How did a 3rd building (WTC 7) collapse at free-fall speed on 9/11?
2013-10-17 08:55:27 UTC
I'm not trying to a prove a conspiracy theory; I'm trying to find out exactly how everything happened.

WTC 7 was NOT hit by a plane, yet it fell at free-fall speed. How is this possible? I saw a video of it on YouTube. One second it's there and then BOOM the whole things falls.
Fourteen answers:
Hugo Beauchamp
2013-10-21 07:41:48 UTC
Why would anyone try to keep this a secret, are they trying to fuel your idiotic conspiracy tripe.
2016-11-07 10:19:32 UTC
3rd Building Collapse 9 11
2014-07-08 08:27:40 UTC
Newtons 3rd law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

For every force there is an equal and opposite force.

Forces always come in pairs, one force and its opposite.

This is always, all the time, every second of every day, even on Tuesdays.

What does this mean?

Whenever we see, and can measure, that an object is accelerating in free-fall, it means that there is nothing underneath it to slow its fall. There is no material to interact with. The only force is gravity which is working to draw the object and the planet together with an equal and opposite force on each.

What about World Trade Center 7 which indisputably fell with free-fall acceleration?

It means that whatever was holding it up before had to be removed by some other force such as explosives. It's called controlled demolition and it is a common and well known way to destroy old buildings to make space for new ones.

It could not be the building crushing itself. It could not be the top of the building breaking up the lower part of the building because if it was, then it would be slowed or stopped by the resistance of the structure below it and we would not be able to see or measure free-fall as we can.

You can't have free-fall for an object clearing its own path downwards because the energy used to break and move things out of the way would slow the fall.

The conservation of energy law: An object at height has potential energy. If it is allowed to accelerate downwards under the effect of gravity and the rate of acceleration is equivalent to that produced by gravity, 9.81 metres/second/second, then we know that all its potential energy is being converted to kinetic energy. It doesn't have any other energy to break and push things out of the way. If it hit anything it would be slowed or stopped.

This means that without any doubt, WTC 7 was deliberately destroyed by well placed explosives. We don't know who did it but we do know who has tried to cover it up. There may be a link.

I understand it's hard emotionally for many to face this reality and many find they have to deny it to protect their beliefs. It's not entirely their fault, it's just the way their brain functions. Some of my family and friends cannot face up to these facts but they are not bad people, just not skeptical like me.

For the sake of our children and all of future humanity we need a proper investigation to uncover all the facts and bring the real criminals to justice.

I offer kindness and understanding to all those who have so far been unable to face the difficult truth.
2013-10-17 10:13:59 UTC
1. Why is it necessary for a building to be hit by a plane to collapse? Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the World Trade Center complex and ST Nicholas Church also suffered complete or partial collapses even though they were not hit by aircraft. That is just sort of what happens when 110-story skycrapers fall on a building causing severe structural damage and massive fires. Several engineering reports have been published explaining exactly why 7 World Trade Center fell. Even the Wikipedia page for Building 7 covers this pretty well. Simon C is incorrect by the way - nobody claims that all of the structure failed simultaneously. The initiating mechanism was in fact confined to a single column. It is not now and never has been a mystery despite the best efforts of Conspiracy Theorists (who like Simon C collectively don't get engineering on even the most basic level) to make it a mystery.

North Tower collapses causing massive structural damage to the south exterior wall of the Salomon Brothers Building (7) and introducing fires which rage across multiple floors simultaneously. With no water pressure there is no ability to fight these fires which rage out of control and eventually make it impossible to even enter the building. Because steel structures perform poorly in fire a conflagration lasting over 7 hours finally weakens the structure enough that it can no longer support itself and it collapses.

Fire time gravity = collapse.

Simple math.

2. 7 World Trade Center did not collapse at free-fall speed (that brought to you by the same people who don't get structural engineering on a fundamental level) and it would not matter if it had since how fast something falls has nothing to do with WHY it fell. This is a classic case of Conspiracy Theorists trying to muddy down the discussion with irrelevant and erroneous facts.

3. When a building collapses, that is what it looks like. They tend to fall in the direction of gravity. Did you not notice the massive amounts of smoke pouring from the south side of that building (btw - all of the video shot of the collapse is from the north side)? Have you not read the transcripts of the FDNY radio calls throughout the day which describe how heavily damaged 7 was, how the building by early afternoon had started to lean and was creaking and moaning - all sure signs of inevitable collapse? This is of course why a safe zone had to be cleared around the building 3 hours before it finally succumbed to its damage.

Again, no mystery


There was no boom. The building just went down. That is by the way how we know it was a natural collapse due to structural damage and fire, not a controlled demolition as some CT's allege. CD's are ALWAYS VERY LOUD. 7's collapse was almost silent. So silent in fact that most of the video footage shot of it misses the first 5 to 8 seconds of the collapse because there was no warning.

I hope this helped.
2014-02-09 09:12:55 UTC
Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the World Trade Center complex and ST Nicholas Church was smashed by the falling north and south towers falling, did not collapse after they were struck, so lets get that straight!!

Fire time gravity = collapse? REALLY, THAT SIMPLE - That small fire was not enough to bring a house down or any other tower, Madrid tower might want to look at it . it's not a tree house, it was large high rise, gravity still meets basic physics, action has a reaction,

No fires have brought down buildings before and for a good reason, because it's not meant to.

MYTH - NIST DID NOT EXPLAIN why building 7 fell into sits own footprint, it hypothesised why it fell, this is what ignorant people still believe and carry with their lives.

NIST took out the calculations for it's fire conductivity and used a flawed technique were the fires only spot burned and did not allow the computer model to conduct heat which spreads OFFICE FIRE heat almost evenly.

Steel will work as a heat sink.

Official story backers have to be the most ignorant bunch you can argue with, they will not deviate from the official story even if you show the flaws, if government said it, then it must be right
2013-10-17 10:23:13 UTC
This whole argument of "free-fall speed" is just evidence that conspiracy nuts don't understand rudimentary physics.

Ignoring the effects of wind resistance, all objects - regardless of mass - fall at the same rate of speed because...GRAVITY IS A CONSTANT.

For crying out loud, this was proven hundreds of years ago!

Building 7 was struck by tons of flaming debris from the collapse of the nearby towers. Despite what the videos show, the towers did not collapse neatly into their own basements. Tons of debris was scattered around the entire plaza, causing damage or destroying nearby buildings.

Like the towers, the heat from the fire caused the steel structure of Building 7 to weaken (not melt!) just enough to cause it to structurally fail. In other words, the building could no longer hold itself up anymore, and collapsed.

Yes, steel frame buildings can collapse due to fire. It actually happens quite often.

" I'm not trying to a prove a conspiracy theory; I'm trying to find out exactly how everything happened. "

Then go read the official 9/11 report which will give you a minute-by-minute description of what was happening to the buildings located at and around the WTC plaza. Then go read an introductory book on physics.
2013-10-17 15:27:05 UTC
There is just too much evidence now that suggests an inside job: the fact that all THE WRECKAGE WAS SHIPPED ABROAD as soon as possible, the fact that even ROLLS ROYCE themselves have said that the engine recovered were not the type of engine used on the type of plane (b757) that was said to be responsible. The fact that some of the 'hijackers' are still alive: the fact that no jets were scrambled in time; that no significant plane debris was found at the pentagon site (planes do not vaporize!); that the buildings seem to be demolished, especially building 7; that jet fuel cannot melt steel, even though molten steel was seen "flowing like lava"; that the first responders heard explosions in the basement and within the buildings before they collapsed etc...

-WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein admitted that building 7 was pulled down by a controlled demolition: (He changed his story the next day)

-The technology to bring down buildings with thermite and thermate in nano capacity was developed in the 1980's. They liquidized it in the mid 90's so it could be painted on like a gel coating. The twin towers underwent 'maintenance' for a whole year and guys in white hazmats suits 'painted' the core columns.

-Official version claims the towers collapsed due to 'pancake effect', meaning the floors came detached from steel girders and fell on top of each other, collapsing the tower. If that's the case, why weren't any of the (core column) steel girders left standing?

-Pictures show smoke coming from the basement seconds before the plane hits. People (including firefighters and employees) also heard explosions from below the towers, moments before the plane hit. PEOPLE WERE KILLED AND SOME SERIOUSLY INJURED IN THE BASEMENT.

-Pictures show steel girders with diagonal cuts in the them. This is exactly how controlled demolitions bring down buildings:

-Designers of the WTC say they were built to withstand MULTIPLE impacts from such an aircraft.

-Official version states the plane that hit the pentagon 'vaporised' which is why very little traces can be found. Yet they said they managed to find DNA to identify all of the victims on board. Furthermore the building didn't 'vaporise' in any way. What type of plane vaporises, leaving the building and human DNA relatively undamaged.

-The passport of one of the hijackers in the aircraft was supposedly found in the rubble at the WTC. It's clearly impossible for any personal effects to survive the impact and explosion, therefore it must have been planted.

-All CCTV footage from around the pentagon has been hidden and never released. Why do that if there is nothing to hide? 86 CCTV cameras show no airplane???


**PLEASE NOTE: 'Mark F' AKA 'The Groovemeister' is a multiple account troll who searches for and responds to every question regarding 9/11 usually answering a question using three or four of his accounts to parrot the governments lies and gives other answers up to eight thumbs down who don't agree. (How sick is that?) He spends his whole life on YA and seems to have no other hobbies, interests, friends or even a job. 'Dr Funkentroll', 'Naughtums', 'Ludwig Van', 'Autox', 'Honey Badger', 'Clair', 'asylum31' and Pooh Bear are just a few of his other accounts that I can remember but he has many more.
2013-10-17 09:00:54 UTC
The official claim is that all the supports of the building simultaneously failed, resulting in the free-fall speed collapse.

The problem with that claim is that fires do not spread at the same rate, and they do not burn at the exact same temperature everywhere within a single building. Therefore for a fire to somehow spread to all supports at the same rate, and to burn at the same heat, and for all those supports to fail at the same time, it is simply implausible.

The fires were shown to have burned hotter than those in the two towers, and yet the two towers were burning with jet fuel, while WTC7 was not.

They took it down themselves to get rid of the financial record backups stored at WTC7. The Pentagon was hit where those original financial records were, and the WTC7 held the backups. With having lost both sets, they were unable to move forward into the investigation of where $2.3 trillion lost dollars went.

@The Groovemeister


The claim of all the supports failing at once had been made as a way to explain why the building collapsed not only at free-fall speed, but also straight down. If the supports had not failed simultaneously than the building would have collapsed at an angle, or in one section first, rather than all at once straight down.

And the building did fall at free-fall speed. It fell at the exact same speed as a building being demolished by blowing the supports inside with explosives.

And there was a boom, reported by people who were both outside *and* inside the building just moments before it's collapse. There are interviews with employees who were in the building who reported it. You can't rewrite history just because it implies something you don't like.
Mark F
2013-10-17 21:11:34 UTC
There is just too much evidence now that proves 9/11 was NOT an inside job:

*ALL the wreckage from the WTC was all collected and carefully examined before those pieces not pertinent to the investigation were sold for scrap. Critical pieces are still in storage at JFK while quite a lot of it is on public display in many places right here in the U.S.

*The airlines and their insurers all admit it was their aircraft that were hijacked. ROLLS ROYCE have never said that the engines recovered were not the type of engine used on the hijacked planes and no one has ever produced such a statement.

*None of the hijackers are still alive. If they were why has no one bothered to interview any of them in the last 12 years.

*Massive amounts of aircraft debris was found at the pentagon site, as well as the DNA from all the passengers and crew and many of their personal effects and of course the Flight Data Recorder from the plane.!/2012/09/american-airlines-77-hit-pentagon.html

*No where does the "the official story" ever claim that jet fuel melted steel.

*No evidence for alleged pools of molten steel has ever been produced nor can anyone explain what it would mean if it did exist.

*Some first responders heard things they described as "like explosions". None however reported BOMBS. There is a difference.

*WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein admitted on national TV he asked the FDNY to pull rescuers out of harms way around the badly damaged and in danger of collapse 7 World Trade Center to save lives. He has never deviated from that story. Any other interpretation is utterly moronic. The FDNY is not in the building demolition business.

*During the collapses of the Twin Towers floors became detached from the inner and outer cores, which were incapable of standing on their own, explaining why they remained standing only for moments before collapse.

*No evidence has ever been produced showing smoke coming from the basement seconds before the planes hit.

*Only one person is on record as claiming he heard explosions in the basement before a plane hit but he changes his story more than most people change their underwear. People were injured in the basement due to the blasts from the plane impacts travelling down elevator shafts.

*Pictures taken weeks after the towers fell show steel girders with diagonal cuts in the them - cuts made by workers using Thermal Lances to clear debris.

*Designers of the WTC have never claimed they were built to withstand MULTIPLE impacts from aircraft. They were not even DESIGNED to survive one. Primitive theoretical models done in 1964 suggested they should survive one impact but the model tested a scenario with 5 to 7 times less impact energy than experienced on 9/11 and did not examine the effect of fire.

*Nowhere in the "official version" does it state the plane that hit the pentagon 'vaporized'. The Pentagon was not lightly damaged but heavily damaged with a repair bill of $500 million.

*No hijacker passports were found in the rubble at the WTC. 4 hijacker passports were recovered, 2 in Shanksville and 2 in NYC that had been ejected from the planes at impact along with hundreds of other artifacts and personal effects. Small, light personal items routinely survive aircraft crashes. As evidence the passports were useless so there was no reason to plant it.

* Of 85 video's taken into evidence the only security camera footage taken at or around the Pentagon that showed the impact of Flight 77 was released in 2006 after being presented by the prosecution in the Moussawi trial. Some of the other tapes did not even come from Washington DC. One for example was from a Kinko's in Florida.

*Colonel George Nelson (USAF ret.) is a crackpot who is not taken seriously by anyone outside the tiny 9/11 truther community and had no access to the crash site or evidence at the Pentagon and thus is in no position to speak on what happened there. In 2006 he stated there was enough evidence of an inside job to present to a Grand Jury. So why hasn't he? What is he waiting for?
Jimmy C
2013-10-17 09:11:43 UTC
I would not be at all surprised if they did not intend to have another plane hit that tower as well, but it didn't get there for some reason. So they brought it down anyway. The official/owner/man with the insurance policy on it or whoever he was, said on television that they decided to 'pull it' which in demolition terms means pull it down. That was probably a mistake on his part to say that on tv. Oops.
2013-10-17 09:36:57 UTC
Oh my giddy aunt.

Have you measured what speed it actually fell at or followed the screaming loons on the web?

What is free fall speed and at what speed do you expect a substantial structure to fall at when it fails?
2013-10-17 10:41:04 UTC
I want the ten points. So, I will give you the answer you want to hear. The government hired elves, gnomes, dwarfs, pixies, gremlins, and assorted things that go bump in the night to secretly undermine the supports for the building. The government would have gotten away with it-----if it hadn't been for your astute observations.
2013-10-17 11:29:42 UTC
yes I saw it too
2013-10-17 08:56:58 UTC
Someone pushed the button

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.