I don't "believe". I accept the evidence.
I don't think you understand how science works.
"Wakefield's report was never proved but it was not disproved either"
You can't prove a negative in science. You can't prove that vaccination doesn't cause autism, but you CAN disprove that vaccinations cause autism and this has been done: Numerous epidemiological studies show no link and Wakefields' results were never observed in larger studies. Science works by replication of results, that his results weren't replicated means he was wrong.
Numerous studies support the safety of the MMR. The single vaccines are inferior and have gone through less scrutiny. The single vaccines also delay protection.
Vaccines carry a nonzero risk; but the benefits by far outweigh the rare risks. Injuries can, and do happen. Fortunately serious injuries are very rare. It's also worth mentioning that the burden of proof in vaccine courts is very low. All you have to do is show a plausible connection. Correlation isn't causation.
That does not mean that doctors don't accept that vaccines can cause injury. But it's something to bear in mind.
What you have to understand is that barring allergic reactions, any side effect caused by the vaccine can be caused by, and is far more likely to be caused by the disease it prevents. Take Hannah Polling. She'd be just as injured now if she didn't have those vaccines. The wild infection would have likely triggered the same response.
You have no evidence the MMR is unsafe.
Edit: No, I read the question the first time around. My answer still stands. Wakefields results have never been replicated.
Comparing the MMR to Thalidomide is of course fallacious. And BSE was, for the most part, a British issue. And the assurances of safety came from our Government. Independent scientists did not have access to the data held and neither was it published in scientific journals. The studies supporting the use of the MMR have been conducted in numerous countries and independent scientists all over the worked have access to it.
I am not saying you shouldn't question what you are told. But those questions have been asked and answered with studies, ad nauseam. Just because you aren't aware of the studies, or continue to deny them because they don't match your "beliefs" does not mean they don't exist. You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
Continuing to to question it's safety despite the evidence is a form of denialism.
Edit: @ Jose. Methyl mercury isn't in vaccines, it's ethyl mercury, which is entirely different. It does not bio- accumulate the way methyl mercury does and it does not rapidly cross the blood brain barrier.
It gets much worse for you though; thimerosal was never at any point in the MMR!
And yes, thimerosal, the mercury containing organic compound, has been removed from most vaccines. Autism rates continue to climb unabated.
Antivaxxers lie. A lot.
Edit: So now the anti-vaxxers are denying the measles outbreak? Cases in England are lab confirmed. *Some* cases in Wales are thought to be misdiagnosed this is because due to the number of suspected cases, it's doctor notification only. However, there is still an outbreak. Utterly despicable.
Edit: "I have seen myself professionally that there has been a rise in autism since the introduction of the MMR."
Most of this increase can be attributed to broadening of the definition and general medical awareness. And this rise didn't occur with the introduction of the MMR. It started around 1978; the MMR wasn't introduced until 1988, there is no statistical link and much less a biological one.