I'm not sure I agree that we're all fat, violent and/or ignorant - but still, there's no doubt that there are some unhappy people in the UK, some of whom just aren't making the most of what life has to offer.
My solution to all these issues is education - with better education, we get better kids, then better parents in the future. This long-term solution will mean that kids and parents know how to eat, know how important exercise is and make sure they work out and eat right.
Improved education would also mean that people have more focus and more opportunities so there'll be less boredom and less violence as a consequence - plus, a lot of violence is born of a breakdown in communication, a situation which would definitely improve if people were able to put across their points of view in a more clear and simple fashion, rather than resorting to frustrated fights.
Finally - of course, improved education would help solve the alleged ignorance problem we have here.
So - if it really is, as I believe, the cure-all, why hasn't it happened yet? Sure, the Labour government has poured money into schools - but the way it's spent is still haywire, and there are far too many time-consuming new initiatives that take up teachers' time and prevent standards from rising.
Class sizes need to come down - and this can only happen if there are a) more schools and b) more cash injections to fund them.
And teachers need to be paid more. I know it sounds like I'm a teacher - I'm not. I very nearly became one but the salary is just not attractive for the amount of work and emotional commitment that is expected. I am a graduate with a Master's degree and the kind of salary I would get for doing this most important of jobs is simply not good enough.
The government needs to attract the country's top graduates into the teaching profession - along with the health service, education is the single most important profession, and should be rewarded as such. For as long as graduates will get paid two or three times more to go into finance or law, we're just not going to get the really star-quality teachers that are so desperately needed to turn this country around.