all i see are people criticising maddies parents...all i keep thinking about is that poor little girl..?
2007-05-21 12:45:49 UTC
what has become of her...??i wonder if shes alive and if she is.. is she being tortured ???if she never comes back ..what will happen ??sometimes i hope that they do find her if not well and safe than dead...sounds cruel but just the tought of her disappearing and going through a very strange life for the next 10 years till shes able to run away from who ever took her is just too painfull am i wrong to think like that...??
Twenty answers:
2007-05-21 13:08:06 UTC
The parents put themselves in the firing line ,if they had given a moments thought to their children's well being.we would never have heard of them.You are being a little naive thinking she will have a strange life then run away in 10 years,life just isn't like that.
2007-05-21 15:35:23 UTC
Everyone thinks all manner of things when children are involved, whether parents or not (I am), people get very passionate and very defensive about them and find it hard to think objectively, hence all the people speaking their mind about the parents.

Another thing that winds people up; if you read the majority of the posts defending the parents, very rarely do these people mention Madeleine except to say "their little girl is missing" or "what would you do if it was your child" etc. Read some, you'll see what I mean. Surely the sole focus should be on Madeleine, not protecting the parents?

As for the rest of your thoughts, I know if it was my little girl, I would hope and pray that she was alive, and safe and well, and happy with another family, living her life rather than dead. I'm sure Ben Needham's mum thinks the same way. As far as the rest of it goes, there's absolutely no point thinking that way, it's not going to help matters; I know it's hard, how can anyone with a soul not be touched by this? It's lovely that you care so much about it, and you sound like you have a very big heart, but no offence, you really need to calm down a bit.
pufty pooh
2007-05-24 11:17:44 UTC
God help little Maddie. By her parents gross neglect which I thinks boils down to abuse that child is living through hell. The worst case senario is unbearable to think of, and if she has been 'lucky' enough to be sold on into adoption she will be alone and scared and want her mummy.

I feel no sympathy for either of the parents. In an ideal world you should have been able to leave a child alone without it being taken, but what sane person leaves 3 very young children in an apartment alone? Fire, being sick, waking up scared are just a few reasons off the top of my head to stop any 'normal' parent behaving like this. Some family holiday !

I am sick of hearing about the 'poor parents'. NO !! Poor Maddie. The parents caused this situation the minute they closed the door behind them to enjoy their evening out. She deserved to be taken care of properly by loving parents, I only pray that who ever has her is taking better care of her than those awful people who call themselves her parents.

2007-05-21 14:15:42 UTC
In to-days paper Maddie's father says

I'll search the whole world to find my Maddie, if he hadn't left her home alone, he would not being saying this, she would be safe, because he was with her,and stayed at the hotel with her,but he didn't he left the 3 babies home alone.

I think that all the time whats happening to her, is she being assaulted,hurt, is she being fed,is she clean,what if she's never found,has she been sold to someone who is childless.

A few years ago in Greece a young baby, around the same age was taken, and he has never be found, his parents are still looking,he's a teenager now, and he will not look the same, he has changed, grown up,

If Maddie is never found, she will not remember who she is in years to come, she will forget,she will think the people who have her, are her real parents, this is what has happened to the boy, I think his name is Ben, he cannot remember his own parents,I think he was younger than Maddie,yes Ben was his name he's been missing 12 yrs now. the story never went on like this one, probably because the parents are doctors,

I hope she is found safe,and her parents are brought to Justice, because they did not care for all 3 of the children properly they neglected them all ,this could all be very different,there could be 3 babies missing, couldn't there,
2016-10-31 04:40:10 UTC
those archives only make stronger what I easily have theory through fact day one., Maddy by some skill died in that flat 5A are the McCanns understand what happened.The McCann camp have extra spin than a bathing device and their top objective is to devert interest faraway from themselves. Eddie and Keela are the wonderful canines in the international yet regrettably their strikes have been poo-pooed.They carry the considerable to this occasion yet unforunately they are in a position to't communicate. harmless human beings do no longer act the way this pair have.they have obstructed the analyze, refused to co function with the analyze and intimidated the considerable witness and ridiculed the PJ. no longer the strikes of loving, being concerned, harmless mothers and fathers.
2007-05-22 02:25:02 UTC
The thing is that here on answers we discussed what happened to her in depth a week or so ago.

Now we are trying to find out the answers to the questions around the situation as a crime.

You are not wrong to have all these thoughts. In ten years I doubt she will run away because her life will be her life by then.

The problem here is if you internalize these feelings too much you can make yourself ill. You will feel the physical symptoms if you put yourself in that place.
2007-05-21 15:23:19 UTC
i have 2 kids aged 2 and 3 and i must admit i think it was very wrong of the parents, yes, it probably never entered their heads that she would get snatched, but what if there was a fire? They could have lost all 3 of their kids. I feel sorry for them though, i really do, i could not imagine having my daughter go missing and not know where she was, i would end up having a breakdown. They would have to drug me up to calm me down. I am amazed at how well the family are keeping their chin up, (or thats how it comes across) and i think they need to keep strong and never give up. i would not give up either if it was my child.
2007-05-21 13:29:12 UTC
I think a lot of people have every right to criticise the parents. I was in town today & there was a mum with a pushchair & her daughter about Maddy's age behind her. I was horrorfied because the mum wasnt EVEN LOOKING at the child. ANYONE could have swiped her. Yet it still doesent seem to sink into these parents thick heads that anyone could have swiped the child.

After about 10 seconds she looked behind her & she was still walking behind her. What is wrong with some of todays modern generation of parents?
2007-05-21 12:59:26 UTC
I have to get one thing straight here.

If all you parents out there were offered a night out with friends but could not get a babysitter, would you go? NO.

If your out on a beach in this country or another do you let you child out of sight? NO.

Even if this child had not been taken was she not in grave danger being left in a hotel room ON HER OWN ! where she could have been harmed?! YES

I don't wish this on anybody as it is awful BUT you have to say her parents are just as responsible....they say they were checking on the children every 30 mins or so......DID IT HELP?!?!? NO!


If any of you had of done what the McCanns have done, you would of certainly had the other two children taken off you and you would of been waiting to attend Crown Court for child neglect.

I find it shocking that throughout the whole correspondence of missing Maddy, neither the media or the authorities have commented on the fact that Maddy should not have been left alone in the first place. I dont think anybody who calls themselves 'good parents' would ever leave 3 children under the age of 3 unsupervised. I believe that it is grossly irresponsible and is a prime example of neglect. I also believe that had it been a working class family whose child had gone missing/been abducted then there would have been national outcry as to why it was allowed to happen in the first place. I feel that I must also add, that it was Mr and Mrs McCanns choice to leave the children alone, even when the hotel has a creche that they could have used.

I hope with all my heart that Maddy is found safe and well, but I blieve that Mr and Mrs McCann should be held responsible regardless of the outcome.
2007-05-21 23:49:49 UTC
I do both.

Sure, sometimes I poke fun at the yellow ribbon brigade, 'cause I don't wear my heart on my sleeve. It doesn't mean I don't have a heart. There was a fleeting moment just after Maddie disappeared when I contemplated the cruelty and abuse she might be suffering. One has to delve into the deepest, blackest parts of their mind to imagine what a little child might go through in the hands of paedophiles and kiddie porn merchants. I don't dwell on that because firstly, we do not know what happened to her. It was reiterated again yesterday that there was no forced entry into the room, and although the police now believe she is likely dead, I hold out the possibility that she was either snatched by an opportunist passer-by to keep as their own child and not the subject of a website or crude film or private torture, or to sell to an illegal adoption agency for the same purpose, i.e. so somebody else could raise and nurture the child as their own.

Whatever her fate, I don't think it's worth brushing the fact that her own parents put her in this vulnerable position underneath the carpet, nor the reasons why they did it.

Another questioner on these boards asked, "Where should I go for Christmas with my 3 and 4 year old? I want to go somewhere hot". I answered that, at that young age, children should not be dragged halfway across the world so that the parent can enjoy sun and sangria. Small children and long-haul flights do not mix. Not only do they get cranky, bored, jet-lagged, they are much more vulnerable to decompression and the germs in re-circulated air than adults are. Small children and 100 degree temperatures do not mix, no matter how much factor 50 you smear on their tender skin. Small children are not interested in exotic beach holidays in countries where the food and the surroundings are unfamiliar. Even the marketing bosses of Disney do not recommend that parents take their children to their resorts until they are at least 5 years old. In many of the "hottest" (forgive the possible pun) destinations, Christmas isn't even celebrated in a big way. No Santa's grotto in Phuket, I'm afraid - they're all Buddhists. Christmas Day is not a holiday in Thailand.

All the responders except myself and two others made suggestions which were very much adult-orientated. One of those who did not suggested Lapland - hardly "hot", and I doubt it would be considered by the questioner.

I asked the questioner who really wanted to go "somewhere hot", i.e. did the 3-year-old say "Mommy, I really want to go to Thailand for Christmas this year".

If anything good comes out of the McCanns' experience, it will be that some parents (although I doubt many) will take a step back and say, "You know, I might enjoy spending Christmas in Jamaica, but will my 3-year-old?"

Too many parents nowadays want to have it all. They want to have children, but they want to continue to party like it's 1999. They want to jet off to exotic locations, eat spicy food and drink local beer, and then they realise, "Oh, what about those midgets in the nursery - should we leave them with babysitters for two weeks - what will the neighbors think? Hey, let's drag them along. After all, they're young enough to fly for free and stay in our room for free." People have to be reminded sometimes that the reason they had children (or the reason most people have children) is not just to propogate their gene pool or to get a deduction on their income tax or to occasionally dress up and show off. Children are human beings, and very needy ones at that - and the job of a parent is to fulfill those needs and put their children first.

What really burns me about the McCanns is, even after losing one of their children, they still do not seem to have learned their lesson! They only spend a couple of hours a day with their twins, they have decided to live in Portugal even though they have said they don't believe Maddie is still in Portugal. Now they plan to spend a few months jetting around Europe.

What about the needs of their children? They can give them a much more comfortable next few months in their own home, in their own beds, than in an apartment in Portugal or a hotel room in Spain or Italy.

As I said before, I tried to put myself in Maddie's position and it was not a nice place to be. God have mercy on that poor child and bring her abductors/tormentors/murderers to justice; she is my only concern in this matter. I do not cry for her openly; I cry for her privately.
2007-05-22 04:01:05 UTC
totally agree with the first few answers at the top - the parents bought on the situation themselves.

to be honest i really dont think she will be found alive now - if found at all. i guess the parents will just have to somehow continue their lives without any closure.
2007-05-21 13:01:24 UTC
Puh-lease, how many children go missing each year? Why the big hoo-haa? Yes, i hope Maddie is alive and well but this issue surrounding her disappearance has gone way over the top and i do not believe "find Maddie" t-shirts, "find Maddie" websites and a minutes silence is neccessary.
Mister Bald
2007-05-21 13:17:36 UTC
I can't believe you are as upset as you're trying make us think. You don't even know the girl. Most kids are kidnapped for body parts. You know heart,kidney and so on. Her parents belong in jail. But there's probably no room. We can't let Paris Hilton roam the streets putting the city in danger. She could exit her car with no underwear on.Show us who doesn't wear the pants in the family. My God what if her boob flops out. Wait a minute. That little girls parents did what Paris does.They went out on the town drinking,dancing. Has Paris lost any family members while she acts like a young girl having fun? Hell. What was the question? Oh yes. The price of gas is really high.
2007-05-21 12:56:40 UTC
As Tripper says - the two go hand in hand.

If the parents hadn't been so stupid/selfish/thoughtless, the situation would never have arisen.
2007-05-21 13:24:43 UTC
2007-05-21 14:19:48 UTC
Her parents made her a victim

It is as harsh, yet simple as that.
2007-05-21 13:00:57 UTC
You are not alone in thinking like that.People are criticising the parents ,I mean wouldn't every parent want this story to be in the public eye and want every possible chance to find their 4year old daughter.

I can't help but feel Maddies life has been so damaged already,i mean is she being sexually abused or tormented,it just does not bear thinking about.My heart goes out to her parents,and I pray she will be found and she will be able to get over this terrible ordeal,but somehow I doubt Maddie will ever be able to,this will always haunt her in one way or the other.
2007-05-21 12:55:46 UTC
The parents have left themselves open to criticism all by themselves.
2007-05-21 12:52:57 UTC
I am surprised that in the same breath that you are thinking this, that you aren't considering the very people who allowed this predicament to manifest in the first instance. You cannot think about that girl without thinking about how her parents placed her in this position.

I am sorry but the two go hand in hand!
2007-05-21 13:53:47 UTC
No, you're right. The parents were regularly checking on Maddie and her brother and sister, and how were they to know, anyway?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.