNeil-Lehrer, KET. 940310, WSJ.

Aldrich Ames and his wife Maria are arrested on charges of being

Soviet spies in the CIA. Ames was head of the CIA narcotics

intelligence for the Black Sea countries. Some think that the

cash ($2.5 million at last count) did not all come from the

Soviet KGB.

940223, Beattyville, Lee Co, KY, WSEK. Sheriff Brandenburg is

released on $25,000 bail on drug conspiracy charges. Strangely,

the charges are now cocaine trafficking.

940312, Hazard, KY, WSEK. Kentucky State Police Narcotic Officer

Mark Lopez is indicted on five charges of forgery. What he

forged was another officer's signature on reports on how he used

money which was supposed to be used for undercover drug buys. He

was also reprimanded for taking home ("I didn't steal it!

Honest!!") vehicles seized in drug raids.

940317, Philadelphia, PA, AP. Two FBI agents are wounded, but

they killed two criminals and wounded two others in a drug raid

in Philadelphia, PA.

940317, WV?, WSEK. Over 70 criminals are having their cases

reinvestigated after eight years because a State Police

Forensics "Expert" falsified the evidence. Is this the Fred Zain

who was acquitted on an assortment of perjury charges 951209?

More in WORMSCAN.&

940318, Middlesboro, KY, KNN, WKYU, WSEK. Two Middlesboro, KY,

city police and another former policeman are among eight charged

with drug trafficking. This is the result of a FBI sting called

"Operation Broken Shield". The investigation started October

92. Steeley Arlis Barnett and Garrett Russell are the greedy

cops. Their business included OH, PA, and TN as well as

Kentucky. 940401, WSEK. The FBI had wiretapped the home phone

of Officer Barnett.

940326, Dorchester, Boston, MA, CNN. Hazaline (Acelynne?)

Williams, a 75 year old retired minister died under the attentions

of 13 narcotics agents who raided his home. No drugs were

found. It is unknown what merited this attention.

940326, Miami, FL, CNN. Renee De Lacoma, a DEA agent who busted

Manuel Noriega has been convicted of keeping $250,000 for


940328, Boston, MA, NPR. Rev Williams was handcuffed and thrown

to the floor. This was considered necessary, even tho he was a

frail 75 year old. After ransacking his apartment and finding no

drugs, it was noticed that the perpetrator had died choking on

his own vomit. William's crime was to have his address confused

with that of a drug dealer fingered by a confidential informant.

The police have apologized to his widow, but maintain that

because their informant was right twice before, they were within

their rights. They even said that this shows just how dangerous

drugs are to the community!

940404, Madison Co, KY, KET. Twice convicted murderer and

sometimes FBI Confidential Informant Robert Foley (37) [still

37?] is on trial (moved to Madison Co) for the murder of four

more persons in 89. [So that's before the Vaughn murders, &

while he was working for the FBI?] Three bodies from Van Wert,

Ohio, Kimberley Bowersocks (20), Lillian Cantini (26), and Jerry

McMillan (36) and one from Laurel Co, KY, Calvin Reynolds (22)

were found in the septic tank on a burnt-out farm near Baldrock

in western Laurel County, KY. On September of 93, Foley was

convicted of murder for disposing of two other persons who had

become inconvenient to his operations. He was also earlier

convicted in a single murder. See 911029

940404, Beattyville, Lee Co, KY, KET. Irvine Shouse (32), a

prospective witness to the theft of pot from the Lee Co jail has

unexpectedly become dead. No other reason for his demise was

apparent. Sheriff Brandenburg is out on bond on charges of

conspiracy to traffic in drugs. See 940222.

940411, Mt Vernon, KY, KNN. It has been determined by a county

jury that Gary Shepherd forced the confrontation with GMTF,

justifying his execution. But see a letter from his family's

attorney in WORMSCAN.& Date: Thu Dec 01, 1994 9:07 am CST

940415, Harlem, NYC, NY, Paul Harvey. Twelve cops were caught in

a sting operation. Mostly night shift officers were buying and

selling drugs and guns. One Officer was caught on video tape

buying a kilogram of cocaine for $10,000.

940420, Mena, AR, WSJ. "On the Mena Trail" by Edward Jay

Epstein. CBS News recently focused two segments of "Eye on

America" on Mena, AR. 1) In Reagan years, local airstrips were

used to supply Contras. Supposedly Lt-Col Oliver North

supervised the operations. 2) Reputedly cocaine was brought back

on return trips, over 20 tons. Barry Seal was a pilot and

government informant. 3) Money laundering of $9 million per

week. 4) The strange lack of interest in the foregoing by the

"Justice" Department. _Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA_

by Terry Reed and John Cummings reports on the alleged


940429, Barbourville, Knox Co, KY, KNN. Senator Tom O'Dell

Smith's conviction is upheld for solicitation of a $10,000 bribe

for his efforts to reduce the sentence of a drug dealer. Senator

Smith offered his services to the wife of the unfortunate


940504, Beattyville, Lee Co, KY, KNN. Beattyville, KY, Chief of

Police Townsend is suspended following the strange death of drug

dealer in Lexington who had implied involvement with the

disappearance of marijuana from evidence.

940504, Louisville, KY, KNN. There is an investigation of police

drug tactics as a result of the attack on a black police officer

mistaken for a drug dealer a couple weeks ago.

940505, Leslie Co, KY, KET. Deputy Sheriff Lyn Doyle Parr and

Roger Wells were sentenced for protecting marijuana dealers.

940506, Middlesboro, KY, KET. Middlesboro Policeman Garrett Lee

Russell was given a postponement of his trial for running a

multi-state marijuana trafficking ring.

940515, West Harlem, New York City, National Public Radio, All

Things Considered, Jim Zorowley (sp?). The latest New York City

cop scandal is 14 cops in the 30th precinct arrested and more to

go for robbing drug dealers, shooting a man in custody, etc. The

Knapp (sp?) Commission investigated systemic corruption,

especially in the narcotics business. Also a Mallen (sp?)

Commission last October. A "Blue Wall of Silence" was found

where officers lied to protect each other. Also referenced was

the 77th precinct in Brooklyn where in 86, 12 cops were stealing

and selling drugs.

940518, Thailand, Paul Harvey. Ten politicians, including six

present members of Parliament, are accused of drug dealing.

940601, Middlesboro, KY, KNN. Middlesboro Police Officer James

Patterson pleads guilty to cocaine trafficking. Sentencing is

scheduled for August. Note that as of 941104 he was still

running loose and still doing coke.

940604, Louisville, KY, KNN. FBI Agent Withers is accused of

heroin trafficking. He reputedly stole 100 pounds of heroin from

the evidence room and sold it to dealers who were under FBI

surveillance. Solicitations were by telephone and mail, and

payment was to various Post Office boxes. Much of the evidence

was found in a relative's home in Louisville, KY.

940610, Beattyville, Lee County, KY, KET? Sheriff Brandenburg is

real careful when he busts 123 marijuana plants. He is under

indictment for trafficking in marijuana confiscated last year.

940614, Hazard, KY, WKYU, KNN. A internal investigation hearing

in Frankfort was indefinitely postponed for another of Kentucky's

Finest yesterday. Hazard Post Kentucky State Police Officer Mark

Lopez (28) is accused of stealing $2000 [not clear if of or in

addition to] marijuana from evidence and threatening to kill an

informant. WSEK says that an informant got $450, but Officer

Lopez claimed $2475 in his report. No mention of how much

marijuana he scored.

940621, Louisville, KY, KET\WHAS. Louisville Police Officer

George Bell is busted for cocaine possession.

940628, Beattyville, KY, Kentucky Tonight, KET. Beattyville

Police Chief Townsend is finally fired after being on suspension

with pay since May. The fate of the 16,000 marijuana plants

which were disappeared under his care is still unknown.

940707, New York City, NY, NPR. The (Judge Jim) Mollen (sp)

Commission Report has been released documenting years of highly

organized police corruption. Gangs of Our Finest rushed to crime

scenes to collect the booty. They also used police equipment to

break and enter and burglarize. They protected narcotics

dealers, stole and resold narcotics and handguns (New York has a

"Sullivan Law" prohibiting private ownership of handguns). When

investigated, they lied and perjured. Honest(?) police and

supervisors chose to ignore this. Three former Police

Commissioners, including present National Drug Czar Lee Brown,

"showed a willful blindness to corruption". The extent of this

corruption is unknown, but "everywhere we looked for it, we found

it". Suggestions on cleaning up NYC Police are hotly contested

by the department.

940707, Louisville, Jefferson County, KY, WKYU. A NCIC All

Points Bulletin is out for Special Deputy Badges issued by

Jefferson County Sheriff Jim Green. Sheriff Green is presently

serving time for tax evasion (he didn't report the money he

extorted from his deputies).

940712, Eastern Kentucky, WKYU, WMKZ. An unnamed Eastern

Kentucky man (25) pleaded guilty to selling marijuana within 1000

yards of a school in the Mexican dilution connection. He was

sentenced to 8 months in jail. The real target is Lee County

Sheriff Douglas Brandenburg.

940727, Lexington & Beattyville, KY, WSEK. Deceased drug dealer

Irvine Shouse (32) died 03 Apr 94 of acute cocaine and diamulid

(sp?) (a strong cancer painkiller) poisoning. No fowl [sick]

play is suspected! Shouse claimed that Beattyville Police Chief

Townsend tried to sell him part of the 1600 marijuana plants

which were disappeared from evidence and mysteriously reappeared

in his car trunk, but didn't live long enough to tell that to a


940804, Middlesboro, KY, KNN. Former Middlesboro Police Chief

Steeley Barnett and sidekick Gerald Pratt, superintendent of the

streets department now want to plead guilty to federal drug

trafficking charges.

940805, Jefferson Co, Louisville, KY, KNN. The Grand Jury is

ready to indict 50 jailors and employees of the Jefferson KY

County jail on charges of drug smuggling within the jail.

940906, Pikeville, KY, WKYU. The trial of Lee County, KY,

Sheriff Douglas Brandenburg is scheduled to start today in

Pikeville. Sheriff Brandenburg is accused of importing cheap

Mexican marijuana to adulterate his higher quality domestic


940906, Pikeville, KY, KET. George Nobel, Jr, of Breathitt

County pleas guilty in the Mexican adulteration operation. He is

the fourth of seven to plea guilty. He got seven years. Sheriff

Brandenburg still maintains his innocence.

940907, Pikeville, KY, KNN. Lee County Sheriff Douglas

Brandenburg is said to have taken payments of "thousand of

dollars per month" to protect the drug operations in his county,

starting shortly after he was elected and ending in June 94 as

his operation was taken down by federal action.

940909, Pikeville, KY, WKYU. Three more codefendants plead

guilty in the Lee County Sheriff Douglas Brandenburg marijuana

adulteration trial.

940909, Pikeville, KY, KNN. Lee County Sheriff Douglas

Brandenburg is given a mistrial. The reason given is that his

co-conspirators have all plead guilty, and it looks bad for him.

940912, London, KY, KNN, WSEK. The drug trial of Middlesboro

Officer Garrett Lee Russell starts today. He is accused of three

counts of dealing in cocaine, marijuana, and pain killers, 1

count of possession, 2 of use of a firearm in the commission of

drug dealing. He was arrested in March in "Operation Broken

Shield", after a 20 month investigation. He is accused of also

being a USER, using, dealing and letting his customers use in his

cruiser. All of his co-conspirators have pleaded guilty , but

this apparently is not sufficient for a mere city cop to be given

a mistrial.

940916, London, KY, WSEK. Middlesboro City Police Officer

Garrett Lee Russell claims that FBI Informant Benny Meyers gave

him free cocaine, and then demanded that Orificer Russell supply

him with other drugs. He carried a firearm during these drug

transactions because it was part of his uniform.

940916, London, KY, WKYM. Middlesboro Kentucky City Police

Officer Garrett Lee Russell is convicted of drug dealing charges,

but not of the use of a firearm in the commission of a drug crime


941022, New Orleans, LA, Washington Post. Oliver North claims to

have told the DEA of a Nicaraguan Contra supply plane returning

with cocaine in 1985. Unfortunately, the DEA claims that there

is no evidence that they were ever contacted. More in WORMSCAN.&

941103, This file distributed to Dan Drumm

941104, Middlesboro, KY, KNN. Middlesboro, KY, policeman James

Patterson was sentenced to 16 months for drug trafficking. Since

he is still using cocaine while free on bond, Judge ______

ordered him to prison immediately.

941117, Somerset, KY, WMKZ. Former Wayne County resident Tim

Gregory (29) of 232 March St, Somerset, KY, was arrested for the

1991 murder of Gene Upchurch. Upchurch had been found shot in

his truck near Mt Pisgah, Wayne Co. Rumors had it that he was a

special confidential informant for the Wayne County Sheriff.

941211, New Orleans, LA, Reuter. Nine New Orleans police

officers, including one arrested earlier for ordering a murder,

were indicted for drug trafficking by a federal grand jury

Wednesday. The officers were charged with protecting the storage

and movement of more than 130 kilograms of cocaine. Indicted

are: Len Davis, Davis' patrol partner, Sammy L. Williams Jr.,

Christopher Evans, Adam E. Dees, Sgt. Carlos Rodriguez, Keith

Johnson, Brian K. Brown, Sheldon Polk and Larry Smith Jr., a

juvenile division officer. More in WORMSCAN.&

941213, Mexico City, Wall Street Journal. _Garcia Is Enemy in

Mexican War on Drugs: Cartel Lord Protects Empire With Bribery

and Violence_, by Paul B Carroll and Dianne Solis. Juan Garcia

Abrego is doing from $10 billion to $20 billion per year in

cocaine trafficking. Bribes to officials are millions of dollars

per month, including to Deputy Attorney General Javier Coello

Trejo in 1989 and 1990. Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni, former top

narcotics chief in the federal judicial police amassed $6

million. Interestingly, witnesses have now recanted their

stories. As an example of the "gateway theory", Garcia started

by smuggling whiskey, graduated to marijuana, and then cocaine.

950124, Honduras, Reuters. A groups of airline workers and

passengers filed suit charging they were imprisoned and tortured

in Honduras in 1991 because US officials botched a drug sting and

then waited over a week before seeking their release. The DEA

hid 100 pounds of cocaine on a Belize Air International flight

from Miami to Central America without informing the airline, the

crew or local governments. The cocaine was discovered when the

plane touched down in Honduras and all on board were arrested in

what was touted as a Honduran government Drug War victory. The

group was subjected to 12 days of prison and torture, including

electric shocks and beatings with rubber hoses, before the USA

finally acknowledged that the DEA had placed the coke on the


950206, Beattyville, Lee County, KY, KNN. The day before their

trial in Pikeville, Lee County Sheriff Douglas Brandenberg and

two co-conspirators plead guilty on one charge of obstruction of

justice in interference with a Federal Drug Investigation. But

they are now NOT guilty on charges of taking bribes to protect

the illegal drug business.

950216, NPR. The US military cost last year for its share of The

Drug War was $13billion, mostly spent in Latin America. Gen.

Barry R McCaffrey, head of the U.S. Southern Command

encompassing all of Latin America, said that despite a well

organized and costly counter-drug operation, ``these current

efforts are not achieving their purpose.''

950218, Floyd Co, KY, WSEK. Deputy Judge-Executive James Stumbo,

son of Floyd County Judge-Executive John Stumbo, pleads guilty to

drug dealing.

950304, Lexington, KY, WSEK. (Former) Lexington Policeman and

cocaine dealer Bill Canan loses his appeal. He claimed that the

search warrant was based on old information, and the evidence

should be suppressed. Also his diary of cocaine transactions

deciphered on videotape by a confidential informant held, even

tho the informant was subsequently deceased. His 17 year 8 month

sentence is said to stand. Also, Lexington's biggest (for a

while) cocaine haul resulted from the arrest of one of the

criminals from this weeks crack dealer collection.

950313, Honduras, Chicago Sun Times. * In March a federal judge

awarded $871,000 in damages to six Belize nationals on the

payroll of U. S. drug agents. The six had been hired to fly

cocaine to Miami in order to sting the drug runners who would

meet the plane, but at a scheduled stopover in Honduras, the

cocaine was detected by Honduran officials, who arrested the six

and subjected them to 12 days of torture before U. S. officials

were able to intercede. [Chicago Sun Times, 3-13- 95]

950407, New York City, NY, NY Times. Three more cops arrested in

the 30th Precinct of New York City on charges of robbing drug

dealers. This brings the total to 33, out of a possible 192

officers, or 17% crooked. See 951207, 960105, 960110, 960112.

More in WORMSCAN.&

950414, Puerto Rico. Big stink about drug trafficking corrupting

Puerto Rican politicians. More in WORMSCAN.&

950422, London, KY, WSEK. Six time murderer and sometimes FBI

Special Informant Robert Foley has another murder to his credit.

Robert Tucker, beaten to a pulp by Foley has finally died from

his injuries. Also there is a victim of another assault in 89.

Foley demands a speedy trial, but the judge says that six death

sentences are sufficient.

950502, Beattyville, KY, WKYU. Lee County Sheriff Douglas

Brandenberg goes to federal prison for nine months for

interfering with a drug investigation. But he got off on the

drug trafficking charges.

950510, Beaver Dam, Dodge Co, WI, Wisconsin State Journal. Scott

Bryant (29) was killed by Dodge County Sheriff Detective Robert

Neuman. Neighbors claim that the door was kicked down without

warning and Bryant immediately shot. The cops claim that they

knocked and announced that they had a warrant for marijuana, but

Detective Neuman also claims that he does not remember shooting

Bryant! More in WORMSCAN.&

950531, Breathitt County, KY, KNN. Breathitt County, KY, Deputy

Sheriff Larry Smith sentenced to 80 months and a $25,000? fine

for marijuana distribution.

950606, Cali, Columbia, MacNeil-Lehrer. Bunch of indictments in

the Cali cocaine cartel, which is credited with 80% of the

cocaine in the United States. The total is 60 (?), mostly

Columbians, who will not be extradited. The biggest catch is

William (?) Abell, former US Justice Official Head of

International Affairs prosecuting cocaine suppliers in Columbia,

who retired and became a lawyer for the cartel. Donald Ferguson,

another US Justice Official (?). A total of seven lawyers were

caught, two who were former US Justice Officials, two others, and

three who have already pleaded guilty. More in WORMSCAN.&

950610, New York City, AP, WKYU. New York City Police Chief

promises to clean up corruption in The Force!

950608, Arizona. Unlawful arrest based on "computer error" does

not lead to exclusion of evidence, at least drug evidence. More


950623, Latin America, NAFTA & Inter-American Trade Monitor.

Cocaine and other drugs represent a large segment of agricultural

production in the Americas and a significant aspect of

international commerce. In 1993, in Colombia alone, coca

planting was estimated at 42,000 hectares, with an additional

20,000 hectares in poppies and 6-8,000 hectares in marijuana.

The Colombian government claims that coca and other drug

production has doubled since 1993, due to defense of producers by

guerrillas, who charge a tax for protecting growers,

laboratories, and air fields. More in WORMSCAN.&

950623, Philadelphia, PA, Inquirer. Fifteen more drug cases

overturned due to Philadelphia cops planting the evidence. The

arresting officers in the cases - five former 39th District

policemen - all have admitted they lied about drug arrests and

searches in the North Philadelphia district between 1988 and

1991, and have pleaded guilty to federal charges. See 880601,

950623, 960120. More in WORMSCAN.&

950624, Mexico City, CBS, WBBM. Mexican drug kingpin and 35

federal police are arrested by Mexican army.

950700, Mena, AR, Penthouse. Report of drug smuggling into Mena,

AR, by Barry Seal. Vast quantities of cocaine were imported

under the protection of our CIA. See WORMSCAN.& and MENA

950704, NYC & Miami FL, MacNeil-Lehrer. Interview with Michael

Dowd, former New York City cop, now in prison (20 years?) in

Miami, FL. New York's Finest admits that he ripped off drug

dealers for money and drugs, and used and sold cocaine, among

other acts not normally part of the job of the police. Dowd

brags how easy it was to lie and be covered by the other cops. He

admits to hundreds of illegal acts, and could have done hundreds

of times that. He admits to beatings, but no killings.

950705, Yuma, AZ, NPR. Yuma, AZ, Sheriff Deputy Jack Hudson shot

and killed two other deputies. All were part of a drug task

farce. Reasons for the executions are pending.

950712, Columbia, KY, WSEK. Adair County, KY, Magistrate Jeff

Miller (34) was arrested yesterday. Magistrate Miller was

stopped for no license plate, but fled. He was finally stopped

on the Columbia Town Square. He was found to have a large

quantity of marijuana, cocaine, crack, and prescription drugs, as

well as guns and money.

950719, Chicago, IL, Sherman Skolnick.

Sherman Skolnick claims in Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 5 Num. 60

By 1986, the First National Bank of Chicago (a Rockefeller

entity) had loaned billions and billions of dollars to mainland

China which reneged on their promises to pay back in gold. To

help China pay, the CIA and the Bank arranged for massive amounts

of "China White", high purity heroin, to be smuggled in through

Joliet, just south of Chicago. Supervising this was Bush's crony,

Jim Thompson, Illinois Governor until 1990.

The "China White" deluge is handled by Te-Wu in the U.S. and by a

secret unit in the Chicago-based law firm, Winston & Strawn, of

which Thompson is chairman.


From: Dr. Linda D. Thompson - American Justice Federation

* 61 percent of federal inmates are confined for drug offenses.

* Of the rest, 10 percent of federal inmates are confined for

robbery, 9 percent are serving time for firearms & explosives


950720, San Antonio, TX, UPI. Two high-ranking officials of the

Maverick County Sheriff's Department were arrested by federal

agents Thursday on drug distribution charges. Maverick County

Chief Deputy Rudy P. Rodriques and Jail Administrator Miguel A.

Omana were taken into custody without incident in Eagle Pass. A

federal grand jury indicted the pair on a variety of charges,

including conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute heroin,

cocaine and marijuana, and aiding and abetting in the possession

of drugs. More in WORMSCAN.&

950707, Yuma, AZ, AP. Sheriff's Deputy Jack Hudson was charged

with murdering Yuma police Lt. Dan Elkins and Sgt. Mike Crowe

of the state Department of Public Safety. This member of the

elite drug task force was caught by the deceased while stealing

confiscated guns and drugs. A third officer escaped to talk

about it because Hudson's gun jammed. More in WORMSCAN.&

950803, Bogota, Columbia, Reuter. BOGOTA, Aug 3 (Reuter) -

Thirty officers stationed at Bogota's international airport

have been arrested and accused of helping cocaine couriers thwart

airport security in return for big bribes, the CMI television

news programme reported Wednesday evening. A National Police

official confirmed to Reuters that the colonel in charge of

airport security -- Leonel Mendoza -- and an unspecified number

of airport police had been suspended from their jobs pending an

investigation. The official, who asked to remain anonymous,

declined to comment further, saying the matter was in the hands

of prosecutors. CMI said police at the airport, who search

passengers boarding flights abroad for drugs and use sniffer dogs

to check baggage, allegedly took payments from traffickers in

return for allowing travelers carrying narcotics to board

international flights. The scandal was uncovered when five

police officers who refused to participate in the scam were fired

from their airport jobs by the colonel and decided to tell the

prosecutor's office what was going on, CMI added. Prosecutors

ordered surveillance of the airport police, uncovered the bribery

and immediately ordered the arrest of 30 police accused of

involvement, CMI said. Colombia is the world's top exporter of

cocaine, one of the biggest sellers of marijuana and a growing

player in the heroin trade. Large amounts of cocaine and heroin

are smuggled out of the country concealed in the luggage or

bodies of couriers paid by drug barons.

950805, Sydney, Australia, Reuter. A serving drug squad police

officer, George Sabados, 27, of Sydney, was among 18 people

arrested on Friday in what a police spokesman said could prove to

be Australia's largest-ever drug haul. Several tonnes of

cannabis resin originating in the Middle East, as well as illegal

firearms, were seized from several boats in the tourist town of

Hervey Bay, 250 km (155 miles) north of Brisbane on Australia's

east coast, a spokesman for the Australian Federal Police (AFP)

said. More in WORMSCAN.&

950813, Latin America, SD UNION. Ex DEA Agent Celerino Castillo

recants. While stationed in Central America, Castillo kept

records on planes used in the U.S.-Contra resupply operation at

Ilopango Air Force Base in El Salvador---arriving with guns and

departing to the United States with cocaine from Columbia. He

claims that on January 14, 1986, he forewarned then Vice

President George Bush of the U.S. government involvement in

narcotics-trafficking. Had Castillo testified at the Iran-Contra

hearings, he says North would have gone to jail and both Bush and

President Reagan would have been impeached. Castillo says that

on the basis of his work, he is convinced that drug money is what

finances U.S. covert operations world wide. He believes that

despite the "War on Drugs," there are more drugs coming into the

United States today than 15 years ago and estimates that at least

75 percent of all narcotics enter the country with the

acquiescence of or direct participation by U.S. and foreign

intelligence services. It is they who must be held accountable

for the flood of drugs on our streets today, he says. More in


950819, Floyd County, KY, WKYU, KNN. Kentucky State Police

raided the home of former Kentucky Supreme Court Judge Dan Jack

Combs and produced 4 ounces of processed marijuana, one marijuana

plant growing in a container, rolling papers, pipes, and scales.

Judge Combs says that he has no idea of how such things might

have gotten into his home. Really! Judge Combs retired in 1993

because of a "memory disorder". By 950822, His Honor Combs has

decided that State Police have framed him by planting the

evidence on him. More in WORMSCAN.&

950822, Pikeville, KY, WSEK. Pike County, KY, Judge Charles

Huffman III pleads guilty to extorting drugs from Vivian Adams.

His Honor Huffman demanded loracet (lorazepam??) for quashing

drunken driving arrest. His Honor is subject to a twenty year

prison sentence.

950825, Floyd County, KY, WKYU. Former Kentucky Supreme Court

Judge Hiz Honner Dan Jack Combs now says that he uses marijuana

to help him sleep. His memory disorder must have made him forget

his previous claims. The first story was that he had no idea of

how this diabolical substance could have appeared in his house.

Then he claimed that the cops planted it. Stay tuned for the

next story.

950826, Floyd County, KY, WSEK. Former Kentucky Supreme Court

Judge Hiz 'Onher Dan Jack Combs now claims that he did not smoke

marijuana while he was judging pot smokers. His insomnia began

after he retired, and a friend suggested the evil weed. Stay

tuned for the next claim.

950831, Cleveland, OH, AP. County Judge Michael Gallagher who

favored legalizing drugs was indicted on cocaine charges after

offering the drug to an undercover federal agent. More in


950907, Atlanta, GA, Paul Harvey. Six cops in Atlanta are

charged with stealing money while searching suspects and taking

bribes to protect drug dealers.

950911, Washington, DC, Washington Weekly, Sarah McClendon. At a

White House press conference, Sarah McClendon hypothesizes that

drug money is financing the political campaigns of both

Republicans and Democrats. More in WORMSCAN.& and MCCLENDN

950913, Somerset, KY, WSEK. The Somerset narcs have $25,000 left

over which they must spend or loose it. They want a sniffer

dawg, among other toys.

950913, Knott County, KY, WSEK. State Police Paul Sandlin was

seriously burned while trying to burn some marijuana at Big

Branch, near Hindman.

950914, Floyd County, KY, WSEK. Former Hiz 'Onher Dan Jack Combs

says that he still smokes marijuana, in a WTVQ interview. His

attorney says that Judge Combs has a memory disorder, and thus

may not really mean it.

950915, ,,. FBI chemist claims that FBI evidence is falsified.

Special Agent Frederic Whitehurst claims that evidence is rigged

or slanted to produce the desired results.

Personal observation of David Perry Beiter, Analytical Chemist,

US Army, 1966. The way that it was done in my lab was that The

Boss (a psychic chemist) would reanalyze some of the tests in the

privacy and security of his office. The offending bench chemist

never saw these new and improved results. This falsification of

chemical analyses was defended on grounds that it assured the

uninterrupted supply of petroleum products to The Army of The

Government of The United States of America.

"And the Ends shall justify the Means."

950921. In a story about Gen Colin Powell friends, mention is

made of the role of Richard Armitage, George Bush, Nugan Hand

Bank, and the CIA in heroin smuggling. More in WORMSCAN.&

950923, San Diego Union-Tribune. Former DEA agent Celerino

Castillo stated that he and three other ex-narcs were willing to

testify before Rep. Robert Toricelli's proposed subcommittee on

the intelligence community and human rights violations in

Guatemala and Central America regarding the extent of direct

involvement by the Central Intelligence Agency in international

drug trafficking. The estimate he gave the newspaper was that

approximately 75 per cent of the drugs that enter the United

States do so with the acquiescence or direct participation of

U.S. and foreign CIA agents. But this story has been around

longer than has the War On Drugs. More in WORMSCAN.&

950923, Pacifica Radio Network, Daniel Sheehan interview. Daniel

Sheehan of the Christic Institute claims that the CIA has assets

working as reporters at most of the major media, under the name

"Operation Mockingbird". More in WORMSCAN.&

950922, Tuscon, AZ, Reuter via pshe. A Mexican immigration

official has been arrested after crossing the border with 233

pounds of cocaine hidden in his car, the U.S. Border Patrol in

Tucson announced Friday. (Reuter)

950926, Nashville, TN, The Tennessean. Joining more than 60

other Federal judges, U.S. District Judge Thomas Wiseman spoke

up in opposition to this country's "war on drugs" in an interview

with The Tennessean. Judge Wiseman said that "We've spent $100

billion on the war on drugs and we're losing it." Wiseman

recommends that the U.S. should legalize drugs. That, he says,

is the only real way to win the war. "If you take the profit out

of it, nobody will be pushing it. Wiseman, a 17 year veteran of

the federal bench, said that when President Bush escalated the

war on drugs in 1989 [Omnibus Crime Bill, Asset Forfeiture, DARE

educational programs, Partnership for a Drug Free (sic) America,

Mandatory minimum prison sentences, etc....-ed.], the country not

only lost the battle, but also, "We've just about lost a

generation of young people," he told The Tennessean.

950929, ??, ABC, WSEK. Another bunch of cops somewhere charged

with drug trafficking.

950930, Muskogee, OK, AP. Choctaw County Sheriff J.W. Trapp

took more than $150,000 to protect drug operations, in some cases

by warning alleged drug dealers about federal investigation,

according to a federal indictment handed up Thursday. Sheriff

Trapp was convicted on 951209. More in WORMSCAN.&

951011, Monticello, Wayne Co, KY, Outlook. Circuit Judge Eddie C

Lovelace is honored as The Outstanding Trial Judge of the Year,

the Henry V Pennington Award of the Kentucky Association of

Trial Attorneys. Quite a improvement from being disbarred by the

Feds for interfering with the Clinton County marijuana

cultivation case against Clinton County Court Clerk Lloyd

Stockton. Then again, maybe he is honored to be protecting his

own kind.

951017, Mena, AR, Orlin Grabbe. Operation Black Eagle, under

Oliver North, trafficked arms and drugs with Central America.

Secure airfields used were Mena, AR; Fire Lakes, NV; Joppa, MO;

and Iron Mountain, TX. Personnel were Oliver North, Navy Lt.

Commander Alexander Martin, Major General Richard Secord, Richard

Secord, Felix Rodriquez, and Jeb Bush (son of Vice-President

Bush). More in WORMSCAN.&

951018, Atlanta, GA, WSB. Police Lieutenant Carl Angel of

Bowden(?) is arrested on drug trafficking charges. In addition

to the cocaine, Lt Angel was relieved of over $10,000 in jewelry

and guns. Lt Angel claims that he was set up, framed, had

evidence planted on him, etc, because he was the new Police Chief

Apparent. Either way, it is an interesting example of "Your Cops

at Work".

951008, Herndon, VA, Ralph McGehee. Distributing CIABASE of

covert CIA operations. Claims police harassment. More in


951023, Washington, DC, The White House Press Secretary.

Executive Order No. ##?? is issued prohibiting any transactions

or dealings with Columbian drug traffickers. The CIA is

presumably exempt. More in WORMSCAN.&

950304, San Francisco, CA, San Jose Mercury News (AP).

San Francisco (AP) - Reporters have no right to see police files

of public complaints of officer misconduct, even with the

officers' names left out, a state appeals court ruled Friday.

State law provides only for disclosure of data showing the

number, type and disposition of complaints against officers, said

the 1st District Court of Appeal. More in WORMSCAN.&

951104, Washington, DC, Reuter. WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Federal

prosecutors have acknowledged that Ricardo Bilonick, a key

witness in the drug trafficking trial of Panamanian dictator

Manuel Antonio Noriega may have been bribed into testifying by

the Cali drug cartel, The Washington Post reported Saturday. The

disclosure of an alleged payoff of $1.25 million was made in the

government's written response to Noriega's demand for a new

trial. More in WORMSCAN.&

951111, Lee County, KY, WSEK. It's official. Beattyville Police Chief

Danny Townsend is elected to the Lee County, KY, Jailor's office. His

opponent was ______ Noe, brother of Omer Noe, the former Beattyville

Police Chief. Chief Danny Townsend is still officially a suspect

in the disappearance of 1600 marijuana plants from a locked jail

cell and the subsequent reputed offer of sale of the booty. The

reputer died of an "overdose" [really!] six days later. Chief

Omer Noe is serving 12+ years in prison for his part in

"Operation Walking Short". See 900816, 921230, 930209, 940504,

940628, 940727.

951121, Vineland, NJ, New York Times. Gilbert Lopez, a former

police officer in Vineland, NJ has been found guilty of charges

of selling illegal drugs and protecting drug dealers. Lopez had

claimed he had been conducting his own private investigation. He

faces 5 - 40 years for the offenses for which he was convicted.

(New York Times, 10/21/95)

951124, Washington, DC, US Dept of Justice.


A report of the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) shows

a 78% increase of misconduct complaints against Department of

Justice attorneys and assistant US Attorneys in 1993 over the

number of such complaints in 1992. More in WORMSCAN.&

951125, Washington, DC, Dept of Justice. Federal convictions of

public officials went from 40 in 1970 to 1065 in 1988. See


951201, London, KY, WSEK. The FBI is disciplining agents for

keeping Confidential Informant Robert Foley free on assorted

murder charges. The parents of the Vaughn brothers are suing

for $10.3 million.

951202, Naples, Italy, AP. Roger D'Onofrio, 72, former CIA

agent, is arrested in Sicily on charges of money laundering and

trafficking in arms, drugs, and radioactive materials. More in


951204, Pikeville, KY, KNN, WSEK. Former (removed from office in

84 for drug abuse) Circuit Judge Randall Starnes is on trial for

conspiracy and drug trafficking in cocaine and pain killers.

Star witness is Judge Starnes' drug supplier, former Judge and

Compromised Informant Charles Huffman, who has already been

sentenced for drug trafficking. Judge Starnes is on tape

bragging about snorting coke with Governor John Y Brown, Jr.

951205, Mexico City, Wayne Mann. In today's (Nov 25) issues of

From: Wayne Mann

In today's (Nov 25) issues of El Financiero and La Jornada, two

of Mexico City's most influential daily papers, it is reported that

Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Mexican ex-president and now

member of the board of directors at Dow Jones, along with his

father and brother, maintained extensive joint business operations

with Juan Garcia Abrego, one of Mexico's top drug traffickers. In

earlier reports, Mr Salinas' net worth had been estimated at

between $10 and $25 Billion dollars, in spite of his

comparatively miserly $400,000. salary as president.

951206, Pikeville, KY, WSEK. Another tape has Judge Starnes

saying that State Representative Kelsay Friends, Jr started him

on cocaine. Rep Friends denies that he ever did cocaine, and

claims to have no idea of why Judge Starnes would perpetuate such

an obvious falsehood. Stay tuned for the Jury's opinion.

951207, Pikeville, KY, WSEK. Judge Starnes is given a mistrial.

Some jurors thought that the Feds had overstepped their bounds by

blackmailing Judge Hoffman. The Other Judge agreed to be a

Compromised Informant after he was caught extorting drugs from a

client. Other jurors thought that Judge Starnes should have

known better than to sell cocaine to someone who had just been


951207, New York City, NY, Paul Harvey. Some NYC 30th Precinct

cops are on the payroll of the drug dealers to protect them

against other cops. See 950407, 960105, 960110, 960112.

951209, Fairmont, WV, AP. State Police crime lab chemist Fred

Zain is cleared of felony perjury charges of fabrication of

evidence. Texas wants to try him now, again on evidence

fabrication. More in WORMSCAN.&

951209, Panama, New York Times. COPS & MILITARY OF US JOIN SAME


In an apparent big step toward police militarization, police

forces of the US are operating jointly with the US military and

police and military of Mexico and Central America in a 10 day

drug operation. The operation involves border patrol, port

inspections and road side stops and inspections. The US is

providing radar, communications gear and intelligence (if they

have any - Bob) according to an unnamed official.

951209, Mexico City, Los Angeles Times. Mexico and all seven

Central American countries have carried out what a U.S. official

Friday called the biggest multinational counternarcotics blitz in

history, a ten-day operation enlisting the Mexican army, navy and

police forces. The operation seized more than five tons of

cocaine, nearly forty tons of marijuana, two aircraft, six ships

and more than 650 alleged drug traffickers in Mexico alone. More


951212, Canberra, Australia, Extracted from The Canberra Times.

Detective Sergeant Wayne James Eade, former head of the Gosford

drug unit told the police Royal commission yesterday that he was

not corrupt. Detective Eade was filmed secretly, ordering a

child sex pornographic movie, watching X-rated videos and

engaging in oral sex with a woman who gave him cocaine, ecstasy

and cannabis. More in WORMSCAN.&

951221, Minneapolis, MN, Star Tribune. Stanley J. Capistrant,

described as a veteran city police narcotics officer is under

investigation for stealing nearly $200,000 from the city's asset

forfeiture "trust" fund. More in WORMSCAN.&

951221, Sydney, Australia, AAP

Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 20:48:45 +0000

From: Peter Webster


Subject: Australia News

Message-ID: <199512272044.VAA10050@HADES.MONACO.MC>

SYDNEY, Dec 21 AAP - The Academics' Group of the Australian

Drug Law Reform Foundation said criminals would prosper and

police corruption would continue as long as drugs were outlawed.

Written under the chairmanship of Peter Baume, the group

said: "Surveys suggest that up to five million Australians have

used the banned substance cannabis.

"Unless there is major reform to drug laws, it is inevitable

that drug-related corruption will continue and that those

subverting the processes of law and control will remain one step

ahead of anything that parliaments or judges can do."

AAP kr/msk

951222, Cuyahoga County, OH, New York Times. Cuyahoga County,

Ohio Judge Michael Gallagher faces up to 20 years in prison, $1

million in fines and loss of his law license after pleading

guilty to federal cocaine distribution charges. What actually

happened was that he offered to share a line of coke with his

supplier, who turned out to be a undercover narc. It is claimed

that Judge Gallagher's well known position on the Drug War had

nothing to do with his being targeted. On 960320, Judge Gallager

was sentenced to a year in prison, fined $20,000, and three years

probation. More in WORMSCAN.&

951227, Los Angeles, CA, LA Times. The Los Angeles County

Sheriff's Department, beset in recent years by charges of racial

discrimination and harassment, was accused Tuesday of falsely

arresting and routinely planting evidence on minority group

members in heavily black and Latino communities. Aurora Alonso

Mellado, a five-year deputy says that in seven weeks of being

trained as a patrol deputy last summer, she found that her

trainer was "engaging in illegal activities, including planting

evidence, using throwaway guns, transferring drugs, assaulting

and battery of civilians, and violating of suspects' civil

rights." The race-related allegations are reminiscent of

testimony by a lead prosecution witness in a string of federal

cases in recent years involving drug money skimming. Robert R.

Sobel testified that as a former sheriff's sergeant in Lynwood

and nearby communities, he frequently arrested African Americans

who were simply walking the streets and had committed no crime.

Sobel later acknowledged in court lying more than 100 times in

his testimony in such cases. More in WORMSCAN.&

960102, Urbandale, IA, The Des Moines Register. Urbandale Police

Officer James R Trimble (43) is arrested with methamphetamine.

This 18-year veteran of The Force also had scores of sex-related

items in his van. Officer Trimble was also a D.A.R.E. cop,

teaching the children all about drugs. Much more in WORMSCAN.&

960105, Newark, NJ, Star Ledger. Police Officer Darrell

Armstrong is ordered reinstated after he was fired for cocaine

use. Officer Armstrong testified that his wife had put cocaine

in his juice, unbeknownst to him. He claimed that this was her

treatment for his bad back! More in WORMSCAN.&

960105, New York City, NY, NY Times. Police Officer, Steven L

Pataki (32) is sentenced to three months in jail for perjury.

Lest this seem harsh, note that the civilian convicted on the

strength of Officer Pataki's testimony spent three years in

prison. And that's just one. Of course Officer Pataki's lawyers

claim that the testimony against him is perjured. See 950407,

951207, 960110, 960112. More in WORMSCAN.&

960106, Peru & Columbia, NBC. WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The United

States is quietly directing Peru and Colombia in a campaign to

shoot down planes operated by South American drug cartels, NBC

News reported Friday. Quoting unidentified sources, the network

said the Pentagon, the Customs Service and the Central

Intelligence Agency (CIA) were involved in directing tracking and

intelligence gathering outposts in Peru and Colombia. More in


960107, New York City, NY, Trenton Times. Police Officer Darryl

Edmunds was on the payroll of a crack cocaine gang operating in

Manhattan. Officer Edmunds warned his gang of impending police

actions, and even carried a gang beeper. More in WORMSCAN.&

960110, New York City, NY, NY Times. In the perjury trial of

Police Officer, Michael Dauphinee, in State Supreme Court, former

Supervisor Kevin P. Nannery testified that his Force would

routinely break, enter, and rob apartments suspected of belonging

to drug dealers. Nannery testified that top aide Captain Lewis T

Manetta handed him a sledgehammer and that Precinct Commander

Captain Peter J Buccino led the raids. See 950407, 951207,

960105, 960112. More in WORMSCAN.&

960111, Boston, MA, PRN. Bernard G Sylvia, "corrections" officer

at the Bristol County "House of Correction" [no jails in The

People's Democratic Republican Commonwealth of Massachusetts]

pleaded guilty to laundering $250,000 in drug money. He was paid

in cocaine. More in WORMSCAN.&

960112, New York City, NY Times. Police Commissioner William J.

Bratton denies endemic corruption in New York's 30th Precinct.

See 950407, 951207, 960105, 960110. More in WORMSCAN.&

960115, Sydney, Australia, AP. New South Wales Police

Commissioner Tony Lauer said he was retiring in the wake of

exposure that senior officers have taken bribes from underworld

figures for years. Other have dealt in narcotics and

prostitution. More in WORMSCAN.&

960118, New York, NY, NY Times. Police Officers Hilton Velez

(28), and Bienveni Rodriguez (25), formerly partners in the 75th

Precinct in East New York, were caught stealing cash and

simulated cocaine in a setup made to look like a drug dealer's

apartment. Also caught was a "civilian employee", Felix Acosta

(28). The 75th Precinct was previously the base of Officer

Michael Dowd, who admitted running a drug ring from the station

house between 1986 and 1992 and accepting tens of thousand of

dollars in payoffs from dealers. More in WORMSCAN.&

960120, Philadelphia, PA, Reuters. Police Officer Louis Maiier

is sentenced to five years for conspiracy to deny civil rights

by framing the punks on drug charges. See 880601, 950623. More


960126, Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia Inquirer. Former

Philadelphia, PA, Police officers Thomas DeGovanni, Thomas Ryan,

James Ryan, John Baird and Steven Brown have had their sentencing

postponed. All have pleaded guilty to assorted charges of

fabricating evidence of drug dealing and of stealing over

$100,000 from the criminals. The reason given for this third

postponement is that more cops have been implicated. More in


960130, Mexico City, Mexico, Reuters. Jose Armando Cruz

Gutierrez, who was voted policeman of the year just two months

ago by colleagues in the Chihuahua state detective force, was

arrested on suspicion of drug trafficking with 436 pounds of

marijuana. Also detained were three other policemen including

Chihuahua state detective police commander Gerardo Maximiliano

Coronel and his wife. More in WORMSCAN.&

960201, Ashland, KY, WEKU. Pike County, KY, Judge Stearns pleads

guilty to avoid a second trial. The jury hung in the first

trial. The prosecution promised to play more tapes of Hiz

Hon'her dealing drugs. It is undisclosed exactly what was

pleaded. Stearns was charged with one count of conspiracy to

traffic in narcotics, three counts of cocaine distribution, and

one count each of possession and distribution of pain killers.

960201, New York City, NY, NY Times. Police Officer Randolf

Vazquez (39) acknowledged in court that between October 1991 and

April 1992 he engaged in a conspiracy with his partner, Officer

Jorge Alvarez, to steal narcotics while on duty and sell them to

dealers. He admitted to taking crack from an apartment in

October and selling it. He also admitted to assaulting Paul

Stevens while in a police car. His punishment is six months in

jail. Officer Alvarez, who cooperated with the authorities,

pleaded guilty to third-degree grand larceny and faces up to

seven years in prison. Of 33 officers arrested on corruption

charges since March 1994, 20 have pleaded guilty, 3 have been

convicted and 2 have been acquitted. Two cases were dismissed

and six are pending. More in WORMSCAN.&

960210, Mexico City, Mexico, Reuter. Up to 30 tons of cocaine

have disappeared into the hands of Mexican federal police over

the last two years, the Mexico City newspaper El Financiero

reported Saturday. The newspaper said that in the last two years

more than 100 tons of cocaine has entered Mexico by air, but

police have seized and declared just a tenth of that amount.

Earlier this week, the Mexican Attorney-General's office accused

19 Mexican police officers of helping Colombia's Cali drug cartel

smuggle cocaine into the United Sates. More in WORMSCAN.&

960212, Baja California Sur, Mexico, LA Times. 19 Mexican state

and federal police officers, including the deputy federal police

chief in the state of Baja California Sur have been arrested for

their part in smuggling 10 tons of cocaine. More in WORMSCAN.&

960213, Daytona Beach, FL, Philadelphia Inquirer. Francis

"Frank" Thompson (52) of Ormond Beach, a veteran of the Daytona

Beach Police Department, was found guilty by a federal jury

yesterday of stealing cocaine and guns from his department's

evidence room over seven years and giving them to Timothy Wardle

(35), his nephew, in Philadelphia for sale on the streets. He

was cleared of two counts of distributing cocaine. His business

thus did not distribute the 10 kilograms of cocaine which he

stole. More in WORMSCAN.&

960213, San Jose, CA, LA Times. Joseph D. McNamara, 35 year

veteran police officer and the former police chief of San Jose,

claims that police are taught to lie. He implies that the

majority of police testimony in drug cases is perjured. More in


960221, New York City, NY, NY Times. Two United States Customs

inspectors have been charged with kidnapping and beating a

suspected drug dealer last year while trying to rob him of cash

and cocaine, Federal prosecutors said. Richard Ramos and

Gerasimos Kapsaskis, who worked as inspectors at Kennedy and

Newark airports, were arrested on Friday and charged in the

kidnapping of a man on Sept. 23, 1995, on the Grand Concourse in

the Bronx. More in WORMSCAN.&

960323, San Francisco, CA, San Francisco Chronicle. Three cops

are NOT charged with theft for failing to book property stolen

over a 14 month period. More in WORMSCAN.&

960224, Mexico, PNS, by Beatriz Johnston Hernandez. Accused drug

trafficker Juan Garcia Abrego, now awaiting trial in Houston, is

notorious for bribing high-level Mexican officials to help turn

Mexico into a major transshipment point for Colombian cocaine.

Less known is his role in bribing federal officials on the U.S.

side of the border. Information gleaned from drug trials and

gang insiders reveals that Abrego paid out hundreds of thousands

of dollars to Immigration and Naturalization Service agents and

National Guardsmen to drive cocaine and marijuana in their buses

past U.S. customs checkpoints on the road between McAllen and

Houston. More in WORMSCAN.&

960224, New York City, NY, NY Times. Police officer in the

Unionport section of The Bronx, Antonio Camacho (22) was arrested

for drug trafficking. Gang leader was his brother-in-law, Pedro

Perez (31). The case prompted related arrests of 85 people in

recent weeks in Los Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia, and Newark,

N.J., and the seizure of more than 5 tons of cocaine, a half-ton

of marijuana, and nearly $12.5 million in drug proceeds. Another

accused courier, Edward Vasquez, arrested on Friday in

Pennsylvania, spent 14 years in the National Guard and

transported drugs in his Army sergeant's uniform. More in


960226, FBI, Wash DC, Star Ledger. US attorney's offices

throughout the nation have been directed by the Justice

Department to weed through cases in their files in an effort to

identify cases that could be tainted by allegations of misconduct

involving the FBI crime lab in Washington. Dr Frederic

Whitehurst, a supervisory special agent, contends that certain

FBI lab examiners have slanted their conclusions to favor the

prosecution; that certain FBI examiners who testify in criminal

proceedings are not qualified to analyze the evidence involved in

those cases; and that certain key units within the lab maintain

insufficient scientific controls over the testing procedures.

More in WORMSCAN.&

960226, Abingdon, VA, WSEK. Cop Stevens, former Letcher County,

KY, sheriff's deputy and former Whitesburg, KY, police officer is

charged with handcuffing his girlfriend and pistol whipping her,

and threatening to inject her with AIDS contaminated blood. In

addition he is charged with narcotics possession with intent to


960226, Guamuchilito, Mexico, SF Chronicle. Amado Carrillo,

Mexico's biggest drug trafficker may be a wanted man north of the

border, but back home he walks tall and unafraid. More hero

worship for the man who bring BIG bux to his home village. More


960321, New York City, NY, AP. Harlem police officer Barry Brown

admits that lying in court is standard operating procedure. More


960326, Philadelphia, PA,. The Civil Rights Committee of the

Philadelphia Bar Association will host a forum titled "Police

Accountability: Problems, Solutions, and the Role of Special

Commissions." The forum will be held from 5:30PM to 8:00PM on

March 26, 1996, in Philadelphia. In New Orleans, more than 50

police officers have been arrested, indicted or convicted since

1993 on charges including rape, aggravated battery, drug

trafficking and murder. In Atlanta, six police officers were

arrested in September of last year on drug charges and extorting

money from citizens for police protection. In Philadelphia, six

police officers confessed to planting drugs on suspects, lying

under oath and stealing from innocent citizens. More in


960327, St Louis, MO, UPI. Cop George DeLuca (55), 20 year

veteran of the New York City Police Department, was sentenced to

life in prison for running a cocaine and heroin trafficking

business in New York & St Louis. More in WORMSCAN.&

960327, Los Angeles, CA, Pittsburgh Post Gazette. Cop admits

lying about arrest of Rodney King. Los Angeles police officer

Clint Garver admits that he lied in testimony about preparation

of the arrest memo. More in WORMSCAN.&

960330, Louisville, KY, Courier-Journal. Louisville Police Chief

Richard Frey (50) was sentenced to 5 years 3 months in prison for

bribery. He was on the payroll at $4,000 per month of J Clifford

Todd to supply criminals for Todd's private prison. More in


960330, New Castle, PA, The Philadelphia Inquirer. Rodney King

(of Los Angeles beating fame) was found innocent of drunken

driving. The cop that arrested him admitted in court that he had

lied about the arrest report. More in WORMSCAN.&

960331, New Orleans, LA, New York Times Magazine (3/31/96, p.32)

via RISKS DIGEST 18.01 The FBI was wiretapping a number of New

Orleans police officers who were allegedly guarding a 286 pound

shipment of cocaine. During that time the FBI overheard a

conversation between the police chief and several other police

officials that the FBI alleges was a murder plot. The intended

victim had previously filed a police brutality complaint against

the chief. Kim Groves, a 32 year old mother of three, was shot

while standing in front of her house. 960424, police officer Len

Davis (31) and triggerman Paul Hardy (28) were convicted and

sentenced to death. No report on The Chief. Davis and eight

others of New Orleans' Finest still face charges in the cocaine


960416, New York City, NY, NY Times. Cocaine dealing cop gets 8

years in prison. A nine year veteran of The Force, Harlem 30th

Precinct police officer Christopher DiLorenzo (32) admitted that

he stole money and drugs. From Jan 91 to Dec 92, Officer

DiLorenzo received $50,000 in protection, thefts, and his cut of

four pounds of cocaine. Officer DiLorenzo also admitted to

taking $500 per week from other dealers for over a year, and

perjury while convictiong those who did not pay. His partner in

crime, Officer Alberto Vargas, has pleaded guilty and is to be

sentenced later this year. Eleven other former officers from the

30th Precinct remain to be sentenced. More in WORMSCAN.&

960416, Philadelphia, PA, Pholadelphia Daily News. 5 cops

sentenced for corruption. The leader of the corrupt officers,

John Baird (41) got 13 years. Cop Steven Brown (49), 10 years.

Sgt. Thomas DeGovanni (45), 7 years. James Ryan (40), 6 years.

Thomas Ryan, 10 months. These Officers of The Force were charged

with robbery, asssault, planting evidence, false arrest, but

strangely, not with selling the stolen drugs, false testimony at

trials if their victims, or RICO. More in WORMSCAN.&

960424, Philadelphia, PA, Phila Inq. Corruption investigation

spreads to Bureau of Narcotics Investigaton. More in WORMSCAN.&

960425, Los Angeles, CA, LA Times. SCAN. Southeast Cities [of

Los Angeles County] Against Narcotics Task Force members caught

keeping some of the booty for themselves. More in WORMSCAN.&&

960426, Norristown, PA, Phila Inq. Greaterford Prison guard

Ronald Shepherd (46) found guilty of smuggling heroin into the

prison. More in WORMSCAN.&


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Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins

It has often been argued by progressive voices that the World Bank / IMF do more harm than good for developing countries they are supposed to be helping. Example 1 and Example 2. The criticism is that the World Bank's main goal is generating revenue for American business--that the World Bank loans US taxpayer dollars to poor nations with little chance of repayment for the building of huge infrastructure projects by American companies. Not only does the American treasury get ripped off but the loan recipient countries are saddled with huge debt. But doesn't it seem strange that x-military officials such as Robert S. McNamara and Paul Wolfowitz were made president of the World Bank? What do war-mongers like McNamara and Wolfowitz have to do with civilian aid projects?

According to John Perkins, World Bank loans to developing countries serve not only the desires of large American engineering / constructions companies such as Bechtel and Halliburton but, also, the American government. By saddling a country with debt, the American government (through the World Bank) is able to make this country dependent upon the US and, thereby, gain leverage over its foreign policy. Ever wonder how the US lined up so many countries in Africa and Central / South America for Bush's "coalition of the willing" to invade Iraq? Was it not further interesting that those countries who supported Bush on Iraq were given massive debt relief from World Bank and other loans a few years later? Perkins tells us that the World Bank acts as an integral part of US foreign policy to control developing countries.

Who was John Perkins? He was a middle-class kid from New Hampshire who was afforded a much better education than the economic station into which he was born due to the fact that his father was a teacher at an elite prep-school. Perkins earned an academic scholarship to Middlebury College but partied his brains out resulting in a loss of his scholarship. Thereafter, he moved to Boston and attended Boston University while working at a newspaper. The short-happy life of John Perkins might have, at that point, been consigned to oblivion ... but it didn't. There was this thing called the Vietnam War going on at the time and Uncle Sam was drafting bright young men like John who lacked draft-deferment status (which was going to happen to John upon graduation from BU). Serendipitously, his then wife had a highly placed, family friend at the National Security Agency (NSA) who interviewed John for a job as a spy, a job that came with draft-deferment! Just as he was ready to become a spy to avoid the draft, our boy hits on an alternative grand plan: join the Peace Corps with his wife and go to Ecuador. "Uncle Frank" at the NSA encourages John to go to the Peace Corp to gain experience living native in a South American country.

Thus began the odyssey of John Perkins: three years of Peace Corps service in Ecuador taking him beyond the draftable age of 26. Apparently NSA/CIA kept its file open on young Mr. Perkins. A partner at the large, international engineering firm of Chas. T. Main, Inc. (a contractor of the World Bank and US governmental organizations) visited him in Ecuador and recruited him to work for the engineering firm. What possible talents could a guy with a BS in marketing from Boston University who had been living in a hut in the rain-forest for the last 3 years have to offer to an international engineering firm? Simple, in very short order they made John Perkins their head economist. How does a person with only two intro-level economics courses (followed up after he was hired by a few post-graduate courses) to his credit get to be the head economist at a multi-national company? By having no compunction about lying, lying his *** off and doing it convincingly. For similar reasons, Andrew Fastow rose to become CFO of Enron (note: Fastow was not a CPA nor an accounting major in college). The corporate world has traditionally been full of such highly compensated, under-qualified liars. Hopefully times are changing.

Here was John Perkins' roll in the World Bank con: Main, Inc. sends a team into a developing country to study their electric power needs far into the future. American industry wants Main, Inc. to produce studies justifying the need for a massive power plant, one the country shall never be able to pay for and probably does not need for decades to come. The actual facts on the ground do not justify the huge power plant so John Perkins just makes up numbers. My view from reading the book is that Perkins had just enough smarts to put together graphs and charts plausible enough to pass the laugh test but, also, he could deliver high level presentations of these bogus numbers with a straight face and hardened enough as a liar not to crack under questioning.

How did Perkins know his real employer was the US Government? A mysterious economic hitman trainer--called Claudine in the book--told him so. She laid it all out to Perkins in black and white at the start of his Main, Inc. career. Unsaid in the book (but highly implied): Claudine laid Perkins as well (all their meetings took place in her apartment). Shortly after receiving "training" from Claudine, Perkins separated from his wife (and later divorced her). As Perkins rose through the ranks to become a partner at Main, Inc., he became wealthy and, from my vantage point, a self-indulgent blob of goo. He secured mistresses for foreign government officials, had sexual relationships with subordinates and co-workers at Main, Inc., continued to create bogus economic reports and coerce staff members to do likewise. According to Perkins, his career at Main, Inc. ended due to pangs of conscience but, co-incidently, he left shortly after his boss and benefactor was fired. I think John jumped rather than be pushed out of the company.

The self-indulgent golden-boy landed on his feet though. After launching and later selling an independent power company for significant personal gain, John Perkins has re-invented himself as a New Age spiritualist. He leads trips into the Amazon to bring awareness to a place that he did much to destroy. I applaud Mr. Perkins for his re-awakened conscience but I'm always leary of x-conmen.

In closing, I'd like to cover one last topic in the book: the Saudi Arabia project. Saudi Arabia was a special case because the Saudis could actually afford just about any infrastructure project Perkins and the other economic hitmen could dream up. Thus, getting the Saudis on-board the program would be a gold rush for the American companies. John Perkins was one the of suits tabbed to woo the Saudi royal family and they were successful in the mid-1970s. FN1 The agreement would have an important collateral effect: bringing Saudi society into the 20th century and help convert them to a nation of consumers. As the Saudi populace suckles at the tit of western consumerism, it slowly draws them west (a fact the jihadists despise). America has built many billions of dollars in infrastructure projects in Saudi Arabia. Who was the American official who sealed the deal with the Saudis in the mid-1970s? Perkins guesses Henry Kissinger but I think not. FN2 Henry is Jewish and Jewish power in American political circles is the biggest single obstacle to American relations with the Muslim world. A more likely closer for what I'll call the secret "American--House of Saud Joint Cooperation Treaty" was George H.W. Bush (father of the current president). H.W. Bush founded Zapada Oil Company and had done business with the Saudis and other Arabs going all the way back to the 1950s. After the secret US-Saudi treaty was in place, H.W. Bush was appointed CIA director by Gerald Ford. Why? Bush had supposedly never before worked in the intelligence field. Apparently Gerald Ford understood papa Bush possessed credentials that qualified him to be CIA director. Might this have been a reward to papa Bush for pulling off the Saudi deal?

Final Thoughts. This book contains very interesting and important historical information regarding how the US government conducts foreign affairs from an insider. For that reason, I highly recommend it.

Comments (1)


Footnote 1: The secret cooperation treaty struck between the US and the House of Saud in the mid-1970s, in my opinion, involved the following: What US promised: (a) US political support for and promise to defend Saudi Arabia, (b) military hardware and training for Saudi government, (c) agreement not to interfere with or condemn internal repression by House of Saud of its dissidents (i.e., no agitation for women's rights or free speech or other democratic freedoms in Saudi Arabia), (d) Saudis will have free access to US market for its oil v. What Saudis promised: (a) stable price of oil with no embargoes such as occurred in 1973 (Saudi will use excess pumping capacity to pump more oil when necessary to moderate prices), (b) use US companies to build huge infrastructure projects such as roads, hospitals, power plants, sea ports, airports, hotels, new housing, desalination plants, etc., and (c) in foreign affairs position itself as a moderate Arab country on the issue of the US.

Footnote 2: I'll go even further. In my opinion, John Perkins knows who closed the secret deal with the Saudis. If he had personal interaction with the Saudi royal family and spent significant amounts of time in Saudi Arabia during this time period (as he claims) with US Embassy and US intelligence community contacts, etc., it's inconceivable to me that Perkins does NOT know who was the US government front-man on this project. Thus, again in my opinion, Perkins is covering his *** by "guessing" in his book that Kissinger was the US government front-man. It's a misdirection meant to sooth any potential ill-will from the current US Administration with his book.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.