Well isn't this wonderful...a petition for you to sign if you dont want The McCanns to be prosecuted.?
2007-06-14 13:09:19 UTC
As yahoo are keeping the petition on Q&A for them to be prosecuted heres one for them NOT to be prosecuted.

There is no need for any nasty comments to be made to me. I respect your opinions, please respect mine.

I would just like to add... how many parents are actually present when their children are abducted.... how many children have vanished going on an errand for the parent or going to the shops, travelling to school, I wonder how many of you people shouting " neglect" actually take your child to the steps of the school and then pick them up. I dont suppose its many, cause when I went to school, the bus was full of school kids and NOT ONE parent. These were all 10 and 11 year olds. so hows about we just throw half of the world in prison for child neglect.
45 answers:
2007-06-14 13:36:04 UTC
Have you noticed how aggressive some of the 'anti McCann' lot are, says alot for them eh?! I understand the point you are making.

The children were not left out of cruelty but because the parents thought that they were sleeping and by checking every 20-30mins would be okay.

Years ago caravan parks used to offer babysitting services by someone periodically walking around and listening out for babies/children.I don't suppose that was the best idea but those parents were not accused of neglect!

There are far worse parents than the McCanns believe me and they are not being hated and treated like criminals.
2007-06-14 15:12:27 UTC
I'm afraid that it doesn't matter how many petitions you have, it will make absolutely no difference to the final outcome. Whether they will be prosecuted for negligence etc is ultimately up to the appropriate authorities. At the end of the day however sorry we feel for the McCanns, no one can dispute the fact that three very young children were left unattended, the fact that they weren't far away is irrelevant. I also wonder whether the people against action against the McCanns would feel as supportive if a neighbour went down the pub a short walk away and left their very young children, I think not, everyone would be using the word neglect then and would want something done about it. There is also no comparison between leaving a child of 10 or 11 years of age and the age of the McCann children, the two youngest are no more than toddlers, I think people are more outraged by it probably because the chidren were so young. I've had four children and I know how difficult it is and I rarely had a night out because I didn't have someone to take care of them and I wouldn't have dreamt of going to the pub even if they were fast asleep and it was directly opposite where I live, small children cannot be trusted on their own and there was no need for the McCanns to have left them surely they couldn't have sacrificed a night out. I also wonder if feelings would be so strong if it had happened to more than one of the children.

I also wonder whether the next time this happens to another family (please God it doesn't) will people want the authorities to turn a blind eye too, what sort of message does this give out to other parents, I really think there shouldn't be one rule for one and one for another, it just doesn't work.

Even having said all this I am not against the McCanns and I do understand the absolute hell they're going through and they have to be admired for their strength in this terrible situation. All I'm trying to say really is that I don't think they should have preferential treatment. Having said that if the little girl isn't found or they find her body having to deal with any legal action brought on them will be nothing compared to the grief and guilt that they will feel and have to live with and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Perhaps the powers that be will show leniency in this situation, we just don't know. I don't know if public feeling will have any impact.

I think we should all be concentrating on the plight of the child and finding her rather than signing petitions about something we have no contol over and will be dealt with at the appropriate time. I think people are jumping the gun a little as we don't even know the outcome yet. Although I might not agree with all your opinions I really do respect them. Good for you for standing up and putting your point across, we all have the right to our opinions. I just hope they find the child safe and soon!
2007-06-14 14:23:14 UTC
I would never leave children that age alone period...

I was in charge of my two year old and in familiar territory i.e. at home ...she was fine she was walking around like she owned the place and even did some cleaning...I then took her to my house and she was utterly confused and lost even scared and did not move down the hallway without being led. I then realised I can just leave he while I popinto the kitchen ...I had my eyes on her the whole time until we left

...there is no way I would leave anyone that age at home alone and shame on anybody who thinks this is okay..

think about Madelaine for a moment what about her health and safety or are we allowed to put children like that at risk and then blame someone else for it....nobody was there to help her because they were too busy thinking ...whats thepoint of parents if you cannot protect your own children even when its in your remit....

add to that the McCanns are devoid of criticism and that why I think they should be held account.....

DORIS: I think you are very kind maybe you can explain that nobody protected her because her parents loved her...

I also think that if there is a conscious effort to establish some supervision it usually works as a deterrent...the caravan checking idea may not be acceptable now but its better than nothing...the McCanns do not understand deterrent effect...

all the time peoples postures effect the outcome that if you care for your child your child will be caring ..rather than relying on books to educate children and harsh disciplline e.g.

when people cite examples theyare usually black and white and taken out of context but we need to remember that most things happen because of cause and effect and to understand why this happened is knowing a there was a kidnapper but b aswell the children were left alone...
2007-06-14 14:35:29 UTC
y fear i am another that feels your comparison of 10, 11 and 12 year olds travelling on a bus alone ,is a far cry from leaving 3 children under three alone, whilst enjoying a night out. I suggest this was not an isolated incident. The fact they are educated and have good "professions" has been their saving grace. If they had been from a council estate it is argued they would be presently under investigation. What annoys me more at this moment is, when they are travelling globally "for the cause"; who is looking after the twins ?. Surely they must them first !!. My heart goes out to the innocent Madeline and hope she is safe somewhere-or at very least has not suffered. Lets hope that their religious following will get them through the guilt they undoubtedly feel.
Lovely Lady
2007-06-14 14:08:28 UTC
It never fails to astound me that people can't determine a difference between an abduction taking place when a parent or carer does everything in their power to protect their children. Yes, there are evil people out there ready to snatch children when the opportunity arises. Yes we can't live in fear and be physically attached to the most precious things in our lives 24/7. People need to live real lives and this means letting children walk to school alone when they are old enough to do so, not sleeping in the same room just in case some mad man sneaks in during the night and letting them out to play.

It does NOT mean that it is OK to leave 3 tots under the age of 4 alone at night for our own selfish gain.

They didn't make a mistake. They didn't misjudge the situation. They didn't take their eyes of them for a split second. They didn't give their children the freedom they need to grow.

They made a conscious decision to leave their 3 babies alone in a strange room in a foreign country to go fill their bellies.

And for that reason alone I will not be singing this ludicrous counter petition.

You really aren't getting it are you? The petition does not in any place state that the McCanns should have the remaining children taken of them. Getting Social Services involved does not automatically mean children get taken into care.
Beau Brummell
2007-06-14 14:00:10 UTC
You have asked this question on a false premise. Madeleine and the twins were not 10, ll yr old etc being put on a school bus, they were very young children of 3 and under who were left on their own as a result of a deliberate decision not to hire a baby sitter or put them in the creche that was provided.

Of course parents cannot watch their children all the time and of course they let them go to the shops. The chances of harm coming to their children are pretty minute, but it does happen. Even so, children need to learn to be street wise otherwise their parents won't let them go out until they are about 40! In this case, the children should not have learnt the dangers of being unprotected but Madeleine has paid the price.
2007-06-14 17:12:26 UTC
Your above-mentioned petition will prove irrelevant.


Well, there are 4 petitions on the go which oppose the McCanns NOT ONE, and one of these four petitions was set up by a Portuguese person and it calls for the Portuguese authorities to prosecute the McCanns... the other petition originated from Canada and there are of course two from the UK.
Lisa G
2007-06-14 13:15:19 UTC
I think they should face some form of neglect charges. They LEFT their children alone in a hotel room, in a strange place so they could have some fun??

What happened if one of them had just woken up and was crying, a neighbor heard them, and called the authorities, the parents would at the LEAST have to go through some form of neglect counseling.

Sorry this is one petition that I think NO ONE who gives a half of thought to those, or any other child's welfare should sign!

Not nasty, but definitely sharing my opinion!

I would recommend however, to try to choose a better comparison. Sending your child to school at 11, on a bus, is totally different than leaving toddlers alone in a hotel room.
2007-06-14 18:33:52 UTC
Kids ages 5-18 alone on buses with one or two adults to drive and monitor for about 10-45 minutes is far different than three children ages 2-4 alone in an unlocked apartment for about 4-5 hours.
2016-11-25 00:09:45 UTC
Seeing as your copying and pasting your question I shall do an similar with my answer. It by no ability fails to astound me that human beings can't verify a distinction between an abduction taking position even as a figure or carer does each and every thing of their ability to guard their toddlers. convinced, there are evil human beings obtainable waiting to snatch toddlers even as the prospect arises. convinced we are able to not stay in concern and be bodily connected to the most useful issues in our lives 24/7. human beings want to stay actual lives and this suggests letting toddlers walk to college on my own even as they are previous adequate to finish that, no longer drowsing interior an similar room basically in case some mad guy sneaks in in the course of the evening and allowing them to out to play. It does no longer propose that that's okay to go away 3 little toddlers below the age of four on my own at evening for our own egocentric income. they did not make a mistake. they did not misjudge the problem. they did not take their eyes of them for a split second. they did not supply their toddlers the liberty they want to augment. They made a wide awake decision to go away their 3 toddlers on my own in a unusual room in a overseas u . s . to pass fill their bellies. And for that reason on my own i can't be making a song this ludicrous counter petition. you fairly are not getting it are you? The petition does no longer in everywhere state that the McCanns must have the perfect toddlers taken of them. Getting Social facilities in contact does no longer immediately propose toddlers get taken into care. on an similar Q printed in information and activities the asker easily stated that 'you human beings' (ie those no longer agreeing such as her) were as undesirable because the kidnapper. imagine about the mentality of this individual before attempting to enter right into a lifelike debate.
2007-06-14 23:35:33 UTC
Come on. This all seems a little pointless to me. If they are prosecuted they will probably receive a fine and be on their way. It is a first time offence and although it may have resulted in the death of their child the courts will probably see it as a mistake anyway. Are you really going to bother going to this much effort to stop them getting a few hundred pounds fine? I couldn't care less either way as I don't think it will teach them very much even if they are prosecuted. The case is high profile yet they wouldn't be serving time in prison for the mistake.
2007-06-14 13:52:50 UTC
How can anyone condone leaving three children under the age of 4 alone?

Its ridiculous to compare 10 or 11 year olds to children of 3 or 2.

I will not sign this petition.

As for aggressive, nasty comments most of those seem to be coming from those of you who support the Mccann's.

I have tried to reserve judgement, but some of the behaviour of both the Mccann's and their supporters, is appalling.
Roisen C
2007-06-14 13:33:04 UTC
I've got a better idea, give the McCanns more money so they can fight any neglect charges. Better still start a new fund,

"Save the McCanns" That should raise a few hundred.

How stupid, it is incomparable. The ages of school children and mere babies who could choke in a second. I cannot take this seriously. You also seem to not grasp what child neglect actually is,

"Child neglect is the failure to provide for the shelter, safety, supervision and nutritional needs of the child. Child neglect may be physical, educational, or emotional neglect: "

see link.
2007-06-14 13:34:57 UTC
Its far different your child disappearing when you turn your back a few minutes, or let your child in your yard then leaving them alone in the dark in a foreign country with a door unlocked. They were asking for trouble so you cant compare the 2 at all it is much different. But I can tell you my children are not allowed to play out alone until they reach age 10. I would like to ask how many 1 and 4 year olds you know that run errands for their parents? I also want to ask if there was a kid driving the bus or an adult and when my kids get to school they are not allowed off the buses until the teacher on duty comes out and you are not allowed to drop your kids off without the teacher on duty out. When I drop mine off I don't leave until they are in the building regardless and again you cannot compare any of these stories because these things are day to day living and yes something can happen. What Madeleines parents did was leave her in an unlocked room in a strange place for 3 hours at night alone along with 2 babies probably not even out of diapers yet. Again also most 10 and 11 year olds are more aware of what a kidnapper is. You cannot compare 10 and 11 year olds to babies at all. I do respect your opinion and I want you to know..maybe not 10 years old or older but I agree it is neglect to just drop your child off anywhere without knowing there is supervision and when I say that meaning a teacher on duty and all schools should be doing this. I know even 30 years ago when I was in elementary school teachers were out and we could not get off the bus without her or him out there. I do not think under 14 should be allowed to just go off and run errands for their parents. My children do things in pairs. If we are at a ball game my 9 year old is allowed to go up to the playground but only with a group of other children and usually there are 12 or 13 year olds up there with him. My 12 and 13 year old just started to get to stay home alone if I am going to be out for a couple of hours but my other 3 ages 4-10 go to a sitter or come with me. I still cant agree that you can compare any thing with leaving babies alone in a strange place in the dark. As far as the petition.. I totally respect it. Social Services is going to do what they want anyway without the petitions but I respect those who hold strong to their opinions but do it not because the majority are or because they just want to be different from the opposing side. I have seen on both sides of the fence people that just want to pick and make fun and I doubt they even care about Madeleine. Only a few but still they are there.

Edit...trinity I have made many mistakes as a parent. I have never broken the law not even speeding. There is a difference between a mistake and breaking the law and the law in Portugal and I do believe the UK is that it is against the law to leave a child alone under the age of either 8 or 10. If a parent is drinking and driving and injurs their child or kills them would you say this parent made a mistake because this was the first time they ever did it and they should not be punished for breaking the law because they will suffer for their mistake for the rest of their lives?

And Doris..eyewitnesses have told police the McCanns and their friends only left the table once during dinner and well they said they left at 7 and she found her gone at 10. The McCanns themselves even said it was more then 30 minutes I believe.
2007-06-14 13:33:19 UTC
I would like to say that I respect your opinions and if you don't mind I will put forth mine. I actually take my 4 year old to preschool into the hall and make sure she is happy before I leave. I also take my 6 year old to the school gates and watch her until she goes into the door. Incidentally there is a locked gate and every parent has to buzz and identify themselves before it is opened and be allowed into the playground (it is a very small school, a stranger would easily be noticed). It is a bit of an age thing, if you look at the children that have been abducted by strangers off the street they tend to be well over school age, are capable of walking to school themselves and are deemed old enough to go run errands. Allowing a child a bit of freedom and responsibility as they grow older is part of growing up. Are people not to let their children out of their sight until they are old enough to leave home? As a child grows older they are able to understand the dangers of life, explained to them by their parents such as not talking to strangers, go to where they are going and go straight home etc.. I yself would not let my 4 and 6 year old wander off anywhere on their own, they are too young to know the dangers and I always make them hold my hand when we are out in town, stand near the trolley in the supermarket etc.. My point is that to put three such young children who would not be able to understand what to do in an emergency and who are totally reliant on Mummy and Daddy for absolutely EVERYTHING in a position where anything could happen is not a sensible thing for a parent to do. Unfortunately in this case this poor child has been taken by god knows who and it could have been prevented if the parents had not left them alone with the door unlocked. When I am at home, my doors are locked for my children's safety, I know they are in the house and the only way anyone could get to them is to break in and get through me first. I have not and would never ever leave them in the house alone to go out, let alone a hotel room in a foreign country. When we are on holiday they are always with us. If someone chooses to abduct my children and if God forbid this ever happened I will know that I did everything possible as a parent to protect them.

Please accept that this is just my view, sorry so long but haven't actually said very much on this subject before!!

Just to add, I haven't signed either petition. I have been very on the fence especially as Madeleine's home is near mine, she attends a local nursery with my God daughter and other friends' children and feelings are running very high around here, people being on both sides of the fence so to speak. I am not making out I know the parents or child as I don't at all but there are a lot of people around me that do. I trust that Social Services will do what is in the best interests of the family's welfare and future regardless of the outcome of this, their class, wealth etc. I certainly do not consider that I am an Anti McCann purely because I think they shouldn't have left their children.

BTW I live outside of Melton Mowbray not far from Rothley and Queninborough (where Madeleine attends the nursery)
2007-06-14 13:28:13 UTC
1) "There is no need for any nasty comments..." You can't stop people from voicing their opinions. And if Yahoo deems it a "nasty comment," then they will deal with it. What IS it with people who defend these neglectful parents that they can't stand anyone disagreeing with them -- to the point of trying to shut us up?!

2) If I hear that ridiculous argument again - that children are abducted from under their parents noses all the time - well, I might just scream! ONE MORE TIME - THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN UNDER THEIR NOSES -- IT HAPPENED WHEN THEY LEFT THEIR WEE LITTLE CHILDREN ALLLLLLLL ALONE!!

3) Are you kidding? You're comparing leaving children on the steps of the school - where there are adults milling around all over - to leaving three children under the age of three all alone in a hotel room? That's pull-your-hair-out dumb!

4) And you're comparing it to kids being on the bus ALONE? HELLO! WHO'S DRIVING THE BUS? Or did YOU drive the bus when you were 10 or 11 years old? Yipes.

BOTTOM LINE -- Anyone who defends these criminally neglectful parents must also be the kind of person who would leave their own wee little ones all alone. I mean, if you were to defend a child molester, what should we think of you then?
2007-06-14 13:29:31 UTC
They wouldn´t be prosecuted now. The poor poor McCanns have thought this and planned very diversion means that everyone in the world is now feeling soooooo sorry for them and as someone has already pointed out 'they´ve suffered enough already'. Tosh! They lefet alone, they should be punished!!!!
2007-06-14 13:14:44 UTC
your comparison is a really bad one. that isnt neglect. thats called letting your children grow up. a four yr old and two younger twins should not of been left on their own. that is a world of difference between getting on a school bus or running an errand! there is big difference.
Lady Faversham
2007-06-14 13:16:10 UTC
Exactly Dave - no responsible parent would have done what they did - leaving the door unlocked as well - why not invite them in?!

Anymore than they would put a three year old child on a bus with her two year old twin siblings!

But anyone now they have paid the ultimate price for their neglect - or rather poor Maddy has!
2007-06-14 13:15:57 UTC
well i wont be signing that one....get them back to the UK quick smart to face up to their mistakes...lets face it its child neglect.

This will not be the first time that they have left these babies alone. Peoples views on bringing up children do not change when they go on their holidays. If , as a parent, you would never leave your children alone at home(which is most of us) then you wouldnt all of a sudden decide to leave them alone in a foreign country, therefore I would bet they have done it quite a few times at home, wouldnt you?

however your argument holds no water what so ever. I have NEVER let my kids go on a bus by themselves, but some parents have to. This is everyday life for goodness sake....You will be saying next we are all guilty of neglect as we leave our children in bed whilst we sleep in the next room!!! get real...3 babies in an unlocked foreign hotel room whlst the parents went on the piss and stuffed their faces is hardly putting a child on a bus, in daylight to get their education. I have 3 children and make sure they are dropped at the school gates and picked up at the school gates...their ages? 15,13 and 11....a little over the top...maybe, but those children are my life, and if I want to do that until they are 20 years old then I will....they do not one bit feel suffocated, just loved and cared for, and I have a fantastic relationship with all 3 of them.

~EDIT~ So we are no better than kidnappers? thats a little harsh. For goodness sake we dont want the parents dead we just want them to be punished for being irresponsible!!!
2007-06-14 13:26:12 UTC
A lot of 10-11 year olds have mobile phones, and can call for help if necessary.

Since when did 3 year olds act independently?
Tony T
2007-06-14 13:18:07 UTC
In your question you talk about children vanishing when they go to the shop/errands/school etc, but i think you are missing the point that Maddie didn't go anywhere she was left home alone, in my book that's child neglect.
2007-06-14 13:38:10 UTC
You're being a little hysterical, are you not? You ask a question - you get some answers. Nowhere does it say that people have to agree with you.
2007-06-14 13:28:41 UTC
im sorry but i totally agree with sarah_05

my son is ten and i have only just started letting him play outside our own front door !!

let's all just look at something else though - if it was "wayne and waynetta slob" i.e society's "scallies" who had left their kids and not the upper class mccanns there would be a different story entirely, those parents would have probably been lynched or hung by now !!
2007-06-14 13:16:46 UTC
there's a huge difference with 10 - 11 yr olds as oppose to 2-3 year olds.
2007-06-14 13:12:50 UTC
As far as i know child neglect is a crime, doesnt matter if theres a petition or not, the law is the law lol. Not an expert on the subject but pretty sure its neglect.
2007-06-15 07:02:15 UTC
i never signed the last one and i will not sign this one. i see know point in both of them
2007-06-14 13:15:10 UTC
wow you are right, 11-year-olds on a bus to school is EXACTLY the same as leaving 3 toddlers alone in an unlocked appartment in a foreign country with a f**k off swimming pool on one side and a busy road on the other whilst their mummy and daddy go out on the lash!!!

you are the smartest person i know!!!!!!

would you not think putting a 3-year-old and two 2-year-old's on a bus alone would be a slight difference to an 11-year-old going on the bus?
2007-06-14 14:55:10 UTC
That is a petition I will NOT be signing.
2007-06-14 13:12:45 UTC
I think the McCann's are being punished to some extent... as they have to live with the quilt of being irresponsible and being the true reason their precious daughter is gone.

I believe they should be punished further for being neglectful and irresponsible though ~ They need to be an eye opener for every stupid parent who runs off and leaves thier child/children without supervision.
2007-06-14 14:13:13 UTC
so who gets the money then?

i'll give it a miss thanx.
2007-06-15 00:17:24 UTC
Bleh they should at least be investigated.
2007-06-15 00:37:32 UTC
2007-06-14 13:15:05 UTC
NO WAY WILL I SIGN IT THEY SHOULD BE PROSECUTED three children under four left alone in a strange country madness
2007-06-14 13:30:09 UTC
it is so easy to find fault with what happened and really the only person to blame here is the abductator!! they shouldn have left that child but neither should any parent you say.. let them ride alone on the school bus not in todays society but these people have to live with this the rest of their lives. it will be the first and last thing they think of every single day.. and arent we all so smug to say we have never made a mistake,, personally i think that smugness comes from us never havin the misfortune of ever having the same horror put upon us as those people..
ytuty t
2007-06-14 13:11:50 UTC
u stupid or what of course they should

yes i do want there parents prosecuted cos i feel afraid for the other two children
2007-06-14 13:24:37 UTC
I will sign your petition...I bl@@dy think NOT. I could tell you where to shove it....hehehehe
2007-06-14 13:18:26 UTC
Shut up
2007-06-14 13:13:36 UTC
is that the one you have to pay to sign?

who gets the money
2007-06-14 13:12:31 UTC
No thank you
2007-06-14 13:20:19 UTC
Hi Ya. The link does not seem to work - I would be glad to put my name forward as a sign of support for the McCanns. Good luck... with the crew on here you are going to have to grow a thick skin. But you seem able enough though. All the best.
2007-06-14 13:15:25 UTC
Agree- all children are vunerable
2007-06-14 13:12:49 UTC
yes, it is easy to find fault.
2007-06-14 13:30:25 UTC
Yes, ill sign it, anything to stop the lynch mob parasites preying on an easy target in order to satisfy their bloodlust.
2007-06-14 13:11:41 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.