Fat, violent, ignorant: the stats are not looking good for the UK. How can we change this for the better?
Bob M
2007-02-21 03:36:14 UTC
Fat, violent, ignorant: the stats are not looking good for the UK. How can we change this for the better?
53 answers:
2007-02-21 09:10:00 UTC
Move the fat, violent and ignorant English people to Switzerland.
Jane M
2007-02-21 06:14:59 UTC
I'm not sure I agree that we're all fat, violent and/or ignorant - but still, there's no doubt that there are some unhappy people in the UK, some of whom just aren't making the most of what life has to offer.

My solution to all these issues is education - with better education, we get better kids, then better parents in the future. This long-term solution will mean that kids and parents know how to eat, know how important exercise is and make sure they work out and eat right.

Improved education would also mean that people have more focus and more opportunities so there'll be less boredom and less violence as a consequence - plus, a lot of violence is born of a breakdown in communication, a situation which would definitely improve if people were able to put across their points of view in a more clear and simple fashion, rather than resorting to frustrated fights.

Finally - of course, improved education would help solve the alleged ignorance problem we have here.

So - if it really is, as I believe, the cure-all, why hasn't it happened yet? Sure, the Labour government has poured money into schools - but the way it's spent is still haywire, and there are far too many time-consuming new initiatives that take up teachers' time and prevent standards from rising.

Class sizes need to come down - and this can only happen if there are a) more schools and b) more cash injections to fund them.

And teachers need to be paid more. I know it sounds like I'm a teacher - I'm not. I very nearly became one but the salary is just not attractive for the amount of work and emotional commitment that is expected. I am a graduate with a Master's degree and the kind of salary I would get for doing this most important of jobs is simply not good enough.

The government needs to attract the country's top graduates into the teaching profession - along with the health service, education is the single most important profession, and should be rewarded as such. For as long as graduates will get paid two or three times more to go into finance or law, we're just not going to get the really star-quality teachers that are so desperately needed to turn this country around.
Melanie J
2007-02-21 06:02:37 UTC
I believe we are already making the first steps already. People are more aware of the damage food can do (via programmes/media like "You are what you eat", Jamie Oliver etc) and are realising the consequences of doing nothing. Violence has a long way to go, I think we need much harsher sentencing and as others who have already answered suggest, more prisons, or may be army boot camp would do the trick? I think lack of respect is the biggest problem facing the UK today and when more parents instill discipline and take responsibility for their offspring's behaviour we might get some where (instead of thinking it's teachers' responsibility to sort out their poor parenting and upbringing skills). I guess a linked problem is children bringing up children which doesn't help, which is where out welfare system needs a serious overhaul (as it enables this to happen by financially supporting it!) but I could talk for ever on these things. Finally ignorance, our education does need a serious rethink, however there are many bright sparks who want to make the UK a better place and I do believe (and hope) we will go full circle with discipline, punishment, respect and education being the priorities to restore national pride.
2007-02-21 14:07:18 UTC
I suspect a step in the right direction would be to stop blaming America for UK woes. Don't forget, British imperialism founded America, so don't slap your child because you bore it badly.

Ignorance is a voluntary condition. Choose to not be stupid and happy about, and change it.

Fat, sadly is a result of the lifestyle some people choose, others have foisted upon them. If our job requires long hours, you have less time to exercise. Also you may not have the money for a fitness program. And before people start to scream, when you're really poor, the cheapest food to buy is usually what's worst for you to eat. You can feed a family a lot longer on starches that fruit and veg. Americans are deep in the clutches of a system that makes of a lot of poor people, and poor people tend to be heavier, who don't eat that much, they just eat very badly and are afraid to get out and get some exercise because of dangerous neighbourhoods.

Which brings us to the topic of violence. Historically, it isn't the landed gentry that become violent, unless it's in the form of war and "helping" lesser nations. People with few resources, few opportunities (whether those conditions are real or perceived) and little hope of doing better tend to sit at home, watch Jade Goody, get frustrated and want to be "Famous".

Fixing any of these problems, preferably all, will take more than government intervention or actions of individuals. It seems an entire cultural shift is needed.
Vicky S
2007-02-21 10:14:55 UTC
For starters, like I just said in answer to a question 'have to tried to live without tv for a week?' Tv is the cause of a lot of violence, and too many people sit and do nothing else but watch it. Computer games are violent and dont get you active. its hard to say at 19 years old without being judged as a 'snob' which I assure you i'm not, but the music today is about sex, violence, how pretty women, are all the wrong things. The celebs give out all the wrong images and this world is fast becoming unbearable. Teenage girls and young women are under so much pressure to be perfect.

thats my 2 pence worth anyway.
2007-02-21 06:07:54 UTC
hav,nt you not learnt anything yet .The TV news the newspapers blow everything out of context because most of the time they have no important news .So they have to split hairs on everything to make there living by filling an hours news with really 10 Min's at most .Look in the passed the bird flu even now Pandemics terrorist the go on and on about things .The papers are the same I do not buy them they lost there use when stopped wrapping fish and chips in them.I wish we knew what the situation was you will not get it From the media.they are bringing a new TV news program out and a daily paper called Rumours abound. The political correct clan will not let us change anything.Certainly not for the better
2007-02-21 06:26:10 UTC
If all you fools actually took this question a little bit more seriously, then we could do something about it. After reading some of these pathetic answers, I realise that the fat, violent and the ignorant can also use a keyboard and mouse and such narrow mindedness like "scrap the welfare" or "kill the chavs" is the reason why this rat infested sh!t hole of a country will get any better. All this loathsome population gives a flying fu*k about is what they have and how they can use it to show off to other people. fu!k the UK and the inbread **** of a queen.
Hugh Jarce
2007-02-21 09:52:26 UTC
Mongrel people seldom have the capacity to change. The Brits are a gutless lazy lot. Forget emigrating ! Who wants all UK's garbage and the pro creation of further fat ,violent , ignorant mongrels ? Either clean up your people and country or wallow in your own waste. The latter was predicted by the Chief of a Sioux Indian tribe in around 1854 in a letter to the USA president.

I quote ; " continue to contaminate your bed and you will one night suffocate in your own waste ". UK deserves everything bad that it has and has coming to it. It is karma. Get on with it !
2007-02-21 06:02:23 UTC
There is an old biblical saying "The love of money is the root of all evil".

We have a society where increasingly greedy corporate industry has made slaves of people. They work very long hours and some "lucky" ones actually get paid quite well. They have trained people to be greedy and materialistic therefore no-one cares about the old fashioned values.

Get rid of corporate industry before Tony Blair makes it a treasonable offence and we might stand a chance.

By the way I am not religious but reading my own comments I guess I might be becoming part of the "older generation".
2007-02-21 10:44:48 UTC
Fat/Nutrition: A huge programme of healthy school dinners + free cooking courses & recipe emails to parents + vary VAT on all foods from 0% to 40% depending on how good for you things are

Violent/social: we need more ethical dicussion in classes & public humiliation for bullies - we also need more evening activities for kids & teens - state funded and located in or near schools, things they will be interested in & can benefit from; we already have the disincentives system in place - now we must add things that will make violent tendencies in te playground & after school less likely

& ignorance: we need to teach kids better geography & maths & english at all ages + we need to have schools in all areas for kids who were not good students & are therefore relegated to a lesser & more enforcement-rich school for a year, of which 60% per year may qualify for re-promotion; those who are bad at attendance need counselling & rewards for meeting attendance targets
2007-02-21 09:45:17 UTC
I do not think it will be feasible to change the demeanour & attitude of those to whom you refer if they are over the age of 21 years:

However wouldn't it be wonderful if we could create a cut-off point at which time it was decided that from now we are going to at least try to help the Nations Children by showing them how they could enjoy :-respect,achievement,health,knowledge & happiness through their own efforts should the powers 'to-be' decide to:-

{1}:- Bring back Home Economic/Cookery lessons within Secondary Education {with an emphasive on healthy dietary requirements}

{2}:- Encourage students at all levels of Education to be competitive in 'Academic achievement' & 'Sporting prowess'.{Award both winners & achievers. Plus recognise those who are less capable than some of their 'Peers' but persistently & with diligence try hard to emulate them}.

{3}:- Compulsory visits to 'Prisons',A.& E. Recovery Wards,Drug/Alcohol abuse Rehabillitation Centres.{bringing reality to what to some are just words}

{4}:- Do away with A.S.B.O.'s. Instead create a nation-wide network {1 in each County} of "Work Camps" where Anti-Social Miscreants spend a maximum of 14 days under strict supervision,carrying out projects to benefit their community.

{5}:- Insist that any so called "Role-Models" {i.e. a highly paid Footballer or

Celebrity who uses Violence,Drugs or behaves in a racialist manner are banned from playing/performing/appearing, or being reported/interviewed by the media. Until they have carried out menial tasks to benefit others by way of penance.




m l
2007-02-21 05:55:44 UTC
Education is the key, I feel... Also, upbringing. It's not an issue of class or money, but more of how we are conditioned and brought up. Teachers play a very big role in educating us and filling the gaps that get missed by upbringing. But more important, is how our families shape us - forming the right attitudes and instilling good habits from early on.....
2007-02-21 05:32:41 UTC
By not using statistics to lump a whole country of people together.

I'm not fat, violent or ignorant and neither are any of my friends of family.

For those that are, they should get more exercise, stop drinking so much and eating MaccyD's, turn off the TV and pick up a book occasionally.
2007-02-21 05:25:33 UTC
More discipline in schools. This is where a lot of the problems start. If kids are taught well at an early age across a multitude of areas, whether it be attitude, discipline, self respect, I could go on, the country would fair much better. Plus we are becoming way too p c. This is England, we are supposed to be a free speaking country.............I don't think so. We just take too much c***
2007-02-23 12:39:43 UTC
We should teach would be parents how to bring up children properly, instead of letting their kids run around causing havoc everywhere. Most parents nowadays haven't got the first idea how to bring children up, the kids are telling them what to do. What hope is there for the future with the way things are going, none I'm afraid.
2007-02-21 03:56:27 UTC
Stop accepting that we are fat, violent and ignorant as a nation!

We seem to revel daily in that fact that being fat, violent and ignorant is acceptable. As soon as we accept it it becomes the norm. It's not acceptable and we need to set ourselves a far higher standard and have the guts to individually make a difference. Our standards have slipped (crashed) and we now accept levels of behaviour and condone activities that are unhealthy. We should demand more of ourselves and we should have the whole nation behind us including the government. No more wishy-washy liberal bleating about human rights for thugs, we need strength to create a better future for our country.

We need strong, honest, visionary leadership instead of pandering pop-princess politicians lining their own pockets.

Phew...great question! I feel better now.
2007-02-21 05:52:59 UTC
Re-allocating some of the extravagant piles of funding currently being used to manufacture weapons and develop new forms of surveillance to the sputtering education system would be a good start.
2007-02-21 05:33:08 UTC
Nothings changed then! King Henry VIII once described his 3-million English subjects as "My savage people". Lawrence of Arabia told the king of Arabia that the British are a 'fat people'.

The population of UK is made up of warring Germanic tribes. There are 500 battle fields in England alone. The entire history of the British people has been about war, ignorance, fatness and pure bloody mindedness. There can be few places on planet Earth where the Brits have not shoved their rude noses in, stolen the gold, turned the natives into slaves and generally been frequently drunk and out of their skulls.

All of the above goes with being British. We Brits have a long history of violence and war and occasional bursts of riotous assembly during which we set fire to buildings and beat the hell out of the fuzz as they beat us up in turn. It's called a street war or riot.

All this and much more in the land that gave the world Wm. Shakespeare whose plays are full of war, violence, sex, but not quite reaching 'sex drugs and rock 'n' roll' but almost. Oh, don't forget the incest bit and witches and spells and all the rest. This England, this Green and unpleasant land, this isle set in a sceptic tank....etc.
Part Time Cynic
2007-02-21 04:55:03 UTC
There was a woman on the television the other day. Only caught a little bit of the programme.

But it was the bit where she told the nation that going to the park with her child was way too mundane and that really was a job for the nanny.

Not all the stinking attitude is with the chavs. People like her should be barred from having children too. They are a fashion accessory to parade in the right places and further oneself's place in society. It gives their lives meaning whilst they sit in traffic jams in their precious 4x4's. I feel for the kids but eventually they become like their parents. Just like the chavs. Only they breed more prolifically.
2007-02-21 14:33:46 UTC
prezzie is fat, violent and ignorant so why can't the rest of us be the same, leaders lead, so tell him to get out and maybe the rest of the fat, violent and ignorant will follow?
2007-02-21 05:24:06 UTC
seems to me that improving the way schools are run would be a good thing, and try to show children that there are other cultures than theirs, which are different but respectable too. language tution needs improving too, loads of kids here think they don't need to learn a language as everyone speaks english...

i'd also get rid of the sun, news of the world and other scum like that, plus all the celeb magazines. they do nothing to improve people's lives.

better housing, better birth control...

it's a long list, but thankfully all brits aren't chavs!!
2007-02-21 07:12:13 UTC
2007-02-21 11:24:49 UTC
the stats didn't come from a British source and personally i would rather live in Britain than any of the countries that we were compared with.

So it seems would half the world who want to come and live here with us.
2007-02-21 07:25:09 UTC
Well, I suppose that we could start teaching our children about healthy living, getting enough exercise and social skills.

It would also help if parents had the right to discipline their children in a suitable, positive manner.
2007-02-21 11:56:02 UTC
It's nothing new...... the brits have always been fat, violent and ignorant.......look at their history........

How to change them for the better..... lobotomies on the NHS!
2007-02-21 05:44:40 UTC
Well im going to try and help against obesity and im starting up my own Indoor Roller Skating Rink in Cosely Bilston due to open in June this Year. Interested in coming then drop us a line.
john w
2007-02-21 09:30:38 UTC
ban Mc Donald's, ban chavs and kick fu*king immigrants out.

also getting rid of Blair would make a good difference
2007-02-21 08:46:04 UTC
become more like the united states those people are perfect. like gods. those babes in hollywood are awesome. i wish i could move there disneyland they say the streets are paved in gold and everyone is rich there. we could learn from the americans they are our overlords and protectors i love them we are all a bunch of pasty face lime suckers
2007-02-21 06:36:50 UTC
Teach our children respect for themselves and one another, people in our society no longer seem to have this. It has be our children we start with because they are the ones who will improve our future society.
Shen Zero
2007-02-21 05:03:06 UTC
Pls changing eating habits might help.

Take more natural plant vegitable food, fat would be less.

People come and go, from and to certain place.

More bad behaviors go to bad place in future. if people know this reason, they might be in lifetime to learn more knowledge, behave intelligently.
2007-02-21 13:37:41 UTC
Fat, violent and ignorant - hmmm. Well, I suppose we could break off diplomatic relations with America........
stephen t
2007-02-21 08:54:53 UTC
Bring back conscription and rationing then declare war on Iran; the rest will correct itself naturally!
2007-02-21 13:48:52 UTC
Get off our computers and take up exercise or whatever you need to do to improve your lifestyle
James B
2007-02-21 04:53:14 UTC
2007-02-21 12:51:09 UTC
National service; show them some 'real' life experience and give them some respect.
Iron Man
2007-02-21 09:04:35 UTC
Get a better NHS and prision state. Kill chavs and emo's!
2007-02-21 07:00:37 UTC
intern any caught reading the sun or the daily mail and anyone listening to talksport.
2007-02-21 04:36:21 UTC
scrap the NHS with immediate effect and let us use the money we pay in to go private. Scrap the welfare state if you don't work you don't eat. All those whingers can set up charities for the fat obese soap dodgers.

Build more prisons and when they get 5 years for a violent attack make them serve 5 years do it again and its 10 do it again and its life.

Execute all murderers and sex attackers to save money

Re claim the streets for the silent hard working majority!
2007-02-21 06:59:21 UTC
Diet and excercise, ban smoking
2007-02-21 12:27:17 UTC
diet, anger management and good schooling for the yong.
2007-02-21 08:06:29 UTC
Move all of the undesirables to the U.S.A. They will fit in there because they are stereotypical Yanks
The Shell Answer Man
2007-02-21 03:46:29 UTC
If we get rid of the mingers everyone would have a much better attitude and the country wouldn't be so crap
2007-02-21 03:44:47 UTC
Child licensing. You have to prove you have a job, an IQ of at leat 120 and are not a couple of chavs before you're allowed to breed. Also stop handing out benefits for prolific breeders. If that doesn't work, we could maybe cull a few of them.
2007-02-21 06:42:49 UTC
Emigrate...but not to USA
2007-02-21 05:20:10 UTC
Get rid of chavs like jade goody
2007-02-21 08:14:49 UTC
Don't believe everything you read.
2007-02-21 04:41:48 UTC
Welcome to Britain 2007. Wish I had the cash to emigrate to Australia.
2007-02-21 09:44:39 UTC
get the ss.
2007-02-21 08:51:06 UTC
one word (goverment)
2007-02-21 08:12:11 UTC
you could leave
2007-02-21 04:51:26 UTC
move abroad
Gary c
2007-02-21 04:46:38 UTC
Shoot the chavs !!
2007-02-21 03:45:01 UTC
There is nothing we can do.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.