i like to categorize cointelpro and the crack cocaine epidemic together. there is some talk - that i personally refuse to deny - about the CIA's involvement in helping to push drugs throughout america (specifically, black, low-income neighborhoods). around the highlight of the civil rights movement, the crack cocaine epidemic was taking place. in this time, renown civil rights leader, martin luther king jr was assassinated. it wasn't some angry fart-sack racist. it was the CIA. i would believe that the motives behind these things were due to the fact that the voices of black americans WERE being heard and this meant disruption to power. something had to be done about it. black Americans nearly almost contributed to pulling the U.S. Government's pants down and exposing their asses to the whole nation. i am sure that a lot of world problems are in operation by the CIA, i.e. government or whatever you want to call them..
you're probably wondering how i can i be sure about such a claim? hello! mkultra ring a bell?
one of the most gruesome acts of war on the people of the united states.. mkultra...
who were the culprits behind mkultra? the central intelligence agency. do the research on mkultra. it'll open your eyes on why there are so many conspiracy theories in the united states, and, to my knowledge, a lot of conspiracy theories are backed up by evidence. a lot of people have been threatened or even killed, or harassed into suicide. mkultra was NOT a conspiracy, and neither was cointelpro. i stand with the facts. i tend to poke conspiracy theories with a ten foot pole, until i am convinced it's safe.
now, i've mentioned cointelpro here
cointelpro is basically covert harassment on specific individuals or groups of people. the aim of these operations is to discredit the parties with black mailing, harassment, set-ups, or traps.
a proper scenario of a cointelpro operation would be a cop pulling you over, and planting cocaine in your car as if to say he found it there. if you are a public figure, or otherwise, an important person with opposing views, you could possibly be the target of this harassment, and there will be nothing you can do about it.
about the crack cocaine epidemic.
you see, there is a market for drugs. there is a huge market for drugs, and it's growing as more and more people are becoming addicted. why do you think the government spends so much money funding the war on drugs? they could be funding rehabilitation centers, coarse treatment programs, and research into better medication for addicts. in shorter terms, the government could be funding and revolutionizing a war on poverty, and addiction. the war on drugs can be backed up with "well drugs are the root of the problem right?"
that's a lousy question.
look. i remember a time where being republican or democratic actually meant something. both parties have been disenfranchised by the other, that now, when talking about political beliefs, you come across as an angry fart-sack. look. being liberal used to mean encouragement to a lot of people. being liberal - to me - used to mean freedom, and power to the people, but now, being liberal means "entitled" or being a "snowflake" all because of highlighted sabotage. a party will find a way to discredit another party. look into "smear campaign". the nazi party smear campaigned other parties in germany as a way to help establish power over the nation, and to this day, smear campaigns are used for that purpose. it's also to sway public opinion, making discussion and congregation meaningless. an example.
conservative: "O yea well sh*tbag Hillary would have been worse!"
that conversation there is meaningless, but in a more serious context, conversations like these happen every day in america. things like that truly reflect on the unstable political environment here in America.
mass hysteria
mass confusion
indifference to opposing views
and this is at the bottom because it would be memorable since it's read last
the people's lack of activity in their communities (socially, and politically).
i don't think that our country needs a big time business men, or career politician to sit in the oval office or in congress. i believe that all power is in the hands of the people. to avoid destabilizing the country with riots and civil unrest, making us a more vulnerable prey to our enemies, this country needs men and women representing the voice of THE people, and by the people, i mean all people, not just whites, blacks, mexicans, asians. our nation needs ordinary men and women who are educated and disciplined to loyalty to represent our people. people who understand the struggle, not people who came from something to more things. we need people who came from NOTHING to something, otherwise, our leaders will remain apathetic to our plea for justice. im talking about middle class citizens, and lower class citizens. we don't need rich people to speak for us, otherwise, we live in despotism disguised as the principles of democracy.
so, for parents. keep your children in check. they are the FUTURE. be in your children's lives, but give them some space! geez!
in the same way your fathers molded you in their image, you will have to mold your children in your image as well. here's the catch though. when todays parents were kids, they didnt have "second parents" to raise them (internet, TV, media, music). it was more plain, but not children are being raised and influenced by all kinds of evil. whether you agree or not, words can go in one ear and out the other and all is well, but those words were still processed. it's called subliminal messaging. words can have an impact. for instance. today's pop culture, WHICH IS another tool for brainwashing. i remember watching the grammys one year and a lot of the "stars" came on stage and talked about voting for Hillary with a "screw donald trump" atmosphere. something's a bit off about that.
now i neither support donald trump or hillary. i dont define myself into any political group. i am who i am, and i am not what another man suggests me to be, and i never will be.
bottom line
kids are the future, and there are sick people in the world who will take advantage of that fact.
basically discussing cointelpro, mkultra, and their ties to the crack cocaine epidemic and the assassination of martin luther king jr.
(look it up if you dont know what im talking about)
tl;dr for the cynical people in the world
"the government totally sucks you mutha fugga"