Why do Jewish-ruled organisations try to ban Christmas?
2007-12-08 11:45:07 UTC
Last year that ACLU that tried to ban from displaying Christmas trees and Jesus's pictures.This Year it's ADL.
The Anti-Defamation League says America has a big problem at Christmas-time - a “dilemma”. Christianity is given much more prominence than other faiths. Jews, some African-Americans, who celebrate Kwanzaa, and other religious minorities feel left out, as if their holiday observances are unequal to those of Christianity.

ADL is launching a massive “December Dilemma” campaign, educating public schools, government institutions, and town officials nation wide that such “bias” in favor of Christianity is not only unconstitutional but a grievous civil rights violation.In order to make members of all religions welcome during the holidays, ADL insists that “schools and governments . . . cannot favor one religion over another.” (See, Guidance Offered for the ‘December Dilemma’ from
Twelve answers:
2007-12-08 11:54:49 UTC
I can only speak about the ACLU, and caution you not to be misled by the many representatives of that organization who appear to have Jewish surnames. The organization is about as agnostic/atheistic, as they come.
Diangel M
2007-12-08 21:50:06 UTC
I think as christian americans we tolerate separation of church and state. First because big business doesn't want to be guided by moral but so-called market forces, then we of course want to make sure christianity survives if for some reason this is no longer a christian majority nation. Finally, I am sick of jews and atheist smothering christianity in the name of no bias, as a black person I am very much aware of how religion has been used to enslave us and treat us with malcontent but the faith without perversion (or perverts) is good and should be celebrated. I also know that I would not prevent jewish or african american or islamic holiday celebrations or displays. No christmas tree is like me complaining about the chinese new year dragons in china town. This means if you are not christian ignore the nativity on the courthouse lawn and if the courthouse is decorated during some other religious season for another faith rest assured I won't say one word. Allowing observance of faith based celebrations in a public setting is NOT an endorsement but nearly the opposite, more like an indifferent allowance. Also there are 4million jews and 40 million black people and we can't get the public to do or stop doing anything (without jewish lawyers and the aclu) we can't get as much aid for the billion africans as jews can for the 8million euro hebrews in israel. We are 13% of population and that is why we are ignored but jews are .1% and have all the voice in the world. Merry Christmas holocaust.
2007-12-08 20:00:23 UTC
WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON WITH THE WORLD!!! Christians and Jewish people BOTH HAVE THE FREAKIN' RIGHT TO DISPLAY THEIR RELIGIONS!!!!!!! MOST OF AMERICA CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS because for our beautiful nation was not founded by a bunch of Jewish sailors but by protestants and Christians and purists who believed in CHRIST hence Christmas. Jewish organizations banning Christmas should go to heck! The minorities are minorities for a reason because not everyone celebrates their religion...THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A DOMINANCE SOMEWHERE IN EVERYTHING and you can't change it...what if Christmas became the minority? Years to come Christan's would be fighting to dethrone the dominant religion practiced! This cycle would start all over again. Christ is the true savior...he died for our sins...

Have you ever felt warmth when you were scared so sad you couldn't breathe? That's the Lord helping you and Christ helping you because he wants you to live with him again.

Jewish people are such babies. How can you explain to kid in a public school " Hey, hey you with the cross.... ya... listen your religon shouldn't be allowed anymore.. don't speak of christmas at school anymore and don't even think about... we jews have been unfairly treated and its all your fault Christian Boy..."--10 bucks thats basically what they have been saying.

Christmas is just an excuse to Jews so they can get attention... we know they're a religon and what they celebrate they just aren't numerous amongst communities.

Maybe the Jews should just build their own schools and hang up all the hannakuh stuff they want then they will be happy.

I have many Jewish friends and sometimes go to Hannakuah parties.. its a very interesting faith but i really don't like it when people want to ban a religon that most of America celebrates in schools and in public areas.
2007-12-08 20:06:25 UTC
We live in a community where most of the people are Jewish, the vast majority of the city administrators are Jewish, most of the stores are Jewish, the hospital belongs to the Jewish Federation, and 90% of the doctor, dentist and other professional here are Jewish. For your information and all others who share your completely false point of view, there're Hanukkah and Christmas decorations displayed *everywhere* around this city. We speak to our neighbors almost everyday and, NONE of them have NOTHING against Christians or Christianity. In fact, they use to joke about the fact that, at the end, the truth is that, during Christmas, Christians are celebrating the birth of a JEW. We're Christians and we have been living here for many, many years, and we wish many other races were as gentle, sweet, and polite as Jews are.
2007-12-08 19:53:36 UTC
I think it's ok to put up christmas trees, but all december holidays should be represented in public places such as restaurants and stores. The only reason there is more christmas stuff everywhere is because there are more christians. Maybe, if people came up with hannukah and kwanzaa lights, then we would put them up too.
2007-12-08 19:57:01 UTC
To say celebrating one religion's festival hurts the sentiments of people of other religions is not only absolute nonsense, its a downright insult to the intelligence of theose very same people. Of course festivals of the majority religion are bound to be celebrated on a larger scale than others. I don't see where the "dilemma" comes from. As a Hindu, I have no problem enjoying the festivals of people of other religion. I remember as a boy, how I used to admire the decorations at the local church when my mother took me there at christmas-time.
2007-12-12 08:31:51 UTC
ACLU isn't a Jewish ruled organization, it was founded by Communists and most of its members are of a Christian background. And ACLU is not very friendly to Jews or Judaism. They are the ones who sue whenever a menorah is placed in a public area
2007-12-09 03:00:07 UTC
No one is trying to ban Christmas. The people who keep saying that have been lying to you.

Everyone is allowed to celebrate any holiday they want.

So celebrate Christmas, and stop believing the lying scum bags who keep telling you people want to prevent you from celebrating it.

Only a moron would believe people who lie every time they open their mouths.

There's no law against celebrating Christmas.

Get a grip.

If you want to live in a theocracy where everyone is forced to be the same religion, move to Saudi Arabia or Israel.
Why does everyone hate me?
2007-12-08 20:01:51 UTC
Its a fricken disgrace that our Christian forefathers founded and built this country with Christmas being a national holiday. Christmas has been celebrated for over 200 years. Our forefathers were Christian, the men that founded this country were Christian, and the men that built this country were Christian. So why should we disrespect the men that did so much for us by taking away a holiday they wanted this country to celebrate for eternity?
2007-12-08 20:19:06 UTC
We have exactly the same problem here in the UK. It is not the other faiths that are saying they find Christian festivals offensive, on the contrary many share in them. It is our stupid government and it's devotion to political correctness, it's drive for multi-culturism that is determined to destroy our cultural traditions. Now you know how we Limeys feel lol.
2007-12-08 22:18:28 UTC
Well, I feel Hanukkah has been completely ignored this year. Haven't heard anything in the news, I have been to several stores looking for hanukkah decorations and haven't found anything in stores that did have hanukkah items last year.
Mark S, JPAA
2007-12-08 22:58:13 UTC
You continuing stream of anti-Semtici questions is pathetic. You clearly have no understanding of the Consitution, do you? Try reading the First Amendment.

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