2011-10-08 22:17:10 UTC
I know you should never speak ill of the dead, but, Steve Jobs was a cheapskate. He rarely even donated to charity regardless of how wealthy he was. Did you know that in 1997, when he resumed control of Apple, he stopped all corporate philanthropic programs. NOW THAT'S A SIGN OF A CHEAPSKATE! Yet,people are make a huge deal over his death like he was such a humble and giving person. I know it's sad that he died, but, he wasn't as great as people make him out to be.
I can understand why people made a huge deal over MJ's death because he actually donated to many many charities...
Yet, I see comments like:
"Steve Jobs was a good, humble and giving man, he will forever be remembered. RIP Steve Jobs."
WTF? He was NOT humble, he was cheap. Bill Gates ACTUALLY donates unlike Steve Jobs.
So why do people make such a big deal over it?
I feel like people only care because of the iPhone, iPod, and iPad... I bet they don't even really know who he was.... and how CHEAP he was....