2007-08-05 23:27:20 UTC
Up until about 20 years ago, there was a way they could have fought back: the Fairness Doctrine. It said controversial issues to be dealt with in a fair and accurate way.
I'm old enough to remember when it was around: some cranky old men were given a few minutes of uninterrupted time on local or even national news to point out what they thought were factual errors or bias in choice of stories or details.
If the media had that liberal bias, wouldn't the right have liked the Fairness Doctrine, so they could interrupt the news and point out the bias?
Instead, it was killed by a Reagan FCC appointee, and when Congress tried to make it a law, Reagan vetoed it and later Papa Bush did too.
Now most of talk radio is conservative and while Fox News is the only overtly right wing network, the others ape them or fear their attacks.
So what are they (or you) afraid of?