If you could go to any time in history, where and why would you go?
Yahoo Answers Team
2013-10-29 15:16:16 UTC
We thought we'd ask a fun question today! So yes, if you could go back in time where would you go and tell us why? Would it be a time when you were still alive? Or would it be a time when you were not born yet? We can't wait to read some of the answers!
226 answers:
2013-10-29 19:49:41 UTC
I would go back to November 15, 1963, a week before John F. Kennedy was assinated. And make sure that dreadful day one week later would not have happened. I was 10 weeks shy of my 7th birthday. I was playing with my sister in the yard, and all of a sudden my Mom screemed and came outside and took us in the house and had to sit in front of the television for a week watching and listening to the Heart break of people around the country, It was called the new beginning of my generatioin. Camelot. A new young President, with new ideas, getting away from old thinking. World war 2 was a victory for the U.S.A and for the world. We prospered for many years after the war.( My father served 2 1/2 years in the army 1st Infrantry ) about 10 years, and then we became stagnet. bickering and squabling among each other about money, sex, religion, and politics. Morals and respect for each other was a thing of the past. Greed and Power were at the top of peoples list. And it is still going on today. I spoke with a Professor at a collage in the Boston area about 2 years ago. and we talked about that day and what it really was. He said it was the beginning and I finished it off the end. Just like Abraham Lincoln. The civil was started right after he was elected and he was assinated at the end. People were affraid of change 150 years ago, and they were affraid 50 years ago. And today 2013 some of us have lost all hope for anything resembling a new beginning. Its all just words from our Government, and not very convincing at that. Shut the Government for 16 days for what? and then pay out unemployment for government workers that were out of work. I am a 57 year old Native American and I'm proud. I'm not so proud of being part of the human race.
2014-11-02 16:25:01 UTC
rassic. I'd like to see what dinosaurs really looked like. After that I may go to a few places in history and have a little fun with some of the famous historical figures. Then I'd spend time in the fifties just experiencing whatever they had to offer. After that the sixties for the same reasons. I want to meet some hippies and party at Woodstock and the Haight Ashbury before the drugs became really bad and maybe do one of those old fashioned road trips. I'd then visit the seventies and party at some discos. After that the eighties just to see what its like. Then I'd jump far into the future where lots of the diseases were cured and everything like that and I'd get some work on myself done. Finally I'd go back to Austria before World War I an maybe get Hitler some good art lessons so he won't feel the ne
Anthony Luciani
2013-10-31 14:29:27 UTC
I'd first go back the the beginning of the universe to see or meet whoever or whatever created or formed it. Then I'd go back to the Jurassic. I'd like to see what dinosaurs really looked like. After that I may go to a few places in history and have a little fun with some of the famous historical figures. Then I'd spend time in the fifties just experiencing whatever they had to offer. After that the sixties for the same reasons. I want to meet some hippies and party at Woodstock and the Haight Ashbury before the drugs became really bad and maybe do one of those old fashioned road trips. I'd then visit the seventies and party at some discos. After that the eighties just to see what its like. Then I'd jump far into the future where lots of the diseases were cured and everything like that and I'd get some work on myself done. Finally I'd go back to Austria before World War I an maybe get Hitler some good art lessons so he won't feel the need to take over Germany and kill a bunch of people. Either that or I'd just kill him. I might be able to stop America from entering World War I or I could just stop World War I from happening or something.
2013-10-30 15:23:17 UTC
I would go back to the 1990's but be in the same town I'm in. The 90's and early 2000's were the best. I was born at the end of 1999 so technically I wasn't alive yet.
2014-05-27 08:50:13 UTC
I would love to see human civilizations from all ages. Would be awesome to see Medieval England or actually all of Europe. Rome in its glory would be great. Hey even the 1960's to get a feel for the time. Maybe meet John Lennon or Jim Morrison and go to a Doors concert.. The 1980's again to see how far we came in only 20-30 years and also to see people with no cell phones and rockin cassette players. Listen to some great 80's music on the radio all day.
2015-12-07 01:57:49 UTC
Then I'd spend time in the fifties just experiencing whatever they had to offer. After that the sixties for the same reasons. I want to meet some hippies and party at Woodstock and the Haight Ashbury before the drugs became really bad and maybe do one of those old fashioned road trips. I'd then visit the seventies and party at some discos. After that the eighties just to see what its like. Then I'd jump far into the future where lots of the diseases were cured and everything like that and I'd get some work on myself done. Finally I'd go back to Austria before World War I an maybe get Hitler some good art lessons so he won't feel the ne
2015-08-13 11:53:22 UTC
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If you could go to any time in history, where and why would you go?

We thought we'd ask a fun question today! So yes, if you could go back in time where would you go and tell us why? Would it be a time when you were still alive? Or would it be a time when you were not born yet? We can't wait to read some of the answers!
2013-10-31 08:28:56 UTC
I've read too much Sci-Fi to have a simple answer. It depends what kind of time travel. Do we only observe, or can we change the one and only past and write ourselves or possibly the whole human race out of existence ? Or do we just choose a different path down the multiverse ?

Going on a photosafari would be fun - get some footage of the huge herds of bison that used to roam North America. Or a dodo, sabre-toothed tiger and of course dinosaurs. Or visit the alien creatures fossilized in the Burgess Shale deposits.

Maybe copy the library of Alexandria before it burned down, or see the summer palace in China before the British destroyed it in the opium wars.

Maybe collect some DNA samples. Bringing information forward doesn't seem to violate causality or risk destroying the world.
2014-09-01 09:48:09 UTC
The era of time that I'd prefer to live in would depend on what I would like to accomplish. If I want pleasure, it would be in the 1960s and 1970s. That was a great time for me. But if I want to "invent" things, I'd go back to about the year 1100AD. Then I'd get friendly with a certain king of a European nation. Maybe it would be King Fulk IV, the king of Jerusalem. Because he was a great warrior, he could have used me to invent military hardware that was unheard of at the time. Also, I could bring many inventions into use. Electricity, flight, autos, pneumatic tires, etc, Imagine all the modern day stuff that could be brought to a more ancient time. Imagine all the useful gadgets that would ease the everyday living of the people of that era. Wow! Not to mention that I'd be well respected and rich because of it. Not a bad dream, huh?
2013-10-30 12:12:24 UTC
You wouldn't like the 19th Century if you have the temperament of a sheep, needing and wanting a master. The 19th Century would suit me, regardless of the inferior health care, and other things. The major thinkers that built America were from the 19th Century, including our automobiles, farm machinery, aircraft , electricity, mass production, space program, liberties, and affluence. They either made it happen, or seeded it so it would happen. Technologically, we live what they dreamed.

The school systems then turned out critical thinkers, good citizens, and competent educated men and women. A 19th Century education was not an indoctrination process like today, but gave each student a functional education that taught them arts and sciences as well as the basics. Check out what people learned in the 8th grade then, which was closer to our current high school studies of today. The critical thinking then trumps the social propaganda of today.

Current day "politically correct" history revisionists are like cats in a litter box trying to bury everything good about American history, concocting useful lies, and seeking to amplify harmful truths. Whatever you're taught in school about America today, take it with a grain of salt because it most likely feeds a current agenda, and distorts the truth.

During the 19th Century what you earned was yours, opportunity without government interference was common. You could travel across thousands of miles of beautiful unspoiled land.

Of course I wasn't alive then, but I knew many of the old timers, from the 19th Century, homesteaders, farmers, mill workers, scientists, soldiers, teachers, and others. The history revisionists may fool young generations, but not me, because I was born in 1934, They told me about mining for gold, fighting in WWI, and living through the Great Depression.

Things are bad today, and I'm glad that I'm old because maybe I'll be gone before they pull America down. "Mightier Empires Have Fallen."
2014-10-09 16:29:27 UTC
e day I started high school. Actually, I think I'd be going to a different high school than the one actually attended. At the time i had won a schorlaship to Amherst, an exclusive girl's school in Western Massachusetts. I had lived on the East coast all my life and to go to an all girls school, at 14 years old, no thanks....what a big mistake! When I think of all the contacts I could have made with young women from all over the world....
2013-10-30 15:32:43 UTC
I'd go back to 1950, to the day I started high school. Actually, I think I'd be going to a different high school than the one actually attended. At the time i had won a schorlaship to Amherst, an exclusive girl's school in Western Massachusetts. I had lived on the East coast all my life and to go to an all girls school, at 14 years old, no thanks....what a big mistake! When I think of all the contacts I could have made with young women from all over the world....
2013-11-02 07:30:53 UTC
I would like to go back to the late 1960's and early 1970's which was the best times of my life. I just returned from 2 years from being overseas in the military and had no idea what it was like living in a civilian world. it was new and exciting and I unfortunally I was lost in a civilian world. I wanted to go back in the the familiar military world,but I could not. I would un do some of the things I did and treat women helluva lot better.i have some regarts from that time in my life
2015-04-03 12:29:01 UTC
It depends on what kind of time travel, just ad Adaviel said.

If its the kind where I can go back and do whatever I wanted, but as soon as I came back to present time anything I did had no permanent effect ( erased) then I'd definitely go back to 1932 back when Mr. John F Kennedy was 15 and maybe talk to him a bit..

Don't judge me! I'm forever alone, and time travel is possibly my best bet for love D;
2013-10-31 21:15:09 UTC
I'm Black so I can't really go much places in history without having a terrible time. But i would have to say somewhere between 1000-1300, That's as far i can go back. but as for the future any time!
2013-10-31 15:20:20 UTC
I would go back 65 million years ago to see the meteorite hitting Earth with all the dinosaurs wondering what the hell is happening. I know it's not a good thing to see but imagine looking into the sky and see it. Amazing.

Or I would travel back in time to 9/10/01 and tell everyone that two planes are going to hit the two WTCs in New York. I would be saving 2,900 + lives!
Disco Stu
2013-10-31 12:48:24 UTC
I'd like to find out the reason dinosaurs were wiped out, the reason the Marie Celeste sank, the true identity of Jack the Ripper.

Go to a Michael Jackson concert.

If I had a single shot at it, I'd love to be in 80's again. Phenomenal. Computers were about the game, not the graphics, and everything had pizzazz and excitement about it. Best time ever.
2013-10-31 08:38:31 UTC
I would actually want to go back in time to like the early 1900s or 1500s .. but then again considering my ethnicity and the lack of care for humans I doubt that would be a good idea. So my next choice would be the good ol' 90s. Not only was it carefree and had good music people had more intelligence too . And jobs for teens were easier to get
2013-10-30 15:17:12 UTC
If I could go to any time in history, it would be Spring of 2009. In 7th grade about 30 of us students and 10 chaperons, went on a trip to Europe. We went everywhere. We went to the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Buckingham Place, The Catacombs, seen the Big Ben, drove through/on London Bridges, pass the tunnel where Princess Dina was killed in the deadly car crash and many more.
2013-10-30 11:12:05 UTC
Taking into account for a Butterfly Effect, I would not want to change anything to cause a paradox. I would love to go back just as a witness, but with a video recorder, just to see and have evidence just for me. Soooo many places and times to choose from.... How the pyramids were built, how the Nasca Lines were created, ALL the stuff in the Bible, alien sightings/abductions, bigfoot/Nessie sightings and let's not forget the number one reason to have proof...all the unsolved murders/abductions that I could solve.
2013-10-29 22:30:31 UTC
I would go back to about 2000, 2001, and spend more time with my dog.

He was always cooped-up in the backyard and neither me nor my parents barely did much beyond dumping dog food and water into his bowl and shooing him away when he would try to nose-up to us for SOME kind of affection.

I regret it more than anything.

I'm 31 and have never been on a date. I feel there have been a few close-calls, but these could simply be a figment of my ultra-lonely, non-objective (not thinking clearly) imagination at this point.

Redeeming how little attention I spent with that dog is very tangible.

It makes me sick to my stomach to this day.
2013-10-29 19:32:18 UTC
i'm split between 2 different ones so here they are.

I am very curious about humans' origin and ancient civilization. i also am big on aliens and u.f.o. theories. i would travel to ancient sumeria to see if anunki actually did exsist.

I can't stand rap or r&b, i would go back to a time where neither exsist but we still have most modern music. I would go back to the 60's so i can listen to all the music as it came out for the first time and get caught up in the nostalgia of the age.
2013-10-31 06:38:13 UTC
I would go back to the '80s and get a Dalorian because they look cool. Come back to the current time and show it off. BOOOOM!!!!

I would also want to see how the univers was really created, record it on my POC phone, and proove to everyone how it really happened (and shortly there after loose all my friends).

I would also like to see what it would be like if the idea of religion never took place. So I would go back in time, stop Jesus from doing his thing, come back to the now, try it out for a while, then go back and not stop jesus from doing his thing.
2013-10-30 13:13:35 UTC
1981. A year after I graduated high school. Sitting in the college admissions office. Instead of walking out and wasting my life working for a now useless Airline I would of stayed in the admissions office and continued by education and my dream of being a history professor for a University........ 2nd Choice. Would to back to Wales in the 1930's-40's when my Dad was a kid and observe him and my Grandparents . Also would do the same for Mom and her side.
Precious Gem
2013-10-30 12:24:10 UTC
If I could travel back in time it would be when I was little. It was on a warm summer Saturday morning. I was visiting my grandparents. The grass was still wet with dew and I was helping my grandad open the small amusement park they owned. To keep us grand kids out from under foot my grandad opened up the flap to the tarp that was covering the carousel. I loved riding on that ride. The sun was shining through the tarp and the world inside was eerie but warm. Grandad started up the carousel and I was riding my favorite red horse. I would love to go back to that time.
2013-10-29 21:14:05 UTC
I'd love to go back to august 2003 because that was the time I quit my last good paying job. And that was also the time when I was debt free and just started college.

I'd have rectified some of the big mistakes I made so that life becomes better today.
2014-11-03 14:31:09 UTC
2 1/2 years in the army 1st Infrantry ) about 10 years, and then we became stagnet. bickering and squabling among each other about money, sex, religion, and politics. Morals and respect for each other was a thing of the past. Greed and Power were at the top of peoples list. And it is still going on today. I spoke with a Professor at a collage in the Boston area about 2 years ago. and we talked about that day and what it really was. He said it was the begin
2014-10-09 16:19:46 UTC
The school systems then turned out critical thinkers, good citizens, and competent educated men and women. A 19th Century education was not an indoctrination process like today, but gave each student a functional education that taught them arts and sciences as well as the basics. Check out what people learned in the 8th grade then, which was closer to our current high school studies of today. The critical thinking then trumps the social propaganda of today.

Current day "politically correct" history revisi
2013-10-30 16:07:16 UTC
First I would want to go back like Bruce Campbell in Army of Darkness , carrying a few Boom Sticks to keep the savages and locals from killing me on the spot or in some sort of horrible sacrifice..

Dressing and speaking for the occasion poses a problem , but dazzling them with Nikes,blue jeans would work..

Going back and watching them build Stonehendge, why and what for..

Watching Pyramids being built is another very interesting hobby..Where unfound tombs are.

..Seeing Salome dance, listening to John the Baptist preach..

..Not so much Jesus , of course I would never return from that scene, telling people he was real , would make it too easy , no reason for faith etc..But listening to the fervor that he left in his wake
2013-10-30 14:28:19 UTC
A short trip in time back to 1952, long before I was born, would be nice to speak with an already painstakingly-exuberant John Lilly, and tell him if you pulsed binaural frequencies 'through' the water during use in sensory deprivation tanks, in addition to experiencing binaural frequencies (and/or phasing of multiple thereof) simultaneously with waterproof headphones, then.... There are some effects.. Hehe. Or..I would ask him if there would be.
2013-10-30 09:44:20 UTC
I would go back to the mid 80s and buy all the technology stocks that were already recommended back then (!) but nobody seemed to care about - Microsoft, IBM etc.

Then I'd enjoy the best era of all humanity, the 80s, laugh about the boy groups of the 90s and cash in on my stock market results in 2001. Then I'd buy myself an island and keep answering questions on yahoo answers to kill time.
2013-10-30 13:28:16 UTC
I would go to London in the 1940's to the 1950's. WWII was happening and i think it would be cool to see what was happening in London at the time. I always wanted to visit London and loved learning about World War II in history class.

I think it would be neat to see what everyone would be doing to prepare for the war. I would also like to meet some of the generals and leaders of the time like Winston Churchill and Eisenhower and Roosevelt. I would like to also see what life was like and what the world and London looked like then. There are stories and photos, but nothing would compare to actually being there.

So, hurry up physicists and build me a T.A.R.D.I.S
2013-10-29 22:39:19 UTC
How appropriate that you picked Emmett Brown's DeLorean as the avatar for this question! I would go back to Fort Bragg, N.C., and find myself before I separated from the Army. I can tell you right now, I'd be the ultimate bad boy! I'd tell myself who to stay away from, who to hook up with, which companies to invest in, and naturally, I take a sports almanac with me.

Actually, I'd take STACKS of information back with me, to disseminate among the appropriate entities , who will make the best use of it. Imagine where we as a society might be now, if we had today's information then? Imagine where Apple and Microsoft might be?

I've often wondered how far we could advance ourselves if we just kept looping, say, forty years, between 1973 and 2013. Even if we did this once a week, I'm thinking we could, in theory, advance ourselves almost 1,820 years, in just one. To reiterate, where ever we should be in the year 3833, we might be by 2015.

Hey, there's your next question!: It's now 2013. Where should we be by then?
Ayesha Khan
2013-10-31 19:11:01 UTC
2013-10-30 13:02:58 UTC
1906 America. I love true historical crime stories. So, I'd be at the Winter Garden the night Harry Thaw shot Stanford White over Evelyn Nesbitt. Or on that morning in '88 in Fall River, Massachusetts: I'd like to know if Lizzie Borden really did "Give her mother forty whacks, and when she saw what she had done, gave her father forty-one."
2013-10-29 21:25:45 UTC
I would have liked to been at the Windows 95 launch, but that was before I was born. Why? I love being at the start of something new, but I've had my fair share of new brought on in my life. From seeing the launch of products such as the Surface Pro and iPad.
2013-10-31 09:05:04 UTC
I'd go back and make sure that the Dutch East Indies Trading Company was NEVER established, and slavery in the United States would have NEVER happened. I would have completely stopped ANY attempt to start slavery in the United States, and would have had the politicians REFUSE to allow people to be used as "pieces of human meat". Slavery would have never happened in this country.
2013-10-31 03:33:44 UTC
I would go back in time 30 years with photos from apocalypse movies and tell them I'm a cyborg from the future and I need $50 million to save the world.
2013-10-30 20:26:11 UTC
Just like Zoril, I would go back to the time of Jesus. However, it would be with the motive of seeing if Jesus existed or not. If he did, I would like to meet him and see if he compares to how he is written to be in the Bible. If he is all of these things, I would love to hear his Sermon a well. If not, I could come back to present times with evidence that will change the world. This is a win-win situation for me because either way I learn the truth.
2013-10-30 03:10:14 UTC
I would go back to The Garden of Eden at the just before point where Satan gets Adam and Eve to taste an apple... I'd go in there verbal judo at the ready, claim all sorts of time issues call the attention of the angels and Lord God about this deception about to take place and then Satan goes to lock up and we all get to stay in the garden of Eden.
2013-10-30 01:53:29 UTC
2 places travel back to the Day Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas and appear in the Book depository and on the Grass to stop the assassination. Then I would go back to September 11 2001 and stop the Evil terrorists from boarding the planes and save the twin towers.
2013-10-29 20:08:01 UTC
To the creation of all things. Since a kid, I have always wanted to know the answer to this. I remember that around the age of 6, I asked my mother: "Where does God come from?". She did not give me a satisfactory answer at all. Nothing made sense. How can God just have been there all along?

I seek the answer to how and when were everything created, though I know that I can never find a definite answer to this.
2014-10-09 17:14:27 UTC
, I would not want to change anything to cause a paradox. I would love to go back just as a witness, but with a video recorder, just to see and have evidence just for me. Soooo many places and times to choose from.... How the pyramids were built, how the Nasca Lines were created, ALL the stuff in the Bible, alien sightings/abductions, bigfoot/Nessie sightings and let's not forget the number one reason to have proof...all the unsolved murders/abductions that I could solve.
Wes: i dont give thumbs down
2013-10-29 22:55:58 UTC
I would go back to the end of WW2. I would warn the US government to not share nuclear technology with the world. I would warn them of dependence on the oil industry and the failings of big business and the 1%. I would tell them that if America does not take responsibility and live up to the constitution of treating everyone equally and helping one another that terrible things would happen.
2013-10-31 15:09:54 UTC
I would go back to the 60s so I could be apart of the hippie movement and witness such great music artists like Jimi hendrix and the Beatles
2013-10-30 13:57:25 UTC
I'd go back to the early 1860s America. I would want to see what life was life during the era of the civil war and slavery. Also, I'd love to show the people of that time an Iphone and Ipad just to see their reactions.
2013-12-25 22:41:29 UTC
Well this might sound crazy but I could go somewhere back in Time I would go to Michael Jackson's house before 2009 and warn him about him dying in the future why because I'm a fan love him he deserves it he helped the world and if he stayed alive the world would be a better place and u can ca me crazy but this is my exact anwser
2013-10-30 19:43:33 UTC
I would go back a thousand years to my home where I grew up on a farm. Apparently native Americans were around the area and it would be really fascinating to go back and see what was there in the past before American civilization came.
Mark big sky boat man
2013-10-29 19:23:03 UTC
Leaving aside the temptation to skip back to any of the big lottery payouts, I think it would have to be Greece, at the time of Aristotle. 380BC

Socrates, Plato, Alexander the Great, the seven wonders, the library in Alexandria, Pompeii.

(they were all in existence at this time, as well as that can be determined)

I'm assuming I'd get to live there for a while, and since you've got a time machine, I'll lend you my language imprinter.
The Invisible Man
2013-10-29 18:18:16 UTC
I would go to 1880 USA! With even a rudimentary education, you could get really good employment, you could save your money and actually make good money thereby---none of today's nonsense of 1% junk paid on fiat money that depreciates at a faster rate than the pittance it earns. The nation was in a time of peace and prosperity, and developments in technological innovations were accelerating. You could make money even when immediate employment was not available. You could do odd jobs and get real money, which you could save and buy land. You could be a teacher with barely a high school diploma yourself.
2013-10-30 08:07:00 UTC
I would stay, and would go nowhere from actual time.

I live in the time sequence of industrial civilisation where all can have the best for life by choice.

Ancient times not even pharaos, kings could have conditioned air, refrigerator, etc.
2013-10-30 06:32:19 UTC
I would go back to before November 22, 1963 and try to thwart the assassination of President Kennedy. I believe this would be the greatest thing one could do for humanity, and would save countless lives.
Chris the 4th
2013-10-29 15:56:36 UTC
It is extremely hard to only pick one. I would love to see human civilizations from all ages. Would be awesome to see Medieval England or actually all of Europe. Rome in its glory would be great. Hey even the 1960's to get a feel for the time. Maybe meet John Lennon or Jim Morrison and go to a Doors concert.. The 1980's again to see how far we came in only 20-30 years and also to see people with no cell phones and rockin cassette players. Listen to some great 80's music on the radio all day.
Zac Blanton
2013-10-30 07:18:30 UTC
November 22, 1963. To stop the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
2013-10-29 21:08:40 UTC
Without a doubt, I'd go back about 2000 years to find Jesus and speak with him. Considering he's supposed to have magic powers and such, I figure he could speak English. If not, he's probably just another fantasy-prone prophet. At the very least, such a trip would settle a lot in my otherwise agnostic mind. Of course, if I determined that Jesus was nothing special, I'd probably pick him up and drop him off on some isolated island so he couldn't start such a powerful death cult.
2013-10-29 20:12:15 UTC
Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas - November 22, 1963, 12 Noon.

I would have about 30 minutes to see if there really was a second or third gunman.

Sadly, I would not stop the assassination to keep the same timeline, just to see the truth.
2013-10-31 10:44:33 UTC
I would go back to the time when I was 21 years old and get to do it all over again, differently.
2013-10-30 13:35:33 UTC
Poland circa late 1940. I'd take with me lots of new communication tech, and spread the message far and wide to run for your life fromt he brutal and murderous Germans! Such a simple act would save millions of humans.
2013-10-30 09:05:26 UTC
1969 to buy the best muscle cars, and to enjoy 30 cent/gallon gas. 2012 to avoid a mistake to prevent myself from trying self murder. 2183 to see if things actually turned out to be the way they are in Mass Effect. Actually forget the first two. I wouldnt do anything that would alter who I am. I'd just go to 2183 and 2185. Flux Club, Dark Star, Afterlife, Illium, Citadel, modern Earth, oh man it sucks so much that I cant actually go..
2013-10-29 19:48:23 UTC
I'd probably choose to go back to 1861 around the time the American Civil War broke out. Not sure if I'd actually volunteer for military service though as the fighting back then could be extreme and bloody. Give 'em hell!
2014-07-05 08:06:56 UTC
I'd go back one week and mail all my packages and letters a week early so they would arrive on time, post office sucks, wonder how long it would take them to figure out they were now actually making my deliveries on time and slow that down.
2014-09-21 13:46:19 UTC
or at a collage in the Boston area about 2 years ago. and we talked about that day and what it really was. He said it was the beginning and I finished it off the end. Just like Abraham Lincoln. The civil was started right after he was elected and he was assinated at the end. People were affraid of change 150 years ago, and they were affraid 50 years ago. And today
2013-10-31 22:37:31 UTC
I would go back to the time when the first planet that could hold life was created (hopefully planet earth) and watch and learn the technical process and information to create a planet, then come back to present earth and share that information, so we could start creating other earth like planets that could hold life, so our people (humans all) have the option of living on that other earth like planet that we create.
2013-10-31 09:58:01 UTC
HI,There,...if I could go back to a time in history...well,the possibilities are endless,but perhaps I would choose to go to the place, in the field where my grandfather was gunned down at 7am on that foggy cold morning in Flanders,in 1917,and see if I could grab him before that fatal shot landed.....wistful thinking!!.
2013-10-31 09:52:37 UTC
I would want to move ahead in time, to the exact time of the second coming of Jesus Christ. To then live in a world of joy and happiness with the lord. kings of kings who will reign on the earth for a thousand years. For this would be, the best time in history, for any to have comfort, and a peace of mind. without any stress or temptations from the devil, for the devil will be bound for a thousand years, when Jesus comes.
2013-10-30 20:07:27 UTC
2013-10-30 14:09:42 UTC
I would go back to the start of the plantations of Ulster and line the the north east coast of Ireland with men with machine guns and prevent it from ever happening and stop the colonists from ruining Ireland!
entertainment fan
2013-10-30 12:47:24 UTC
I would go back to March 1991. I'm a big fan of Chesney Hawkes, and this was when The One and Only got to number one. It would be interesting to see Chesney featured in newspapers and magazines.
2013-10-30 02:12:47 UTC
I would like to go back to 2004 and encourage myself in LP NO.5 middle school, China. I did many wrong things and i always regret about that time, i really want to change my history and start anew from my teenage.
2013-10-30 10:22:26 UTC
Ancient Egypt
2013-10-31 07:35:05 UTC
I would go to the point in time where Time began. I have always wanted to see how things started, how life as we know it today evolved, to be able to see the mystery of Time and Life and Nature unfold right before my eyes.
2013-10-30 15:29:05 UTC
There are plenty of places I would go, but if I had to choose just one, I would choose the 1700's, around the time of the american revolution, and I might even enlist in the continental army.
2013-10-30 14:46:43 UTC
The Roaring twenties to the End of the Vietnam war
2013-10-30 08:08:47 UTC
I would go to my father's office on 16th September 2008 at 12 PM and stop the car which hit him leading to his death.

Also, I would like to go to the time when dinosaurs used to exist.

Also, I would like to go to the time when Marilyn Monroe was a star.
Emptiness In Me
2013-10-30 06:58:38 UTC
Time only exist before the big bang

I would like to go where Big bang first started

Remember, Big Bang was not an explosion but a continuous process
2013-10-30 06:10:16 UTC
I'd go back to when the world first began and Adam and Eve were still alive. All of the nature to see. :)
2014-04-09 07:46:37 UTC
i would want to be born in 1750 so i could see the birth of america. to see what it was like back then . to see if it was really all that different from are economy today. i would have loved to live in the time period! but im lucky myself to live in the next millennium. i was born in 1998.

another place i would love to go would be all the way back to ancient china in the year 200 to see the three kingdoms!
2013-10-31 06:40:17 UTC
I would go to 1970 to see the moon landing on a big screen in North USA
2013-10-30 16:49:03 UTC
During the American Civil War, so that I could stop General Lee from surrendering and help the South win.:)
2013-10-30 15:43:59 UTC
I would like to say that would be December 7, 1941. I would have liked to have fought in that war ad been on the plane that dropped the atom bomb on Hirsoshima to pay them back for Pearl Harbor.
2013-10-30 10:35:34 UTC
I would go back to the World War 2 Prisoner of War camp in Thailand (1920) to prevent my late-Grandfather from injuring himself building the Bridge over the River Kwaai.

%Opa owned a coffee plantation in Thailand and was taken as a P.O.W. during that global-debackle. - He sustained a simple cut in his leg and then died because of lead-poisoning in 1942.
2013-10-30 10:09:26 UTC
I would go back into the late 70s to see my favorite mall alive,

Now, it's dead since 2000.
2013-10-30 05:35:15 UTC
I would go back to ancient time, make a house in the forest near to the river and enjoy life in peace with my gf If I had.
2013-10-30 03:24:27 UTC
Well, it'll be the nineteenth century for me. One of Napoleon's marshals. The chance to march across Europe with the greatest general of all time and kill Belgians. Marvellous.
2013-10-29 23:25:12 UTC
Back to the beginning of time to see how the original animals lived and died.

And to around the time of Jesus and Mohammed to see if there was any one actually knew them or saw them. I'd like to know what all the fuss was about.
2013-10-31 12:14:44 UTC
In 3.75 billion years, I would be able to witness the Andromeda galaxy collide with the Milky Way and see the amazing sky show.
2013-10-30 14:11:49 UTC
Definitely the 50's... love the fashion and I probably be a rebel. But at the same time be a family girl.
2013-10-30 12:38:45 UTC
To the first performance of Mahler's 8th Symphony, in Munich.

Just to listen to that silence between the end of the piece and the beginning of the applause.
2013-10-30 12:18:01 UTC
I'd go back to WWI and personally shoot Hitler in the head. Though any events we do back then could have severe repercussions for the future. Look up the butterfly effect.
2013-10-30 11:08:45 UTC
ME, I would go all the way back. Back before man to the time of dinasours. Reading and my imagination can only do so much to put these gigantic beasts into perspective.
2013-11-01 16:17:01 UTC
I would go back to yesterday and choose to not drink so much alcohol. That way I wouldn't have this massive headache and be in trouble with my parents.
2013-11-20 07:00:14 UTC
I would like to go to the time when the apple fell on Newton's face. Because if he hadn't thought about it we probably wouldn't have to do so much of studying about Gravity. I mean seriously dude couldn't you just eat it instead of making our life hell??!!!!
2013-10-31 04:34:40 UTC
I would like to go back 20 years back to lead a green peaceful life when all those computers,internet were not exists.
2013-10-30 20:28:09 UTC
I would like to go to the year January 1, 1492, and make sure the Native Americans there would kill Chris Columbus and his remaining crew. I would first learn how to assemble (or possibly create) a machine gun and hand them out to the Natives so that they would be prepared to fight those white people.

White people are the real Aliens, not Mexicans. I am a Native American who thinks that these hypocritical whites are destroying my peoples land. And when I say my peoples, i mean that mexicans are included. They technically are Native Americans, since they were native to South America.
2013-10-30 14:46:04 UTC
I would go back in time to The Royal Library at Alexandria. I would enter the library read everything they have and convince them to copy everything at least five times each and store them for eternity.
2013-10-30 10:49:20 UTC
I would go back to the 80's so I could meet Michael Jackson when he was still a black guy.
CBR Thunder
2013-10-30 05:11:59 UTC
Cretaceous. Hands down. I want to see the interesting hunting habits of Tyrannosaur. As well as see the smaller Dinosaurs adapt to the Predators around him .
2013-10-29 20:52:41 UTC
Go back to the year 2000 so I can listen to the top 20 alternative songs.
2013-10-31 09:06:21 UTC
As another stated, I would like to go back to the time Christ was still on this earth. I mean, how awesome would that be to literally walk around and talk with the Son of God? I bet it would blow my mind! :)
2013-10-31 01:00:05 UTC
The time of Christ. Save Him from crucifixion. God, if He exists in any way like Christianity tells me He does, can forgive us all from Original Sin if He wishes. If we are worth it.

I believe that Christ was sent down to test us, not to be sacrificed for us, and we failed by crucifying Him (or not saving Him). We have *not* been absolved of Original (and others) Sin and this is part of the reason that society continues to decline.

If Christ returns, as we are told by religious scripture He will, we better not screw it up next time.
2013-10-30 20:41:26 UTC
1967. The summer of love to hang out at the Haight and up on Big Sur.
2013-10-30 15:52:23 UTC
Back to the 90's
2013-10-30 11:53:11 UTC
I would like to visit America in the 1950s.
2013-10-30 09:22:10 UTC
I would like to go to the cold war period,a great period which had lot of world development on a day to day basis and a race between two world greatest powers in defense,space..etc which is really one of the greatest period to live in our time...
2013-10-29 20:58:43 UTC
1) I would go back to the time of Christ and listen to his preaching and healings of others

2) then my second choice would be the dinosaurs

3) and then when I was 21 and legal too drink.
Carol Carol
2014-05-17 08:48:45 UTC
To age 6. Knowing what I know now, I would change the way I did things and I wouldn't be so darn passive.
2013-10-29 17:11:09 UTC
I think I would travel back to the 1930s-1940s. I could see myself thrive in those times. I have always been interested in the peoples of those times fashion, food, 'culture', what they did for fun, hobbies, etc.. They certainly didn't have electronics back then, so it sure would be different! But I think interesting as I noted before.

It would be nice to make a few friends from those times, then come back to 2013, and talk to those people again! Oh, wait, I would probably have to talk to their grandchildren.
2013-10-30 11:29:30 UTC
I Would like to Go back when i was born :)
2013-10-29 22:49:19 UTC
I would go back to 1988 so I could tell myself I have Asperger's, before going through school, college and University undiagnosed (I finally got diagnosed with AS after Uni, after which I'd failed a degree, and other things...)
2013-10-29 18:05:59 UTC
I would travel back in time to the Tudor Era and give away phones, some cars, laptops and other gizmos. I would then observe how people at those times would interact with these and record my findings onto various tables and graphs for each items. I could use the info to help create ideas for new contraptions and inventions then mass produce them.
2013-10-30 15:49:31 UTC
The 80's or 50's because of the fashion and dancing.
2013-10-30 02:11:57 UTC
I would liked to be a army of Alexander the great time and a good lover of that period-With Mobil phone ,laptop, television, natch in gun tummy gun pistol etc- Show it to Alexander the great Yes I shall take also internet- I am thinking another any thing can I take Please help me-
2013-10-29 20:46:33 UTC
i m eager to get back when i was a child, i will cherish my grandma ,never argue and fight agaisnt her,and now she has gone with the wind,all i could say left only im sorry. if i was still a child, i will study more hard to face how cruel futures competition. but now everything has changed n never ever turned back. :(
2015-04-12 06:53:02 UTC
I would go to somewhere around 1066 and live in that era because my mind is poisoned by video games. Yes I admit that.
2013-10-30 21:30:00 UTC
I would like to go 5 million years into the future. We would be called Homo Astros and travel to the stars.
2013-10-30 12:50:08 UTC
I would love to see Scotland more than 800 years ago so I could see the Caledonian forest at its best and all the now extinct mammals...
2013-10-30 11:33:28 UTC
I would like to go back to the time of Jesus or Buddha. I would want to hear their teachings and be among their followers. I would also like to see the lost city of Atlantis (if it is indeed real!)
2013-10-29 18:50:49 UTC
I would go back to 1940 before the world war 2 in the pacific and wish that Japan should colonize Papua and New Guinea by then we should be the most POWERFUL Nation Island in the Pacific and the world with Resources we have like Gold, Diamond, Copper and some more yet to be discover.
2013-10-29 16:47:10 UTC
I would want to go back to the 50`s to see my grandpa do magic acts around the country. My mom told me about how he would do magic tricks around the U.S.,and I would really want to experience them. I never really met my grandpa either, because he sadly died 12 years before I was born. We even have a casset tape of him telling stories of when he was a kid that he recorded in the 80`s.

And maybe I could say hi to my good friends Marty McFly, and Doc Brown(but hopefully I don`t ruin the space time continuam)
Robert B
2013-10-31 07:06:46 UTC
Would Love to be present in the time of our Lord Jesus Christ,when he was doing and saying all his miraculous deeds ! What a Joy to see the Son of God.....
Peter V
2013-10-31 06:40:04 UTC
I would go back to the nineties to the government cloning facility that created the current POTUS and destroy the cryogenic chambers holding the Hitler cells they injected him with.
S i r i
2013-10-30 10:34:46 UTC
i would go back to the time when jesus was alive. I have a lot of questions for him!
2013-10-30 10:27:29 UTC
November 13th, 2010 at around 1 in the morning. Thats when I walked in on my best friend boning my girlfriend. I should have bashed his face in with her face. But instead, I just grabbed my sh*t and left.

I guess everyone lives with regrets...
2013-10-30 08:59:53 UTC
The future
Weasel McWeasel
2013-10-30 00:52:19 UTC
I'd go back to 1963, and tell Kennedy to stay the heck out of Dallas.

Then I would get to live thru the 60's.....and go to Woodstock.

and then in 1970......yeah, the 70's need *ALOT* of fixing. ALOT.
2013-10-29 23:15:30 UTC
Quite obvious to me. I'd go back to the mid 1920's and invest money in gold and blue chip stocks.
2016-04-01 14:11:47 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

True, I Iove history. Your teacher is probably just doing it wrong, there is hardly anything boring about history.
2013-10-31 08:16:08 UTC
years 1966 to 2013(so far) by change everything/prevent anything from happening in around the world and completely fix my life in a much quicker pace.
2013-10-31 04:43:42 UTC
I'd go back to Oregon in 1982 and see my mom again, and have REAL conversations with her to try to get to "know" her better (she died in March of that year, when I was 10).

I'd also tell "young ME" to invest heavily in Apple and Microsoft.
Manuel Pereira
2013-10-30 11:09:43 UTC
To the glorious 80's or the start of the WWII, so I could see history!
2014-06-12 20:02:26 UTC
I never really met my grandpa either, because he sadly died 12 years before I was born. We even have a casset tape of him telling stories of when he was a kid that he recorded in the 80`s.
2013-10-30 19:30:34 UTC
I would love to go back in time from the birth of Jesus Christ to 5yrs after his death.

I would like to see the beginning of Christianity, watch miracles being performed, listen to sermons from Jesus' own mouth. I would like to see for myself why the Jews were so against everything he said He was and more. To me it the most important time of our past as it was the beginning of our past, 2013 years ago.
2013-10-31 08:46:54 UTC
I would like to go to last Polar Age to see how it looked liked and to see mamooths. I would like to see crusade wars too. Or i would go to future, like 100 million years, becouse Mediterranean sea won't exist. There will be massive mountains becouse Africa will crash into Europe
Jumping Sun
2013-10-30 02:30:42 UTC
I would like to go to Samrat Ashoka's era to witness the proper and powerful India.
2013-10-29 19:42:25 UTC
Back in the 80s to go to a Michael Jackson concert.
2013-10-29 19:31:25 UTC
I would luv 2 go to the 20's, 30's or 40's in N.Y.C. the old black & white movies make it seem so glamorous.

2013-10-29 18:45:17 UTC
Back in 2004 and not embarrass myself by crashing into a tree and getting a scar on my forehead.
2014-04-12 11:04:15 UTC
For those who have in mind, by someday by the time we die, we can go back and change all that. We're in time loop for a second chance to make it right.
2013-10-29 22:47:50 UTC
I will go to the day before newton saw the apple falling from the tree. I will cut the tree so that no apple falls in front of newton. No law of gravity and no physics. I hate Newton and physics :)
2013-10-29 22:23:31 UTC
Late 1990s. I missed a great opportunity not buying stock in Google.
Monty S
2013-10-31 09:26:45 UTC
D-DAY JUNE 6TH 1944 and watch the invasion of france by the allies .
2013-10-30 11:53:53 UTC
I'd go back to a time before y'all hosed up "Yahoo Mail" and it actually worked. Frustrating attempt to fix something that didn't need fixin'.
2013-10-30 08:31:28 UTC
I would like to go back to the time of creation of Pakistan.
2013-10-30 05:53:38 UTC
If you are going to wish, wish for something good. I would want season tickets for a front row seat at the roman colosseum when it was at its height.
2013-10-31 13:54:43 UTC
19th century America

Ancient Greece or

the time Jesus was alive.
The Convent Dreamer
2013-10-30 15:00:07 UTC
I would go bak a yr ago and eat right ... that way I wdnt hav this night mare called strtch marx
Mehmet Ali
2013-10-30 14:50:37 UTC
1900, just before cars went public in 1912, i would love to have been there from the beginning
Lisa of Shades
2013-10-30 09:54:47 UTC
I think I'd stop Lincoln from being shot...

And the other stuff I'm scared to say to a staff member *puppy eyes*

Ema Albert
2013-10-30 05:04:37 UTC
i would like to go back to the Egypt where all that mummy scene happened, i want to see it live! P: or maybe i'd like to go back in history to view how taj mahal built.
2013-11-01 02:09:20 UTC
16th century in London. I would have loved to see the way of Life.

Otherwise, I'm quite content in my own century and in my own place :)
2013-11-02 11:06:18 UTC
i would go back to the Greek and roman time period if i could stop being jewish. i would like to be a mathematician and i can change the human race and make them so much smarter.
2013-10-31 13:01:33 UTC
if i can use it multiple times, and also go forward, i would go back to the time of dinosaurs, get an egg, go to present time, get rich and famous, get my money, go future get all these cool things buy a robot and other cool technology! then use my old strategy to get more money!
2013-10-31 09:45:32 UTC
I would like to go in the time of dinosaurs. I would be happy to know their lifestyle and everything with open eyes.
2013-10-30 13:11:12 UTC
I would go back to the 90's and enjoy my childhood again. Trust me, I was a kid back in the 90's and I miss that time so much. Please, hurry and build me a time machine.
2013-10-29 19:02:30 UTC
I want to go back in 1 of those times::

1st. I want to go back to Freshmen year and try harder and not to fail any classes.

2nd. I want to go back in 1920 and kill Adolf Hitler before he gets famous and start WW2.

3. I want to go back in time when Jesus Christ was alive, and I want to see him how he looked like, and I want to see him teaching and doing miracles.

I wish I could go back in 1 of these times.
2013-11-02 13:32:40 UTC
9th Of September, 2001.

I will warn everyone about what is going to happen, and I will try and save the 2,996 people who lost their lives that day......
2013-10-31 08:04:58 UTC
I would have to say I would go back to the beginning of the universe and end all arguments...
2013-10-30 07:34:18 UTC
Go back 10 minutes in time to re eat that piece of cake. It was really good cake.
2013-10-29 22:04:42 UTC
I don't know about you guys but I'd like to go back and experience the times when AIDS/HIV did not exist..

Imagine the possibilities.. HNNNNNNG

All kidding aside.. I know most of you would like that!
Norm/Marilyn B
2013-10-29 15:58:26 UTC
Austrailia 1960 Slower pace of life.
2013-10-30 17:14:02 UTC
me? i would want to visit everything.the world fascinates me.i love all times but i`d like to see how we humans were back then.But i would most likely visit egypt.i am fascinated with the ancient egyptians and their culture.I really want to see how they really built the pyramids too.maybe i`d meet the pharoah!
Guru Hank
2013-10-30 11:34:29 UTC
Back before they redesigned Yahoo Answers.
2013-10-31 08:24:25 UTC
1775, met the founders of my country. Also to fight to the British and be apart the founding of my country.
2013-10-30 13:13:03 UTC
The year 5005 AD, to see if anyones still left.
Twister Phoelix
2013-10-29 20:04:00 UTC
I would go to Ireland in the 1400s and look for the legendary Sgchinnagh (Energy Beast).
2013-10-29 19:01:11 UTC
Id go to when my dad first met my mom and tell him to not date her or marry her and to try to find a nice woman who actually wanted to be part of our lives and be a good mom and wife. and that way our family could be together and not so segregated as it is today..


id go back to when I was in high school in ninth grade and encourage myself to get good grades!!


id go back to when I was 13 and really skinny and id tell myself to start dieting /working out to stay in that gorgeous size nine!!
2013-10-30 22:29:46 UTC
Id go back five minutes and stop myself from going back five minutes. To hell with the universe.
2013-10-30 21:47:33 UTC
To ancient greece ofcource
2013-10-30 08:26:52 UTC
I would go back to prophet Muhammad's time, and I wanted to see all his life.
2013-10-31 04:47:09 UTC
To the beginning of time itself if it were possible. Who wouldn't possibly want to see how it all started.
2013-10-30 03:39:37 UTC
back to the time of Jesus and observe and be with him . A truly magnificent man . If only ! .
2013-11-01 17:03:46 UTC
the 80's to see what they were like or the 70's because they were the peace era
2013-10-31 04:56:22 UTC
it would be before I was born me myself would like go back to my lord to see why they lived like that and was so violent to each other after all we are human beings why ?
2013-10-30 11:12:44 UTC
2013-10-30 08:10:55 UTC
I'll go to the begin of the world because i wanna exactly know that how god create us.
2013-10-30 20:07:33 UTC
Go back to like the 60's, buy a nice *** car and bring it back over. . . . well after I go back and run Hitler over with it. . . .then I would come back.
2013-10-30 04:08:30 UTC
I would go back to where i met her and just stayed with her
The Patriot
2013-10-29 16:02:39 UTC
To 1066 to see how King Harold died, was it an arrow or was he killed by the knight in the stripped socks as shown in the Bayeux Tapestry.
Im way cooler in real life.
2013-10-30 14:52:14 UTC
1920s new york city
2013-10-30 12:37:40 UTC
1970's. Rock & Roll baby!
2013-10-30 09:20:17 UTC
Before the big bang, just to see what happened.
2013-10-30 03:44:56 UTC
i would like back 10 years ago to see my father he die sinc 1993
2013-10-29 19:22:11 UTC
I would like to go back and follow Jesus around listening to him speak and teach. I would love to ask him questions that the apostles didn't ask.

2013-11-01 01:42:45 UTC
1963, ed sullivan theater

beatles concert
2013-10-29 21:16:03 UTC
1970's because of the music and people were a lot nicer and more open minded
2013-10-29 19:15:20 UTC
I would go... Back To The Future to get a Delorean and find "Doc" and keep traveling in time from then.
2013-10-29 18:31:37 UTC
if i was japanese would go to 1567 japan and be a iga ninja with hattori hanzo the 2nd and i would fight in japans historical battles
2013-10-29 16:53:59 UTC
I would go back in time and prevent the parents of Joey Essex from conceiving such a thing.
2013-11-01 12:32:44 UTC
Happy Days
2013-10-29 18:05:32 UTC
I would go to the 1980s be I love the music and I could meet my parents and see how they were when they were my age.
2013-10-31 13:00:21 UTC
I'd go back to my 6th grade year in school and encourage myself to keep my grades up....
2013-10-30 15:42:36 UTC
my birth year
2013-10-30 05:58:53 UTC
your question does not meet the regulation of community, you know? Similar questions are reported and deleted, with the rule to use a format question answer.
2013-10-29 20:30:40 UTC
i would go back in time and change my own life
2013-10-31 09:31:24 UTC
I would like to go to antarctica before there was ice.
2013-10-31 06:24:49 UTC
i would like to back to slavery days to see what my people went through
2013-10-30 07:55:34 UTC
To the dinosaurs and the cavemen.
2013-10-30 07:06:21 UTC
it is easy for men to pick. As woman it wont be as easy or easy at all. imagine me walking around alone? someone is bound to stone me for whore.
2013-10-29 22:41:32 UTC
does this count the future? id find some invention, learn how it works, travel back to now, invent it, and get rich :)
2013-10-29 17:04:02 UTC
Would travel back to December 6th 1941, to warn Roosevelt of Pearl Harbor's upcoming attack.
2013-10-29 19:00:00 UTC
I'd go back to prehistoric times, steal a few dinosaur eggs, breed them, then get rich selling them and keep a few as pets.
Pickles the Wise(♥'s☮)
2013-10-29 16:14:56 UTC
I'd go back to 1985 and buy myself a Delorean.
2013-10-29 16:10:01 UTC
I was waiting for that question so long time to answer it and i think it is like a dream has come True when Y!A posted it , well let me take the chance here and answer .

I would rather choose to go back to time when Adam was living together with Eve on the earth both when first our planet has been created without any human interference and even before first human murder case happen , i would go fast around as much as i can to watch and enjoy the nature at the beginning and try to describe it for the others everything as it is rivers , jungles , animals , trees , sky , clouds , mountains , seas , oceans , flowers what a scene .

i would notice the first couple in the history a little a bit away from them just to watch how was their life and needs as they been natured by god and try to compare in my mind with what we do now in present and i would rather talk to them if they allowed me to check their language .

i would go back at that time to see which is better planet at its first born state or its updated last state , i,m so eager to discover that , Oh i think now you feel what i feel exactly .

what i,m sure about is human being have the double power to build which i call it the positive power when they decide to help each other and go forward to achieve their task on the earth rather than to use the negative power when they decide to destroy and start wars when they listen to devils and spill their blood on the earth .
2013-10-30 09:19:11 UTC
i would go to Hitler, and tell him to stop whatever he was going to do! show him what the world thinks of him -_-
2013-10-29 18:04:49 UTC
I would go back to 2001 to try to prevent 9/11
2013-10-29 16:29:23 UTC
Rome, when the Collosseum was at its grandest to watch some of the major events.
2013-10-30 00:56:40 UTC
2007.if was the best time of my was my time in highschool.
2013-10-29 17:58:52 UTC
Back to the 1930s and pick up some old school hookers.
2013-10-30 09:31:04 UTC
battle of Thermopylae. just because so little is known about it.
2013-10-29 15:36:05 UTC
I would like to visit North America about 15,000 to 20,000 years ago to see the megafauna and even some of the other wildlife alive here at that time . Before people were supposed to be here . Were they here then ?

I would not want to infect anybody .
2013-10-30 09:33:23 UTC
the time when Stone henge was build ..i want to learn who it was build by :))
Nj Paramo
2016-09-01 02:04:26 UTC
i'm not white
2013-10-29 17:53:59 UTC
I'd go back to before the incompetent hacks in charge of Yahoo started screwing around with something that wasn't broke.
We left and returned!
2013-10-29 17:18:10 UTC
I'd go back to 1983 to tell my father not to get in to the plane that killed him. Stop by 1995 to tell my sister not to get into the car that she died in. And, visit 2004 to cut the nuts off of the doctors who deliberately tortured my wife... before they killed her.
frederick m
2013-10-29 16:23:06 UTC
I'd travel back to 2008. To encourage myself then, in my freshmen year, to do better in high school.
2013-11-01 06:27:45 UTC
i would watch Hamlet live.
2013-10-29 17:14:11 UTC
I'd go back a few days and buy the winning lottery ticket :)
2013-10-29 17:12:03 UTC
The time of Adam and Eve, and witness how it all went down.
2013-10-29 16:29:59 UTC
I'd go back to when the earth was first made and tell adam and eve to not eat the forbidden fruit so we may have peace.
2013-10-30 12:13:52 UTC
when Jesus was on earth
2013-10-29 15:37:50 UTC
I would like to go back to the 80s so I could avoid the girl who ruined my life!
2013-10-29 16:03:41 UTC
Munich, Germany. 1923. Just me and a pistol. Eliminate Adolf Hitler before he gets popular.

- .--
2013-10-29 17:55:50 UTC
I would go to Japan in 2060. Because that'd just be awesome
2013-10-29 17:41:16 UTC
2013-10-29 16:55:25 UTC
I would go back to the Garden of Eden, before Eve was tempted by the serpent.

I think I'd just destroy the tree, so that they could not be tempted, since it would be gone.
2013-10-29 16:00:27 UTC
I would like to go back, just shortly, to the time of Christ. I imagine myself sitting with the thousands of people listening to the Sermon on the Mount. I think that it would truly be a blessing to see Jesus healing and teaching the folks of that time. I would also be able to see the towns and villages that Jesus traveled to.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.