What is YOUR theory on the whole Madeline case?
2007-05-25 05:16:20 UTC
What is YOUR theory on the whole Madeline case?
41 answers:
2007-05-25 05:22:59 UTC
I think she is still alive, and I actually believe that the woman that think she spotted her in Morocco was actually right.

But I think it was someone who the little girl knew that took her from her bed, because as a mother of a 3year old daughter myself, I know that she would be screaming and crying and shouting if someone she didnt know came anywhere near her.

It seems a little too convenient that a parent would be THAT negligent that leaving your little ones alone is not bad enough, but leaving the door unlocked! That strikes me as somewhat suspicious.

It has to also be someone that had planned this whole thing, as there would be more evidence to follow. Someone who just did this randomly would have left clues everywhere but its been planned right down to the last detail.

I think the little girl is alive, but I think shes been "sold" to another family.
2007-05-25 08:33:25 UTC
I think that the McCann parents went trotting off for dinner and had a lovely meal without checking the children even once (which is what the waiters at the restaurant say)... a couple of times during the meal a couple of the other diners popped over to the apartment to check that the kids were OK (again, according to the waiters) - this also explains why good ole Gerry n Kate don't know which doors and windows were open!

While they were swilling back the Portuguese red, Madeleine woke up and went to find them. It was only dusk so it wasn't dark enough to frighten her, and as a child often farmed out to nannies, nurseries and creches she was probably very assured and confident...Out of the door, along the path as far as the little village supermarket -

Then she was either taken by an opportunistic paedophile for his own use OR met with some fatal accident of the type one might expect (drowning, hiding in an abandoned fridge and suffocating, falling down a well... etc).

In an effort to distract people from their culpability in leaving the children alone, Kate & Gerry immediately started to point the finger at a mysterious abductor who broke in and took her, and they have stuck to this story, despite all evidence to the contrary (even the British Police say there was NO abduction from the apartment, despite the British press/sheep people insisting on using the phrase "snatched from her bed") ....

Realising that people were still not impressed with their parenting skills, they then went into 'no stone unturned' overdrive, aided and abetted by the Great British RedTop Press, who claim to know what 'The People' are thinking (which is not difficult given that their average reader 'thinks' what the paper tells them to!!!).

Not only does this move throw up an impressive smokescreen, but it also proves to be a tidy little earner ...Plus G & K (being doctors with the inevitable God complex) discover that they rather like the attention ...


Justsara ... I really don't give a damn whether Kate is crying in private or not - I don't view myself as a particularly good parent and I am more than happy to admit it when I get things wrong..yet even I have managed to raise 3 children to adulthood without f***ing off and leaving them alone and vulnerable while I indulged myself - QED... If the McCanns are devastated then that's their own fault ... what I really object to is their refusing to admit their culpability and then adding insult to injury by using the situation to line their own pockets under the pretence that they need public money to find their child and then quite blatantly using it to fund a Grand Tour of Europe for themselves.
2007-05-25 05:51:30 UTC
May be she was abducted, maybe she got up and went to look for her parents, who knows?.Is there more to this?, perhaps they can't say as it may harm Madeline's safety. I do know that if I went into my child's room and found her gone ,the first thing I'd have said would be "Madeline's missing" or " Madeline's not in her bed" not "They've taken Madeline", unless they had reason to think someone took her. Hope she's home soon.

The green ribbon is the colour of hope in Portugal just as ours is yellow. I noticed she was wearing both colours on tv the other day.
2007-05-25 07:18:47 UTC
the whole issue of this case,has been full of speculation, allegation, anger,sadness and nothing substantiated.

the money aspect and the title { team MacCann} have become more of discussion, that the most relevant point of all, this child is still missing.

i don't know what has become of Madeleine, or the full facts of this sad case, but I do know this, the sooner uncle john shuts the fxxx up the better, he is causing harm every time he speaks.

today he stated that the missing persons bureau are a good back up to have, {back up?} these people in the missing persons bureau have years of experience of dealing with this, and he has publicly, put them{ behind} team macCann, as if to say that team MacCann can deal with this better than the missing persons bureau.

for all they have done with the media the fund raising ribbons and wrist bands, Madeleine is still missing, a new approach is needed, and should be put solely in the hands and under the control of the people who know what they are doing, and Team MacCann are not these people.

I said this before and il say it again and hopfuly the powers that be will act on it, concentrate the search in the locality of the place Madeleine went missing
2007-05-26 03:11:29 UTC
I think one or both of the parents knows exactly what has happened to her. I hope the police are carefully watching them, and are just awaiting the correct opportunity to sweep.

People are carried on a wave of sentimentality about this case, which is masking the fact that the parents are pretty weird and leaving those little one's alone is bad in anyone's book.

I don't like the look of madeleine in the latest photos, they haunt me because she looks gaunt and unloved. In the family photos she is seperate from the rest of them. The way the media are going on Gerry will have his own parental advice chat show like Jeremy Kyle soon.

The scariest people in our society are those that are hiding under a mask of respectability. We judge people - 'oh he's full of tattoos' or 'she looks rough' - we don't yet understand the Dr. Shipman charming types.
2007-05-25 08:41:29 UTC
Just because Kate is not crying in public does not mean she is not breaking her heart. Kate and Gerry are professional people and I would imagine their training is holding them together - just. At one point Kate looked as if she was being held together by sticky tape.

As for judgement. Yes, they made a mistake. One they will have to live with.

But the comment 'let he without sin throw the first stone....' comes to mind.

The 'Team McCann' has been put together by relatives and friends who care about this little girl. She and her parents are indeed blessed to have so many friends, and to have the intelligence to organise something as big as this.

And no, I dont expect the McCanns dont feel for others, especially other children. Note their remarks about not judging those who were being called as witnesses.

Some of the answers here make me despair of being British.

One can only hope and pray that she will be found safe.

This case has raised awareness of all those missing children and adults - so something good has come out of it.
2007-05-25 05:24:07 UTC
I think she got up and went to find her parents and might have been picked up outside somewhere or wandered off in the wrong direction. I hope that a paedo doesn't have her cos she'll never be the same again.

There is a huge trade in children in Europe. She is gorgeous and would probably get a great price from childless parents! Sad but true.

I think it'll be like than Ben boy who was kidnapped in Kos and won't see her again.
2007-05-25 07:23:33 UTC
I'm in the states, so it's harder for us to keep up with the story - but the internet helps. I think about little Maddy every day and wonder what happened to her. :( I find the mother's words right after she "discovered" the child missing to be strange. She yelled "They've taken her!" The McCann's have 2 daughters, so wouldn't the father react with "Who?" And who is "they"?

Do I have this story right? Were these words spoken in English or another language?

If my child went missing and I wasn't inconsolable and drugged up, I'd be out every day scouring the world trying to find my child.

Something is fishy here. :(

I pray they find the little girl all right and the truth comes out!
2007-05-25 05:31:13 UTC
This is very sad. i do hope she is found safe and sound but feel that even so, she will never be the same in herself again. she will have to undergo years of therapy and will suffer terribly mentally.

I also feel that the parents should never have left her alone in that room. Just common sense really! you wouldnt leave them upstairs in your own home at that age without a monitor or a babysitter so what posessed them to do it abroad in an unknown place!!!!

That is something they will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

For Madelines sake, i hope she is ok and returned home soon.
Robin H
2007-05-25 16:42:38 UTC
I don't think it's right to have a theory until you have all the facts. Perhaps those posting some of the more outrageous answers should be a little more considered and not get their misguided opinions confused with theory.
2007-05-25 05:23:51 UTC
i think it is terribly disturbing that the little girl is still missing. I wish that the kids had not been left unnattended. it leaves open the possibilty that the lil girl wandered off after waking in the night and then being picked up by a stranger. I am still hoping for a happy ending to this story.
2007-05-25 07:33:30 UTC
I wont bother speculating because I don't like all the thumbs down. I'm looking forward to the conclusion of this though just because I want to know if what I am thinking has happened really has.
2007-05-25 05:58:37 UTC
Are we ever going to know the truth???? Did she get abducted from the room or did she wander out of the room and get abducted. No one knows except Maddy and her abductor.

I think parents were totally wrong in leaving their kids but this has been exhausted so I'll say no more on that.

I am wanting to believe she is alive and living with a childless family somewhere who are treating her well.

i cannot bear to think she is dead or being abused.

I think things are getting out of hand in the papers and on the news but also understand that if it were my child missing then i would want everything possible done to find her. If I were Mrs mccann then i would now be in Morocco trying to find her.

I would also be spending my time with my other two children.

I don;t think they can face going home because for them it would be like admitting she's not going to be found.
2007-05-25 09:59:10 UTC
OK - I mentioned this before - I believe Ronald McDonald is behind her dissapearance..... He has snatched Madeleine and is forcing her to make Big Macs at McHeadquarters. What's strange is that Ronald is actually Gerry's secret brother.... Gerry knew this and forced Ronald to steal Madeleine so Gerry could be as famous as his brother Ronald!! Weird huh?!? Don't say it.... because I know what you're going to say..... I am Ronalds secret son... McOIi... ha ha
angela f
2007-05-25 10:02:58 UTC
no one knows but god hope they find her i am a mother and grandmother and iy breaks my heart thinking about madeleine such a pretty little girl, and probably wants her mummy and daddy so much, i only wish the people or person who has her returns her safely, have some heart whoever you are you cant just steal other peoples children
2007-05-26 01:41:06 UTC
The police need to go back to the beginning.

who was the last independent witness to see Madeleine alive? ( that does not include either the parents or their friends)
little weed
2007-05-25 09:18:41 UTC
I think she has either been abducted by some paedo's or given to a childless couple somewhere. Alas I think the poor little dab will be another "Ben Needham".
2007-05-25 08:41:42 UTC
well the bottom line is they left her by HERSELF in a hotel room in a foreign country whilst they went out to dinner ... its sad i know but you have to look at the facts what parents in there right minds would leave a 3 year old by themselves... anything could happen. ???? she is 3 she can t fend for herself.very sad but sometimes the truth hurts ... they should of been their for her.
2007-05-25 08:43:09 UTC
Ask the people running and raising money for the FindMaddie Trust Fund, I am sure they would have all the answers!!!
2007-05-25 08:51:21 UTC
its so strange that no real leads have been uncovered, i think she has been taken by some scumbag who intends to sell her on for a huge sum of money. i hope she is returned safely but why do other missing children go unnoticed?
2007-05-25 07:14:44 UTC
I don`t know but If she has been kidnapped, I believe the over the top publicity may be detrimental in finding her alive.
emma d
2007-05-25 05:30:36 UTC
firstly millie... the green ribbon represents good luck in portugal.

and my theory is shes been sold on to a childless family.. i really hope some sicko perv has not got her..

also because the portugese police don't react like our police this has helped the kidnapper get further away quicker!!!

2007-05-25 07:09:11 UTC
There is a chance she may turn up but after two months I dont think so..

Its easy for them to tell the meadia they are staying in Portugal until she returns but see what they say in two months time....
2007-05-28 14:14:48 UTC
I think the police should spend more time questioning the parents rather than let them journey here, there and everywhere.
2007-05-28 03:54:30 UTC
my theory is you are like vultures.You r the sort of people who want a achild to turn up dead,it gives u more to gossip about
2007-05-25 06:13:34 UTC
We want the gospel truth, that is all we are asking. The McCanns will never tell the truth. It has been very well planned by the McCann family and they are all fretting because sooner or later they are going to be found out.
2007-05-25 05:52:58 UTC
I think that regardless of what happened to Madeline her parents are enjoying cashing in on that little girls plight. I think these two are disgusting.

But apparently we are all wrong because John McCann has stated that it's not an issue of 'duty of care' and that we all need to get some focus.

Well that's us told!!!!!

PS I think they don't look too worried because they know what happened to her and where she is!

Laplandfan the reason thy're not coming home is because they want to evade the authorities and public opinion.
2007-05-28 10:16:18 UTC
i find it strange how the mother is so calm,not seen tears,what she made of,also theres more to this than the police are letting on,she could have bin sold or even killed ,i hope she is well,and comes home.
2007-05-25 05:18:47 UTC
I think the poor little mite might not be around any more... A very sad case that doesn't seem to have any leads at the moment.
2007-05-25 05:23:32 UTC
my theory is that she awoke to find her parents missing, began to wonder off in search of them. and some scum bag saw an opportune and took her. If she is still in the country (?) then she may bedead, ( i wish and hope I'm wrong). but if she was taken from the country and any number of terrible things could be happening to her.
2007-05-25 05:23:17 UTC
i was quit surprised to see the mother wearing a green ribbon in her hair on the news this morning why ain't she wearing a yellow ribbon everyone else is just go to show they tell everyone on the news to wear a yellow one so why is she not wearing one i could not believe it may be good luck in Portugal but that is besides the point Ive not heard it on the news that everyone out there is to wear green
2007-05-25 05:31:05 UTC
This mother and father, checked on their children every thirty minutes and did have the door within eye-sight...

While I think leaving little kids in a room by themselves is sounded to me like they did what THEY thought was right for THEM...and their family...

I pray this little girl is found, alive and well...and that people NOT criticize these parents, but support them in their time of need and anguish....

Who cares the mother had a "green ribbon" (as one poster here mentioned)..maybe that was HER daughters favorite color....we don't know..and we should stop the petty put-downs of these people and concentrate on what REALLY matters...bringing this child home...
2007-05-25 05:30:34 UTC
i believe the parents in this day and age as our world is now should be put against a wall and shot how dare they do what they did and it seems now its other peoples fault the child is still missing and also they appear they want us to share their big mistake and also now want monies from whatever means to keep them and other hangers on to care for them in their quest which would never have happened but for their stupidity.
2007-05-25 05:24:47 UTC
Theres something more going on. The way the parents have acted is very fishy to me. People keep saying you don't know how you'd react if it was you but im sorry i wouldn't be as staged as the mccanns. I would be losing my friggin mind, she was their first as well. I would be leaving all the soddin tours they are doing and be on a hunt for her.
2007-05-25 05:48:22 UTC
i feel deep down that the parents wont be seeing their little girl anymore. its all been overhyped and over dramatised tho to be honest.
2007-05-25 05:20:22 UTC
Its a shame but I think that some dirty peodo has her. Praying that she is returned but don't think its possible. Sympathy to everyone knows her
2007-05-25 05:20:15 UTC
Maybe the cops need to look closer to home.
2007-05-25 05:29:07 UTC
I think she died in an accident and the parents are trying to cover it up,badly. The police are probably just giving them enough rope.
2007-05-25 05:22:51 UTC
ok face it she's dead.

the papers are only still hanging around so they can photograph the look on the parents faces once they get told a body has been found.
2007-05-25 05:34:21 UTC
The butler did it.
2007-05-25 05:24:08 UTC
My theory is that I am sick and tired of these threads!!

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