There is just too much evidence now that proves 9/11 was NOT an inside job:
*ALL the wreckage from the WTC was all collected and carefully examined before those pieces not pertinent to the investigation were sold for scrap. Critical pieces are still in storage at JFK while quite a lot of it is on public display in many places right here in the U.S.
*The airlines and their insurers all admit it was their aircraft that were hijacked. ROLLS ROYCE have never said that the engines recovered were not the type of engine used on the hijacked planes and no one has ever produced such a statement.
*None of the hijackers are still alive. If they were why has no one bothered to interview any of them in the last 12 years.
*Massive amounts of aircraft debris was found at the pentagon site, as well as the DNA from all the passengers and crew and many of their personal effects and of course the Flight Data Recorder from the plane.!/2012/09/american-airlines-77-hit-pentagon.html
*No where does the "the official story" ever claim that jet fuel melted steel.
*No evidence for alleged pools of molten steel has ever been produced nor can anyone explain what it would mean if it did exist.
*Some first responders heard things they described as "like explosions". None however reported BOMBS. There is a difference.
*WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein admitted on national TV he asked the FDNY to pull rescuers out of harms way around the badly damaged and in danger of collapse 7 World Trade Center to save lives. He has never deviated from that story. Any other interpretation is utterly moronic. The FDNY is not in the building demolition business.
*During the collapses of the Twin Towers floors became detached from the inner and outer cores, which were incapable of standing on their own, explaining why they remained standing only for moments before collapse.
*No evidence has ever been produced showing smoke coming from the basement seconds before the planes hit.
*Only one person is on record as claiming he heard explosions in the basement before a plane hit but he changes his story more than most people change their underwear. People were injured in the basement due to the blasts from the plane impacts travelling down elevator shafts.
*Pictures taken weeks after the towers fell show steel girders with diagonal cuts in the them - cuts made by workers using Thermal Lances to clear debris.
*Designers of the WTC have never claimed they were built to withstand MULTIPLE impacts from aircraft. They were not even DESIGNED to survive one. Primitive theoretical models done in 1964 suggested they should survive one impact but the model tested a scenario with 5 to 7 times less impact energy than experienced on 9/11 and did not examine the effect of fire.
*Nowhere in the "official version" does it state the plane that hit the pentagon 'vaporized'. The Pentagon was not lightly damaged but heavily damaged with a repair bill of $500 million.
*No hijacker passports were found in the rubble at the WTC. 4 hijacker passports were recovered, 2 in Shanksville and 2 in NYC that had been ejected from the planes at impact along with hundreds of other artifacts and personal effects. Small, light personal items routinely survive aircraft crashes. As evidence the passports were useless so there was no reason to plant it.
* Of 85 video's taken into evidence the only security camera footage taken at or around the Pentagon that showed the impact of Flight 77 was released in 2006 after being presented by the prosecution in the Moussawi trial. Some of the other tapes did not even come from Washington DC. One for example was from a Kinko's in Florida.
*Colonel George Nelson (USAF ret.) is a crackpot who is not taken seriously by anyone outside the tiny 9/11 truther community and had no access to the crash site or evidence at the Pentagon and thus is in no position to speak on what happened there. In 2006 he stated there was enough evidence of an inside job to present to a Grand Jury. So why hasn't he? What is he waiting for?